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DIY Life Hacks: Creative Ideas for Solving Everyday Problems

DIY Life Hacks: Creative Ideas for Solving Everyday Problems

By NASAR HUSSAINPublished about a year ago 5 min read
DIY Life Hacks: Creative Ideas for Solving Everyday Problems
  • Introduction

Life can be a never-ending series of problems that we need to solve. From cooking dinner to managing our finances, there are always issues that need our attention. However, not every problem requires an expensive solution. In fact, some of the most effective solutions can be found using everyday items that are already in our homes. These are called "DIY life hacks," and they are creative ideas for solving everyday problems. In this article, we'll explore some of the best DIY life hacks out there and how you can use them to make your life easier.

Kitchen Hacks

The kitchen can be a place of chaos and frustration, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some DIY life hacks that will help you make the most of your kitchen:

Use binder clips to organise your refrigerator.

If you're like most people, your refrigerator is a mess of half-empty containers and random food items. To organise it, try using binder clips. Simply clip them onto the shelves and use them to hold bags of vegetables or other items.

Use a wine cork to stabilise a wobbly table.

If you have a wobbly table, don't throw it away just yet. Instead, grab a wine cork and cut it in half. Glue the two halves to the bottom of the table legs, and voilà! Your table is stable again.

Use a muffin tin to organise small items.

Do you have a drawer full of small items that you can never find when you need them? Try using a muffin tin to organise them. Simply place the items in the muffin cups, and you'll never lose them again.

Use a rubber band to open a stubborn jar.

If you're struggling to open a stubborn jar, try using a rubber band. Wrap the rubber band around the lid and then twist. The rubber will provide extra grip and make it easier to open the jar.

Use a clothespin to hold a nail.

If you're trying to hammer a nail into a wall, it can be difficult to hold it in place while you hammer. Instead, try using a clothespin. Simply clip the nail into the clothespin and hold it in place while you hammer.

  • Bathroom Hacks

The bathroom is another place where DIY life hacks can come in handy. Here are some of the best bathroom hacks:

  • Use a shoe organiser to store toiletries.

If you're short on storage space in your bathroom, try using a shoe organiser to store your toiletries. Hang it on the back of the door, and you'll have easy access to everything you need.

  • Use a pool noodle to protect your children in the bathtub.

If you have young children, you know how dangerous the bathtub can be. To keep them safe, try using a pool noodle. Cut the noodle in half and then slice it down the middle. Place the halves over the edges of the bathtub to cushion any falls.

  • Use a shower cap to cover your shoes when packing.

If you're packing for a trip and don't want your shoes to get your clothes dirty, try using a shower cap. Simply slip the shower cap over your shoes, and they'll be protected.

  • Use a binder clip to organise your hair ties.

If you're always losing your hair ties, try using a binder clip to organise them. Simply clip them onto the binder clip, and you'll always know where they are.

  • Use a bread clip to hold your razor.

If you're travelling and don't have a razor case, try using a bread clip to hold your razor. Simply slide the razor handle into the clip, and it will stay in place.

  • Office Hacks

If you work in an office, you know how important it is to stay organized.

Office Hacks If you work in an office, you know how important it is to stay organized.

and efficient.  Here are some DIY life hacks that can help you do just that:

Use a binder clip to organise your cables.

Do you have a mess of cables behind your desk? Try using binder clips to keep them organized. Simply clip the cables together and label them with a marker.

Use a tension rod to create extra storage space.

If you're short on storage space in your office, try using a tension rod. Install it under your desk and use it to hang storage baskets or bins.

Use a sticky note to clean your keyboard.

If your keyboard is covered in crumbs and dust, try using a sticky note to clean it. Simply run the sticky side of the note between the keys to pick up any dirt.

Use a muffin tin to organise small items.

If you have a drawer full of small items that you can never find when you need them, try using a muffin tin to organise them. Simply place the items in the muffin cups, and you'll never lose them again.

Use a clothespin to hold your phone.

If you're watching a video or making a video call, try using a clothespin to hold your phone. Clip the phone to your computer or desk, and you'll have a hands-free experience.

  • Home Hacks

Finally, here are some DIY life hacks for around the house:

Use a shower cap to cover your food.

If you have leftovers that you want to keep fresh, try using a shower cap to cover them. Simply place the shower cap over the dish, and you'll have an airtight seal.

Use a rubber band to fix a loose doorknob.

If you have a doorknob that's loose and wobbly, try using a rubber band to fix it. Wrap the rubber band around the base of the knob and then tighten it. The rubber will create friction and keep the knob in place.

Use a clothes hanger to hold your recipe book.

If you're cooking from a recipe book, try using a clothes hanger to hold it open. Simply clip the pages to the hanger and hang it from a cabinet knob.

Use a sponge to keep your plants hydrated.

If you're going on vacation and don't want your plants to die, try using a sponge to keep them hydrated. Simply soak a sponge in water and place it in the soil. The sponge will slowly release the water and keep your plants hydrated.

Use a pillowcase to clean your ceiling fan.

If your ceiling fan is covered in dust, try using a pillowcase to clean it. Simply slide the pillowcase over each fan blade and wipe it clean.


DIY life hacks are a great way to solve everyday problems without breaking the bank. From using binder clips to organise your cables to using a shower cap to cover your food, there are countless creative ideas out there that can make your life easier. So the next time you're faced with a problem, think outside the box and see if you can come up with a DIY life hack solution. You might be surprised at what you can accomplish with just a little creativity and ingenuity.


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