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Ayurveda Expert Suggests: 5 Simple Ways to Naturally Lose Belly Fat

Health is Wealth.

By Digital ThomasPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory issues, and other disorders can all be caused by visceral fat.

What is Visceral fat ?

Body fat that is accumulated in the abdominal cavity is known as visceral fat. It's close to a number of critical organs, including the liver, stomach, and intestines.

It can also cause clogging of the arteries.

Because visceral fat can actively increase the risk of significant health problems, it is commonly referred to as "active fat."

How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat-

Deeper belly fat is extremely harmful to one's health, and anyone can be harmed. Men, on average, have a harder time losing abdominal fat than women. When women reach menopause, their waistlines are at danger of widening to allow the body to shift fat. Diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory issues, and other disorders can all be caused by visceral fat. You can manage and control fat by eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly.

Dr. Dixa Bhavsar, an Ayurveda specialist, takes to Instagram to provide helpful tips on how to lose belly fat. "Did you know that belly fat is one of the indicators of Hormonal Imbalance, poor metabolism, heredity, and poor lifestyle choices?"

Then Here Are Some Suggestions

(1) Every day, 12 Suryanamaskars should perform-

"Suryanamskars are beneficial to hormonal balance, metabolism, and nutrient absorption by the stomach.

It also improves mental health, sleep, and keeps your agni burning (for optimal digestion), making it easier to lose stubborn abdominal fat "Dr. Dixa says.

(2) 1000 Pranayams of Kapalbhati-

According to Dr. Dixa, "Improves blood circulation and digestion, allows for rapid detox, and is great for burning abdominal fat because the abdomen is primarily involved during kapalbhati practise (continues exhalation).

It also helps to regulate periods, enhance flow, and manage PMS (therefore it's excellent for individuals with PCOS, insulin resistance, or thyroid issues)."

(3) Circadian Intermittent fasting

Let's discuss about the circadian rhythm and why it matters before we go into circadian rhythm fasting. Your circadian rhythm (also known as your sleep/wake cycle) is a 24-hour internal "clock" that controls your sleepiness and wakefulness—in other words, how awake and/or exhausted you feel during the day.

The hypothalamus, a light-sensitive part of the brain, regulates your circadian cycle. When your hypothalamus is exposed to light, it sends signals to the rest of your body that it is time to get up. When it gets dark, on the other hand, your hypothalamus sends a signal to your body that it's time to wind down. Aside from light, your eating schedule is another important component that affects your circadian rhythm.

What is circadian rhythm fasting?

The sun cycle diet, also known as the circadian rhythm diet, encourages you to time your meals to coincide with the rise and fall of the sun and the related rises and falls in cortisol. That's because cortisol has an impact on your thyroid hormones, which influence how your food is processed. When cortisol levels rise in the morning, your metabolism kicks into high gear, allowing you to efficiently use the food you eat for energy. When cortisol levels drop later in the day, your metabolism slows down, making it more likely that the food you eat will be stored as fat.Circadian intermittent fasting involves eating for eight hours, beginning in the morning and ending one hour before or after sunset. "Best before 8 p.m. (Never post that)," Dr. Dixa advises.

(4) Warm water to drink-

Warm water, according to an Ayurveda specialist, aids weight loss by increasing metabolism and burning fat not just from the abdomen but from all over the body. Also helps with bloating, gas, a lack of appetite, and a constant feeling of being heavy.

(5) Good Night's Rest (7-8 hours)

According to Dr. Dixa, "The better your sleep, the more weight you'll shed. By decreasing cortisol (the stress hormone) and giving your body and mind enough time to rest and digest (activating the para sympathetic system), good 7-8 hours of sleep can aid with liver detox, hormonal balance, weight loss, and enhancing mental health."


About the Creator

Digital Thomas

"Health is Wealth". Have you ever heard this quote? But what does this quote actually mean? The meaning of this quote is that health is better than wealth. If there is good health, then there is a lot of money.

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