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Do you want to make $2K+/mo writing on Vocal? Me too.

45 Day writing challenge.

By SHORTS DIGITALPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

It is no secret people are making a ton of money here on Vocal. Step 1 to making money on Vocal is joining the partner program. In order to join you need 100 followers. I have 4… I need to change this. And if you are new to Vocal, you need to know how to get followers. QUICK.

Your problem is: You have less than 100 followers, but you are getting 0 eyes on your content. So you can’t grow. Feels like a never ending impossible cycle to get out of. There is a way…

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Here is how we will grow to over 100 followers in 45 days: Take this challenge with me.

Post 1 article every other day

Engage on Vocal every other day

Bonus: Get added & Post in a publication

The secret to growth is to “siphon” bigger accounts. This simply means engage with bigger accounts to get your name in front of eyes. Comment on bigger accounts, and reply to replies. This is a major hack. And by engaging with larger accounts you help them out as well. Win, Win

The next thing you need to do is stay consistent with writing. The algorithm LOVES consistency. And more importantly you will get better with consistency. The #1 way to grow a following is to create great content.

Finally, if you have any kind of audience somewhere else, leverage it. Post on Twitter or Instagram getting traffic to your Vocal account.

Lets grow together! Say hi in the comments and connect with other new writers. Growing fast is great, but even more important than pure #’s is the quality of followers. Lets create an engaging and supportive community.

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Sure, here are some additional 100 words to extend the article:

The importance of niche writing

One of the best ways to grow your following on Vocal is to focus on a specific niche. This could be anything from writing about personal finance to sharing your thoughts on current events. When you focus on a niche, you're able to build a community of readers who are interested in the same things as you. This makes it more likely that your content will be seen and shared, which will help you to attract new followers.

The power of social media

Social media is another great way to promote your Vocal content and attract new followers. When you share your articles on social media, be sure to use relevant hashtags so that people can find your content. You can also join relevant Facebook groups and forums to connect with other writers and readers.

The importance of patience

Growing a following on Vocal takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results overnight. Just keep writing great content, engaging with other users, and promoting your work on social media. With a little patience, you'll start to see your following grow.

Additional tips

Use high-quality images and videos in your articles.

Optimize your articles for search engines.

Use a consistent writing style and tone.

Respond to comments and questions from your readers.

Promote your work on other platforms, such as Medium and Twitter.

Don't give up!

Growing a following on Vocal takes time and effort. But if you're willing to put in the work, you can achieve your goals. Just don't give up!


Following the tips in this article will help you to grow your following on Vocal in 45 days. However, it's important to remember that there is no shortcut to success. You need to be willing to put in the hard work and dedication. If you do, you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

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Thank you for reading!


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