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Attention! Eat bananas, drink honey water does not pass stool, prunes eat too much is not good! Children constipation should do so ......

Massage your stomach every night before bedtime to promote bowel movement and relieve constipation.

By MejraPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Attention! Eat bananas, drink honey water does not pass stool, prunes eat too much is not good! Children constipation should do so ......
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Children constipation, parents rush to let children eat more bananas or drink honey water, but this treatment of constipation "routine" is not correct, and may make the constipation situation worse!

Today, let's overturn the knowledge ~

In autumn, constipated babies "mmmmmmmmm"

In the fall, in addition to laughter, children will often blush and make a lot of effort - hmmm ...... Well ......

You are right to think that your child is constipated.

Why are children easily constipated in autumn? There are three main reasons.

First of all, the dry climate in autumn, dryness in this season is prone to occur, intensifying the loss of water in the body, causing constipation; Secondly, the fall in temperature easily leads to increased eating, especially overeating, eating fried, salty, spicy and stimulating food, more likely to cause heat intestinal dryness, constipation; Finally, the weather in autumn, the temperature becomes cooler, many children have reduced outdoor activities, like to stay indoors. Staying indoors, and reduced activity will lead to slow intestinal motility, causing constipation.

When a child is constipated, many parents first think of eating more bananas and drinking more honey water.

And this year, with the fire of "prunes", it is also included in the "laxative army".

Do you feel that there is one more trick to treating your child's constipation?

Don't be in a hurry to be happy ......

Most of the bananas on the market are not lax

"The majority of the bananas on the market are not lax." Li Xin told Top News - a Henan Business Daily reporter, that bananas are tropical, subtropical fruits, the market does not have many locally produced bananas, most are transported through the field, to facilitate the preservation and transport, generally are not waiting for the bananas ripe to pick down.

This is equivalent to saying that the bananas we eat are not ripe. This "pseudo-ripe" banana usually contains more tannic acid, which is difficult to dissolve and will inhibit the secretion of stomach acid, which has an astringent effect on the digestive tract. If you eat too much of it, it will aggravate constipation.

In addition, honey itself does not have the effect of relieving constipation.

"So why does someone drinking honey water want to poop?"

There may be two reasons: honey water inside in addition to honey, there is a lot of water, after hydration, many people's constipation will have the opportunity to relieve; a small number of people will exist fructose malabsorption, these people drink honey water can play a certain laxative effect, so, want to rely on honey water laxative, the premise is to have fructose intolerance, as well as drink a lot of honey. "For ordinary people, drinking more plain water can play the same role of laxative."

Prunes can be constipating if you eat too much of them

Then come to this year's fire prunes.

Some people say that the effect of prunes is a great laxative, some people say that eating too much but constipation, what is going on?

"Prunes are rich in dietary fiber and pectin, sorbitol, can promote the peristalsis of the intestines and stomach, relieve indigestion and constipation." But everyone's tolerance level is different, some people will experience bloating after eating prunes, and others will experience diarrhea after eating them, "In my case, I have no effect at all when I eat prunes." She said that this can also explain why some people eat after but constipation, not prunes cause constipation, but may itself be easy to constipation, coupled with eating prunes after no effect, and did not supplement other water.

So, eat prunes in moderation, eat 3-5 a day on it.

Children's constipation can do this

It is understood that some fruits play a better laxative effect, most likely because they contain dietary fiber, fructose, sorbitol, and other ingredients.

For example, fruits with high dietary fiber content include kiwi, pomegranate, guava, figs, etc.; fruits with high fructose content include dragon fruit, and strawberries; fruits with high sorbitol content include prunes, pears, apples, etc.

Autumn is dry, and adults and children are easy to constipate, so to ensure the intake of water, you can also eat some like white radish, winter melon, and other nourishing intestinal food. "Winter melon and pork ribs soup is very good, beneficial to moisture, moisten the intestines and laxative." In autumn, pay attention not to eat or eat less spicy barbecue food, which is hot and easy to get on fire after eating. Hot fruits should also be eaten less, such as durian, litchi, cinnamon ......

Of course, every night before bed you can massage your stomach, with the navel as the center, clockwise massage stomach, can also promote intestinal peristalsis, and relieve constipation.


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