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Beat the Covid with 5 Gigs to Bring in Extra Cash

You can start with just a smart phone in most cases.

By The Prepared ChristianPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Beat the Covid with 5 Gigs to Bring in Extra Cash
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

With the state of the world today, a gig that can help make ends meet or even replace a job has become a top priority.

People are desperately trying all kinds of crazy things to make even the smallest amounts of extra cash.

These five gigs have proved reliable to many. They all may not be for you but there should be at least one that can help you through the lean times.


Okay, let’s get the obvious one out of the way up front. If you are reading this on a writing site, you probably have at least a passing interest in writing for pay.

Web sites like Vocal, and Medium can be lucrative for some, but don’t limit yourself there.

Other sites like Upwork and Fiverr have become a big part of the gig culture. Where these were once considered content mills and poo poo’d by “serious” writers, they have now evolved into places where you can find gig’s paying much more than regular content mill prices.

I have personally made a couple thousand dollars from these sites without much effort hustling new clients. I am kept as busy as I like with them coming to me.

If you are into any kind of hobby there is probably an online publication for it. You can get your start writing about what you know for these publications, and some of them pay very well.

There are many more websites that you can try to make some cash from your writing, it it seems like new ones are popping up all the time.

The only equipment you need is an online connection, and a smartphone or computer. You may be able to get away with even less than this if your local library offers online computer usage.

Tips: Learn your subject well, write as many articles as possible from your research of a topic, and don’t price yourself too cheap.

Courier/Delivery Services

There are a couple different ways to go about making cash through delivering.

The first is to sign up one of the mobile services like Uber Eats, Door Dash, Grub Hub, etc. These services find the orders for you, send you a notice on your smartphone, and then you go pick it up and deliver it.

Many of these will give you the option of making the delivery and tell you right up front how much you will make, so you can decide if it is worth it or not.

The second way is to work for a specific restaurant like a pizza parlor. Find one that pays a guaranteed amount for each delivery plus tips.

If you are good you can make much more than regular employees, with the plus being out on your own 90% of the time.

Finally you can start your own courier service.

If you can find a niche where a certain type of business needs something moved from one location to another, or to another type of business, you may be able to get your foot in the door and have them pay you to do it.

Another courier service would be going between two cities. Say all delivers have to be to you by 10 am with you driving to the other city and delivering while picking up for delivery back in your home city.

Obviously you can’t go too crazy and set limits but it is a viable low start-up money maker.

The equipment you will need at the most basic is a smartphone, and a mode of transportation. Bicycles are acceptable in many situations.

Tips: Tips! Work on presenting a professional image and provide outstanding service to generate the most in tips as possible.

Re-selling Store Returns and Store Bought Items

This type of business has taken off in the last couple years. As online retailers like Amazon have grown, so have the number of returns that they choose not to restock.

You will be able to find deals on pallets of goods on line, and the availability of a local dealer will help determine how profitable this business can be for you.

Selling on Etsy, E-bay, or even an Amazon Store can be supplemented by ads on Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, and other online social media sites.

Talking about pallets of merchandise may not sound like a bootstrap business, but you can literally start by grabbing something off your knickknack shelf and selling it.

Then take that money and hit the thrift store to shop for bargains. Then sell them. Yards sales, rummage sales, pawn shops all offer re-selling inventory opportunities.

Equipment will be at a minimum of a smartphone and a space to sort and process your inventory.

Tips: Don’t buy Junk! Try to specialize (Tools, Jewelry, Coins, Antiques, Appliances, etc.) so that you are knowledgeable about prices.

Sell Your Skills on Etsy

If you have a skill others don’t have put it to good use on Etsy.

Upselling products with your improvements can be tricky but very lucrative .

Many see Etsy as a Craft selling platform, and to a certain extent it is but there are also skilled workers, such as Graphic Artists, Fine Artists, Tradesmen, and Master Craftsmen, offering their skills for sale there as well.

I work in the printing industry and we have seen a big uptick in the number of people using graphic design services from Etsy. Some of these obviously don’t know what they are doing, but some do as fine of work as any I have seen in my over 40 years in the business.

Etsy has become a wonderful place to offer custom work in a field that you are skilled in. Maybe even freelancing from your regular job.

Equipment: This one is wide open to whatever is need to complete the project you are offering. If you are skilled enough at something to offer custom work you probably have or know where you can use the required equipment.

Tips: Don’t offer crap! unless it is artistic crap. Please don’t try to get someone to pay for work you are not qualified to do.


I hesitate to include this one since it is difficult to make an income on this platform unless you are very skilled, or very lucky, usually both!

However you can get on the platform with just your smartphone, and if you have a persona or personality that is something other than the norm, you may have a chance.

The more quality content you can create the sooner you will get followers which eventually allows you to monetize, and then bring in an income.

If you have a unique product to sell, YouTube informercials could bring in sales without have to get monetized on YouTube itself.

Equipment: Smartphone on up to full television studio.

Tips: Try to offer content that will entertain or have value to your viewers. Learn best practices for producing videos on the platform. Don’t copy everyone else, but don’t be so unique that no one will want to watch your videos.

Just Get Started

One or more of these bootstrap gigs can set you on the path to working for yourself, and securing your future income.

A little research and work upfront can lead to years of reaping the profits if you do it right.

The biggest thing that holds people back is fear of failure. Not starting in the first place is also failure to launch.

Get started even if you start badly, you can fix things and move forward.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

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