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Common Air Conditioner Problems and How to Repair Them Yourself?

Are you tired of expensive air conditioner repair bills? Learn how to fix common A/C problems yourself with these practical tips. Save on repairs, time, and energy today!

By Heald MechanicalPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

As summer draws near, the significance of a reliable air conditioner becomes increasingly evident. However, like any other machine, air conditioners also encounter issues. But fret not! Before enlisting an air conditioner service in Sacramento, there are a few typical issues that you can feasibly troubleshoot and resolve on your own. While tinkering with AC plights can be pretty dangerous unless you are an experienced and licensed HVAC technician or DIYer, getting acquainted with the following common air conditioner problems can save time and money!

Common Air Conditioner Problems That Homeowners Face and Their Solutions:

The Air Conditioner is Not Cooling

Homeowners encounter common issues when the AC runs but fails to cool the house. Various factors, including low refrigerant levels, a dirty condenser, or a clogged filter, can cause it.

How to Fix

If your air filter is filthy or clogged, consider replacing or cleaning them. Contrarily, regarding low refrigerant levels, it's best to call professionals since handling refrigerants necessitates special training.

The Air Conditioner Won't Turn On

If your air conditioner won't turn on, inspect a few things. First, ensure your thermostat settings are set to "cool" and the temperature is lower than the current room temperature. If everything is at its intended settings and the problem persists, the tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse might be to blame.

How to Fix

In such cases, begin by checking your electrical panel. If needed, try resetting the circuit breaker or replacing the fuse. Doing so might resolve the problem and restore power to the affected area.

The Air Conditioner is Not Blowing Enough Air

A filthy air filter, clogged vents, or problems with the fan or motor may all trigger a lack of airflow.

How to Fix

To resolve this issue, cleaning or replacing the air filter regularly is vital. Additionally, ascertain that all vents are open and free from obstructions. However, if you still encounter issues, it's best to consult a professional well-versed in air conditioning installation in Sacramento to address the problem.

The Air Conditioner is Making Strange Noises

Air Conditioners typically produce a steady and subtle noise. However, if you detect any unusual sounds like grinding, squealing, or buzzing, it might signal an underlying issue necessitating attention.

How to Fix

A squealing noise could indicate that the belt has slipped out of place. Contrarily, if you detect a grinding noise, it may signify damage to the motor bearings. While handling these issues can be complex, a professional assistant can offer valuable advice and a befitting solution.

The Air Conditioner is Leaking Water

Water leakage inside the house is another typical air conditioner problem that unfolds when the condensate drain pipe gets clogged, the overflow pan becomes rusty, or the evaporator coil freezes. See the solution to this problem below!

How to Fix

When dealing with clogged drain pipes, a wet-dry vacuum can come in handy for eliminating it. If the overflow pan is rusty, consider replacing it. However, if you notice your air conditioner's evaporator coil is frozen, it's best to turn off the unit to allow it to defrost. Don't forget to confer with a professional to diagnose and resolve the freezing issue.

Final Thoughts

For trivial issues, these DIY fixes can be helpful, but remember, air conditioners are complex machines that necessitate professional assistance. Thus, it's always best to engage an expert if you're dubious about the repair of the air conditioner. Conduct comprehensive research and select a company with positive reviews and a solid reputation. Leverage the preceding troubleshooting tips to fix common issues, sparing you time and money. Prioritize periodic maintenance and prompt repairs of AC to enhance its lifespan and efficiency.


About the Creator

Heald Mechanical

Your comfort is crucial to us at Heald Mechanical. We have more than two decades of experience in installing and repairing all types of HVAC systems.

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