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Create Your Dream Backyard

Helpful tips on turning your dream backyard project into a reality.

By Damien JustusPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Tips for Creating Your Own Dream Backyard

Your dream backyard is closer than you think. Whatever the current condition of your backyard is, you have the power to make your dreams a reality. With a little DIY and creativity, you can transform your space into the backyard you always wanted. Use the following tips to get the transformation started:

1. Visualize Your Ideal Backyard

The first step to transforming your backyard is to truly visualize everything it can become. To do this, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with every inch of your backyard and start determining how to make things better. Removing all the clutter will help you to get a better understanding of the space you’re working with. While it may not be the space you always wanted it to be, it’s something you can use to start building your dream backyard.

2. Identify What is Missing

You likely already have an idea of what you would like to see in your perfect backyard. Ask yourself what is standing between that image and the space that you have now. Identify what items are missing and prioritize which ones you should address first. For example, if you hope to use your backyard as an area for exercising, socializing, reading, and cooking, you need to figure out how to make that happen.

3. Use Hardscaping

Hardscaping can take on many forms in your designing, depending on what your personal taste is. Deciding to lay out brick pathways, add wooden fencing, or put in concrete around custom pools in Montgomery all fall under the umbrella of hardscaping. This method of designing serves to add structure to your backyard and will help you make the space an extension of you.

4. Start Landscaping

Landscaping is an essential part of creating your ideal backyard. Your choice in plants and style of landscaping is what will really make your dream backyard feel like home. Whether you want to work with the natural foliage in your backyard or you plan to bring in exotic plants and flowers, choosing the right greenery for your space will help to make this area more complete.

When it comes to the design of your vegetation, don’t hesitate to get creative. Take a look at the latest gardening trends to get some ideas for sprucing up your backyard. The best choices will be easy to care for, while making a statement and completing your aesthetic vision.

5. Add Outdoor Furniture

Once you’ve created space in your backyard, it’s time to think about the type of outdoor furniture you’d like to bring outside. While some people like to stick to more natural forms like stone or wooden furniture, others like to create their own aesthetic by mixing and matching various outdoor pieces. Whatever aesthetic decisions you make, keep in mind what purpose your furniture serves.

If you hope to host gatherings in your backyard, consider this when buying the furniture. Making sure you have comfortable furniture will make it easier to accommodate guests when they arrive. If you plan to use your backyard for solitude, make this area one that lends itself to meditation.

6. Bring out the Lighting

Part of creating a dream backyard is making plans to enjoy it at all hours of the day. Consider what lighting you’d prefer in your backyard. Whether you plan to host evening dinners or you just like to stargaze every now and then, some lighting is needed outside. From string lights to lanterns, your choice of lighting should work to reinforce your preferred ambience. Keep in mind that any outdoor lighting should be weatherproof in the event of rain or other weather.

If your backyard is not yet what you want it to be, you have the power to change it. Use these six tips to transform your space into one that you’ll love.


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