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Best Habits to Have in Life

If your goal is to achieve happiness and success, you must acquire these habits in your daily life.

By rohail khanPublished 2 years ago 19 min read
photo by Aziz Acharki on unsplash

We are all creatures of habits. Everything we think, say and do is actually the result of habits that our brain has learned over the years from repeated behaviors and are rooted in our personality. Identical habits often either push us forward or get in the way of our potential growth in life. In other words, whatever our daily habits are, the state and quality of our lives are a direct reflection of them.

Habits are undoubtedly one of the most powerful parts of life. At the same time, it is one of the complementary parts of our behavioral psychology that determines the direction of our lives. Our habits are so complementary that about 45 percent of what we do in our daily lives is controlled by our habits.

Undoubtedly, separating our bad habits from others and replacing them with good ones is no easy task. Because doing so requires dedication, passion and an unwavering will to deal with our seemingly natural tendencies that compel us to think, feel, speak and act in a certain direction.

What is clear is that habits are one of the best ways to enrich life for those who put success and happiness at the center of their lives. At the same time, our habits serve as a tool that supports our development towards our goals, guides us on this path and enables us to reach our dreams.

But we still often feel uncertain about many things. We are not clear about ourselves and where to start to build good habits. So, what good habits do we need to include in our daily lives if we want to be happy or achieve success? What are the habits that will replace the bad ones and enable us to achieve big goals in life?

What are the best habits to acquire in life?

Although the lists prepared for habits may not seem objective, there are 25 very special habits that will not only help you on your way to success, but also make you feel healthy, happy and fulfilled throughout your life. If you focus on these habits and work regularly to make them a part of your daily life, you will see that you have made a tremendous improvement in reaching your goals over time.

1. Get up early

The early morning hours are peaceful and highly productive hours that allow you to focus wholeheartedly on your long-term goals while the rest of the world is still asleep and quiet. Anyone who has any purpose for success is aware of how important it is to get up early.

Even if you're not a morning person, initiate more and more drastic changes in your daily life to wake up a little earlier each morning. Start setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier during the first week, set your departure time 15 minutes earlier the next week, and so on. Keep doing this until you start waking up at least two hours before your current wake up time.

2. Be grateful.

We spend most of our time grappling with our problems. However, these problems are a sign that we are living. When we are completely free from problems, we will be meters underground. However, when you can take your focus away from the problems you are experiencing, you will begin to feel grateful for what you have. Yes, even for your problems.

Gratitude is one of the reliable paths to health, happiness and success. Thanks to this emotion, we focus our attention on what we have rather than what we don't have. With gratitude, we begin to enjoy ourselves by recognizing things we previously underestimated, and we are stunned by the sea of opportunities that suddenly open before us.

3. Smile.

Scientific studies have shown that people who genuinely smile (also called a Duchenne smile) are much happier than others. Keeping a simple smile on your face is one of the best habits that can provide you with emotional, mental and spiritual peace over time.

The psychological state of man is controlled by the physiological functioning of the body. Whenever we frown, shrug, or put on any posture or expression that expresses depression and unhappiness, our mind perceives it as a signal and begins to process it accordingly. However, if we make positive changes on our appearance, our emotions will follow this change.

4. Eat healthy things for breakfast.

One of the most important parts of life is breakfast. Despite this, millions of people today start every new day without breakfast. What about the old sayings that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? All of them have 100 percent accuracy. If you are not in doubt about your intention to achieve success, then a healthy breakfast every morning is essential.

Acquiring this habit is not as difficult as one might think. It just takes some planning. If you're rushing out of the house every morning with almost no free time, it's time to start getting up earlier to incorporate this habit into your daily life.

5. Exercise.

One of the arguably best habits to have in life is to exercise regularly every day. Of course, this does not mean lifting tens of weights or running a marathon every day. It will be enough to do a few strenuous physical activities that will help increase the oxygen rate in your blood and increase the level of endorphins in your body.

If you gain this habit, you will not only start to feel better physically, but also increase your inner motivation, have a clearer mind, and become a stronger person emotionally. Because physical exercises will trigger the release of dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin in your body and you will start to feel like the happiest person in the world without the need for any medication.

6. Drink water with lemon.

One of the habits that will greatly benefit your health is to drink a glass of water with lemon every day. In addition to being a natural source of vitamin C, lemon also brings other benefits for your health. For example, it supports your digestive system, strengthens your immune system, cleanses your body of toxins and maintains your body's water balance.

In addition to lemon, drinking water as soon as you get up every morning has a significant effect on removing toxins from your body. This habit facilitates the loss of excess weight in the long run, reduces inflammation in the body and increases the energy level.

7. Walk 10 Thousand Steps.

Many of you must have heard about the benefits of walking at least 10,000 steps every day. However, as a society, we still have not reached this daily goal. In a study that showed striking results about how many steps we take, the daily step counts of people living in America, Switzerland, Australia and Japan were compared.

Americans take an average of 5,117 steps each day. Americans take so few steps compared to Australians with an average of 9,695 steps per day, Swiss citizens with an average of 9,650 steps per day, and Japanese with 7,168 steps per day! Turks, on the other hand, are far behind these numbers. However, we are not too late to gain this habit by redesigning the routes we travel on foot. For example, we still have a chance to significantly increase our daily step count by parking our car a little further from our office or using the stairs instead of the elevator.

8. Take plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Due to our culture of life, we cannot get enough vitamins and minerals through food. Processed and refined sugars, carbohydrates and other foods that make up our daily diet are the biggest source of this problem. Unfortunately, we cannot adequately provide our bodies with the appropriate nutrients we need on a daily basis.

Find yourself a source of vitamins and minerals that you will benefit from every day. This habit, which is very easy to ignore, will have a tremendous impact on the feelings you will feel weeks and months after you start practicing it daily. At the same time, the mental, emotional and physical clarity it provides you can provide the opportunity to improve in other areas of your life.

9. Try to make the most effective time management

One of the habits necessary to achieve anything in life is effective time management. The way you manage your precious time is also a harbinger of your potential to achieve something. Remember, everyone has the same time in the world, so the better you can use this resource, the better your chances will be on the road to success.

Find a suitable system for time management and put it into practice. Although it is not a very complex task, you need to make a conscious and consistent effort to acquire this habit. Once you start to manage your time effectively, you will see that no goal is too far to reach.

10. Set daily goals.

Almost everyone has at least one goal. Whether it is related to the business world or private life, we are all trying to move forward in the direction we have determined for ourselves. However, although one of the things that guide us in life is our long-term goals, the smaller goals we set daily are also short-term milestones that contribute to our success.

Even when everything is going well, long-term goals can be tiring. However, if a daily goal-setting strategy is implemented, it may be possible to deal with the inherent tension of great achievements in life by focusing on daily and short-term scenarios.

1 1. Get inspired by yourself.

It often turns into a difficult task to maintain one's inner motivation for a long time. When things in life tangent to us and try to lead us astray, we often become discouraged and in a position to give up on our goals. However, one of the best ways to stay motivated is to look at ourselves every day and try to be inspired by what we see.

Apart from that, read a lot, watch inspiring videos and be inspired by the stories of people who have made their dreams come true. Although many call it the "strengthening hour", you can set aside as much time as you need. Inspiration is one of the ways to success, because remember, the mind achieves what it envisions.

12. Save and invest money.

In every successful list of habits, there is definitely an item about saving and investing. Most of us are so focused on living in the present that we often overlook the need to invest in the future. The truth is that if we had the chance to ask those around us how much money they had saved at any given time, the answer would most likely not exceed a thousand dollars. But it's not just about saving money. You should be using the money you save to invest, and you need to act wisely while doing this. The more you attach importance to this now, the higher your chances of living a life full of financial success will be in the future. Also, make sure that the money you have saved in your account will allow you to spend at least six months doing nothing. In this way, you will mitigate the impact of potential future financial stalemates.

13. Create a budget and track your expenses.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Be wary of your harmless spending, because even a small leak can cause a large ship to sink.” We often tend to overlook our small expenses, but when combined, these expenses can have a devastating effect, especially if we haven't created a budget beforehand. So make sure you manage all your expenses properly.

When it comes to financial habits, this habit we talked about about budget and spending is vital to your future financial success. Therefore, you can invest in your future by limiting your insignificant or secondary expenses. Never get caught up in the joy of time now and remember that a future awaits you in the future.

14. Learn new things.

Educate yourself a little more each day and learn new things. Always dedicate yourself to finding ways to learn and improve, whether by acquiring new skills or improving what you already have. You can devote some of your time to this habit every day by focusing on many areas, from learning a new language to software programs and applications.

Whether you've decided to learn something new with online courses, audiobooks, video lectures on YouTube, TED talks or other mediums, putting this habit into practice in some way will have a tremendous impact on your life. You can start by finding something worth learning for yourself, then try to set aside some time each day for it.

15. Be organized.

Physical clutter brings with it distraction. When our lives are not in order, we find it difficult to focus on our goals. Try to gain this habit by dedicating a little time to organizing your home and office on a regular basis every day. Get yourself a drawer and organize it, or you can try organizing a corner in your home or even a closet in your office.

The importance of this habit was also demonstrated by a scientific study recently published in one of the journals of neuroscience. According to the study in question, “multiple stimuli in the visual field are fighting each other to make room for themselves in the mind of the person looking at this visual field, and as a result, they neutralize the reflection they can create in the visual cortex alone.” To put this more clearly, physical clutter makes people lose a lot of their focus.

16. Create value for others as well.

As we try to move forward on the path to success, we often forget about others. We fail to create value for our family and friends. Of course, this does not mean that these people are given financial aid. What we want to say is how much of our time we can devote to them, which is much more valuable than money. At the same time, to the extent that we can do this, we will save our inner world from loneliness.

We usually spend most of our time worrying and worrying. However, once you were to list the habits that will enable you to contribute to the lives of others, you could easily get rid of your personal anxieties, even your problems, by realizing the necessity of helping other people. Because the truth is that the thing that will add the greatest value to a person in life is another person, and only in this way can the way to the greatest achievements be opened.

17. Network.

No matter how much you know in life, that alone is not enough. To achieve success, we have to develop relationships with other people. But developing interpersonal relationships isn't about collecting names on paper, it's about finding ways to help others and add value to their lives.

The people who do this job best are also the most successful people in the world. Instead of initially focusing on themselves, these people have always sought ways to help others without expecting anything in return.

18. Overcome your fears.

We spend so much time with our fears that we spend every day with disaster scenarios in our minds that start with "what if". Or we worry so much about the future that we often fail to enjoy the moment. We are terrified of things that might stand in our way and hinder our progress.

Dealing with our fears is undoubtedly one of the most important habits we need to work on. Do something that bothers you regularly every day and try to get used to it. This could be talking to a stranger, complimenting someone, or blaming something that is bothering you, or something like that.

19. Take action.

Take action. Although this is one of the clichés we have heard countless times, it is still something that many of us fail to do. In fact, we all often do the opposite, constantly postponing what we need to do. We cannot take action by hiding behind excuses, so we limit our development and our ability to reach the goals we set for ourselves.

The best way to overcome the habit of procrastination is the "15 minutes" method. Pick something you've put off for too long, set your phone's alarm to go off every 15 minutes, and promise to do it for the rest of the time. So why 15 minutes? First of all, you will be able to break the circle of inaction during this time. Secondly, after 15 minutes you will have already gained momentum on what you are going to do.

20. Make a plan and follow it

.Having a plan has always been a must-have for every successful entrepreneur throughout history. Whatever you want out of life, you need not only long-term, daily goals, but also an intricate and detailed plan to follow throughout your journey to success.

It may not be easy for us to realize our goals without having a plan. It is very difficult for us to see the full picture of the forest among the trees without understanding how we got from point A to point B. However, when you can stick to a plan and monitor your progress, you can finally have a chance to reach your goals by making changes throughout your journey and never giving up.

21. Take time for yourself.

One of the habits that many of us cannot include in our lives is to take time for ourselves. Try to regularly do one little thing that you absolutely enjoy doing every day. It doesn't always have to be about achievement or achievement. By regularly doing something small that you love, you can fill your mind with peace. When you do this, you will find that you have gathered energy to focus more on your goals later on.

Whether it's putting on your headphones and listening to your favorite songs, taking a walk in the park, driving along your favorite roads, going to the movies or doing something else that gives you pleasure, make sure you have some time for yourself every day.

22. Try to think positively.

Pleasure brings more pleasure with it. When we think negative thoughts, we attract negative things into our lives because we have negative thoughts. When we think positive things, we invite positive things into our lives. Of course, it may not always be possible to have a positive mindset, and we even have a natural tendency to think negatively about things in our life or around us.

But positive thinking is one of the ways that can get you to your goals. Ignore people who say no to everything, who are constantly doubting your abilities, and don't let go of the things you love, and try to stay positive during this time. Because if you keep thinking positive for long enough, good things will start happening in your life too.

23. Read.

Be sure to set aside enough time to read something, whether it's a newspaper or financial news, a novel, a scientific book or something else. One of the most important habits to gain in life is reading. Therefore, you should be careful not to spend all the time you can spare for reading with audiobooks or movies. Try not to break away from traditional reading styles.

Reading will open doors to new worlds and ideas that you may never have known before, and will teach you new ways of doing things. In addition, reading will improve yourself more and will allow you to have a pleasant time.

24. Make sure you are well rested every day.

Although it is important to wake up early every morning, you should not neglect to get plenty of rest during the day. It's not always easy to do this in a balanced way, especially if you have kids, two jobs or other obligations. But if you care about your physical health as much as your future successes, you should definitely take care to sleep at least 6 or 8 hours every night.

If you have trouble falling asleep, be careful not to consume coffee and alcohol in the hours before going to sleep. In addition, if you smoke, eat a lot of sugary foods or consume foods that contain lots of toxins during the day, you may have problems falling asleep during the hours you need to sleep. Therefore, if you want to have a comfortable sleep at night, you need to remove these habits from your daily life.

25. Write down your thoughts.

Jotting down your thoughts is one of the best ways to reflect on who you are and what you do in life. Time flies so fast that we often forget even the details of what we did a few months ago. It will be extremely beneficial to put these details in writing in a way that will clarify our lives by reminding us of the lessons and pleasure we have learned from life.

Therefore, you can try to make it a habit to write down your thoughts and experiences regularly every day. You can include your goals, hopes and dreams for the future in your writing. As you put your thoughts on paper, you will feel your life come to life before your eyes. You can also go back and browse through your old writings whenever you want. Thanks to this habit, you will have the chance to think about yourself, increase your motivation on the way to the future and get plenty of inspiration.

Getting Started

How many of these habits have you already acquired? Do you have bad habits that are holding you back from the path of success and happiness? Bad habits are one of the biggest obstacles to our development and getting rid of them is not an easy task. However, if you start with small steps day by day, it is easy not to acquire the habits that will be your biggest supporter in reaching almost any goal that crosses your heart. The above are among the best habits that must be acquired in life. So, which ones do you think suits you best? So, how would you like to start working on these habits starting today?


About the Creator

rohail khan

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