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Choose Your Adventure

By Tiffany.Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

Create a scavenger hunt for someone. Make or find a gift for them. Weatherproof it in a plastic bag and put that inside of another weatherproof sack. Add in small, thoughtful trinkets that will inspire a memory you shared with them. Put their name on the bag and hide it somewhere close to where they live: an abandoned football field, a nearby park, a spot that is meaningful to the person. Hide it well under a bush or somewhere out of the public eye. Text them the coordinates thru a driving app. Take photos step-by-step on how to find it. Start the text by saying something like “Choose your adventure” with a simple similar message. Send the photos in order of direction and send a photo of the bag with their name on it as the last photo.

Observe birds. Research a species that you find. Feed it sunflower seeds. Keep visiting and feeding for one week. After one week, bring more sunflower seeds.

Go for a walk in the woods or a park. Sing a song that makes you excited and sing louder. Incorporate a slick dance move. Finish walk.

Live one day using your non-dominant hand as your dominant hand. Don’t give in. Really try to make it work. Have the courage to wear mascara on your cheek for 24 hours.

Spend one day in total silence in all you do. Attempt a silent connection with a living plant. Listen to your body. Try to put the feeling into words. What might a plant want to communicate to you? Find a pretty rock to gift to the connection.

Find a body of water to observe. Try to imagine all that you cannot see from the surface. Contemplate the thought that 60% of the adult human body is made of water. Most of your organs are composed of water. Pour a large glass of clean drinking water. Press the insides of your palms against the glass. Make a wish. Drink the water immediately. Do something that makes you laugh and forget the wish.

When you are feeling down or upset about something, start fake laughing. Pretend you are an evil villain, a ghost, a turtle-in-a-half-shell, a vampire, an alien, a kitty cat, a Simpsons character. Be absolutely ridiculous and over-the-top. Try to catch a glimpse of yourself doing this in front of a mirror. Be a little upset that you’re laughing so hard, then really commit to it. Do this until you forget why you were upset.

A Game To Play With A Lover: Sit face to face. Take turns naming cute habits, behaviors or mannerisms you enjoy that they do. If you cannot think of things to name; find a new lover.

Gather a handful of leaves, flowers, grass, dirt, moss, pine-cones, feathers, twigs, acorns; anything you can gather from the Earth. Put the contents into a small jar or piece of fabric. Make a list of wishes on a small piece of paper starting the letter with “Dear Genie,”. Light a candle. Pretend your jar with the contents is a magic lamp containing unlimited wishes. Read your wishes aloud to The Genie. Say thank you. Place the jar with all of the contents somewhere outside your home. Do something you love to do. Forget the wishes.

Spend one hour in the woods. Bring a camera or your phone. Find something you want to take a picture of. Try getting 5 different angles of the same object: what it looks like from above, below, the right, the left, below, behind, the front, etc. Do this several more times with several more objects. Notice if you see more details along your walk. Notice them all.

Say thank you over and over in bed until you fall asleep. Don’t stop saying it until you fall asleep. Wake up in the morning and say thank you over and over until you brush your teeth. Look at yourself in the mirror and say 1 thing you like about yourself. If you cannot find 1 thing to say, say something that you want to like about yourself. Say it every morning when you wake up until you believe it.

Take a pause from social media for 5-7 days. Be practical. Choose a time frame you know you can achieve. See if you can find a picture of your dream home online, or something else you dream about. Try to match it as much as possible to the way you envision it in your head. Think about location, if you want space for a garden or want to be by a body of water. Use the picture you find as inspiration. Add to it. Save the photo. Open it and spend time daydreaming about it in detail, at least 15-20 minutes each day. Add new details as they come to you. Write them down. Draw up a rough draft of the whole scene. Imagine yourself in the scene: enjoying breakfast, reading a book, listening to music, the color on the walls, what the floor feels like on your bare feet. Be descriptive. Try practicing this close to the time you fall asleep. Just do it to feel excited about the thoughts. Make it something fun for you to look forward to as a nightly ritual. Do this for 22 nights.

Spend 15-20 minutes in a quiet space. Light a candle and observe the flame through the duration. Contemplate how quickly fire can spread. Then contemplate how contained and tame the flame is before you. Close your eyes and free your mind from all thought for 10 more minutes.

Spend a day thinking of your tasks as ADVENTURES. Grocery shopping? Driving kids to school? Making dinner? Going to the dentist? Babysitting?… Dangerous? Yes. Thrilling? Absolutely. But this is the life you signed up for.

Buy a Tarot deck that calls to you. Pick one card that you feel represents you. Research the meaning of the card. Note why you feel drawn to it. Put it under your pillow for 10 nights. After 10 nights, put the card back in the deck and pick a new card to represent you. Repeat the process until you can no longer find a card that represents you.

Start a FUN Challenge. Agree to do something fun every day for 22 days. They can be simple or outlandish and involve other people. Involve strangers. Be lighthearted, silly, foolish. Commit to doing 1 thing each day. Track the experiences in a journal. Decorate the journal. Name it. Write any details you remember about each experience. Include how it made you feel. Repeat the challenge as often as possible with new ideas and new people.

If you are ever behind someone at the store and the person in front of you has to remove an item from their purchase and you can afford it, buy it for them.


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Chasing the dark side. <A Secret Project/>

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    Tiffany.Written by Tiffany.

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