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An Easy Guide for Electrical Security at Home

Every year, hundreds of people get injured to various degrees in Australia alone, ranging from minor burns to fatalities. Electric accidents have been one of the biggest sources of accidents around the world. That is why it is very important to take serious measures to practice safety, and prevent such accidents at home.

By Natalie IgePublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Have you ever imagined, what it would have been like to live without electricity? It seems like a near impossible thought now, because we rely on electricity for all of our needs. Be it cooking, bathing, cleaning, or even sleeping peacefully, everything requires something that runs on electricity.

Every year, hundreds of people get injured to various degrees in Australia alone, ranging from minor burns to fatalities, electric accidents have been one of the biggest sources of accidents around the world. That is why it is very important to take serious measures to practice safety and prevent such accidents at home.

So here is an easy guide for you to implement small changes that make a huge difference in the overall safety of you and your family:

1. Take care of the basics.

For a healthy and safe house, some basic checks for the electric outlets are necessary. You do not need a professional electrician, and these can be done on your own. Just look for frayed or exposed electrical wires, broken sockets, and their locations. They should not be near water, or laid in the middle of the room for someone to trip over. Also make sure that if there are any pets or children in the house, these electric outlets should be out of their reach for a safer household.

2. Check the fuse box.

Changing the fuse is no longer a complicated task. All you have to make sure is that these fuses are of the appropriate specification as per the need of your house. Fuses tend to take on a lot of electric load. However, a wrong fuse in place can cause some or all of your appliances to overheat, and this can damage the devices and can become prone to hazards. If you know the basics of electric wiring, you can do it yourself, but if you are not sure, do not delay in taking help from a professional.

3. Inspect the electric appliances.

Always ensure that you buy top grade electronics from a reputed dealer, and read the efficiency labels before making the purchase. Also, if possible, go for appliances that are built nationally, because then they are sure to be made according to the national electrical security standards for Australia.

Over and above everything, avoid buying counterfeit electrical devices because they can cause serious shocks and can easily catch fire. And in case you are using any internationally made products, make sure you that you use a compatible conversion plug with it to prevent the socket and outlet from overheating.

4. Turn it off!

This is what we have been taught ever since we can remember—turn off the appliances when they are not in use. But besides the obvious reason that this saves money, it substantially decreases the chances of a fire hazard.

And if turning off the electrical devices is a matter of ergonomics, and that the switches are located in hard-to-reach and difficult spots, you can invest in a socket extension bar, so that all your gadgets can be turned on and off easily whenever required.

And even though appliances like mobile phones and powers banks are not supposed to be kept plugged in for charging, devices such as refrigerators are necessary to be kept plugged in. But still, turning it off during the night can save a lot of energy and money, and significantly increase the life span of the device as well.

5. During Emergency

If you follow all the basic guidelines of safe conduct of electricity usage, it is highly unlikely that any severe accident might occur, but emergencies can happen anywhere. And knowing how to administer such a situation can save someone’s life. However, if things get out of hand then calling for professional help is the only smart move. Thankfully, the emergency electrical service in Sydney and independent electrician in Randwick and around, are reliable and reputable.

In the end, keeping cleanliness around electrical appliances in the bathroom, kitchen, garden etc. and properly maintaining them can reduce many potential hazards right there. But for extra safety, make sure you practice safe living as well, like not touching switches with wet hands or bare feet, and keeping a first aid kit handy. And for anything bigger than the basics, do not hesitate to call for help.


About the Creator

Natalie Ige

Natalie is a Blogger . She loves writing about lifestyle,home decor, relationship and so on. She is good at her job and passionately writes for Brands and helps in building their fame.

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