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Adult Acne Treatment for Men: A Dermatologist's Guide

Adult Acne Treatment for Men: A Dermatologist's Guide

By Dr TinaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Do painful pimples still make their guest appearances long after your teenage days are gone? Or, did you just start getting a couple here and there in the recent months? Although both are completely normal, it is natural to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed because of the pain and redness. Globally, almost 40% of men over the age of 25 experience some degree of acne. However, the evolving treatment options in the field of dermatology can cure almost all degrees of acne. Acne treatment in Bangalore includes several methods of treatment procedures which actively work on treating acne in adults.

What causes acne in adult males?

The majority of men who experience acne in adulthood are mainly because of changes in hormonal levels. The fluctuating hormone levels lead to the secretion of oils that clog your pores, ultimately leading to the growth of bacteria and causing inflammation. According to experts at Dr. Tina's Skin Care Clinic, adult acne is particularly prevalent in males who share a genetic history of acne. Besides, lifestyle changes, stress and other reasons can also contribute to acne in your adult life.

Acne treatments depend on the causes, symptoms and the extent of the issue. Take a look at a few of the commonly done treatments to treat acne in men.

Treatments for Acne in Men

  • Lifestyle & dietary changes
  • Your lifestyle often has a direct connection with your skin. Since skin is called the ‘mirror of health’, the breakouts on your face may indicate something is off balance. Irregular sleep cycles, stress, smoking and consuming junk food can all contribute to acne breakouts.

    Maintaining a proper lifestyle can be effective towards reducing the extent of your acne. Including plenty of green leafy vegetables, whole as well as oxidant-rich foods while making the exception of gluten and sugar, is ideal towards reaching a clearer skin. And of course, remember to flush out the toxins by drinking plenty of water!

  • Using a cleanser with the right ingredients
  • Whether you stay outdoors or indoors, proper cleansing of your skin is very important. However, most men either do not believe in using a proper cleanser or are too casual about it. Trust us, simply washing your face with water does not remove all the dirt and grime from your skin.

    A cleanser with certain ingredients like salicylic acid, glycolic acid or tea-tree extracts is ideal for acne-prone skin. These ingredients penetrate deep into the pores and work on reducing the growth of any bacteria. They clean the impurities from deep within the pores of your skin and leave them looking less prominent. Also, remember to wash your face, exfoliate and remove the dirt accumulated on your skin, in gentle and circular motions.

  • Maintain proper shaving etiquette
  • Yes, shaving the wrong way can give you breakouts too! Shaving against the grain, using blunt or unclean razors can contribute to razor burns on your face. To avoid any breakout, you can opt for antibiotic shaving foam or change the blades of your razor after a couple of uses. Remember to sterilise the blades properly after you are done shaving. If you have an active acne, try not to shave the area since that can induce further inflammation.

  • Avoid certain products
  • Certain products can be responsible towards bringing in those zits on your face. There may be ingredients in the products you use which are contributing towards clogging your pores. As a result, it’s natural that the pores on your skin are prone to clogging, and the bacteria developing in them. Among such ingredients are mineral oil, wax and lanolin. Instead, choose products that are labelled ‘non-comedogenic’, i.e., products that do not clog pores. Choosing the right products is an integral part of acne treatment, including acne treatment in Bangalore. Such ingredients do not clog the pores, leaving the skin fresh and light.

  • Do spot treatment
  • A spot treatment can be used to treat post-acne spots, active acne that just leaves a few sporadic bumps on your skin, and even for dark spots that previous acne or an accident may leave behind. There is a wide variety of prescription and over-the-counter acne spot treatments available. The best option will depend on the type, severity, and underlying cause(s) of the acne.

    Treatment Procedures

    Certain treatment procedures are also performed in the treatment of acne.

  • Chemical Peel
  • Chemical peels assist in the production of new skin cells and cause the exfoliation of the dead or damaged skin. Mandelic and salicylic acids are typically used in the chemical peel procedures in Dr. Tina's Skin Care Clinic, under strict supervision to reduce the extent of acne.

  • Application of Carbon Using Q-Switched Laser
  • The oil glands can be reduced, pigmentation can be broken up, and clogged pores can be cleaned out with a combination of carbon peels and Q-Switched laser.

  • Intralesional Therapy
  • Intralesional injections are used during this therapy, which is typically advised for the management of cystic and nodular acne. This procedure aids in the shrinking of active acne.

    When to see a doctor?

    You may find OTC topical applications effective for mild to moderate acne. However, in case your acne does not go away after making lifestyle changes or topicals, it’s time to find out the cause(s) behind them. You may also feel bothered by your appearance because of the inflammation and redness on your face. Plus, the acne may even be leaving pigmentation and scarring. It is then, you must see a dermatologist.


    About the Creator

    Dr Tina

    Dr Tina's Skin Solutionz , skin, hair and laser clinic provide cost-effective and quality skin care solutions in Bangalore. Skin Solutionz one of the best dermatologists in Bangalore provide complete skin, hair and nail treatment.

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      Dr TinaWritten by Dr Tina

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