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A short guide on how to grow lavender in a pot

A short guide on how to grow lavender in a pot

By Shivam Published about a year ago 3 min read
A short guide on how to grow lavender in a pot
Photo by Antony BEC on Unsplash

Lavender has been a name that we often associate with goodness, grace, and spirituality. The very color neutralizes our fears and allows us a moment of relief, where we can cherish the beauty of nature and think about a wonderful memory. But as wonderful lavenders are, not many people get to grow them. The reason? Lack of space. But do you know that you can even grow lavender inside a pot? Fear not, my fellow lavender lover! Growing lavender in a pot is easy and can be done right in your own home. Here's my short guide on how to do it.

Prepare the pot

It all starts with having a pot (or maybe having the idea of planting a lavender is the beginning). Well, First things first, choose a pot that's big enough for your lavender plant to grow in. Just like you cannot grow in a limited space, a Lavender needs room to spread its roots too. So make sure the pot is at least 12 inches deep.

Another thing that most of us ignore is the drainage system. We all cry about ruined administration when water pool up on the road in a single rain, but we do the same mistake while preparing the pot. You want to make sure the pot has good drainage. So, drill some holes in the bottom if it doesn't already have them. Once you have your pot, fill it with potting soil that has good drainage. A good drainage system makes sure that fungus or root-rot doesn’t happen and harms the plant.

Choose the lavender

Any plant out there doesn’t limit itself to a single form. Be it marigold, sunflower, or our beloved lavender. There are many different types of lavender that can be considered. However, for growing in a pot, it's best to go with a smaller variety. Look for varieties like Hidcote, Munstead, or Melissa. These varieties grow to be around 1 to 2 feet tall. You can find these plants at your local nursery or online.

Now, plant it

Once you have your pot and lavender plant, it's time to plant! Dig a hole in the center of the pot that's slightly bigger than the root ball of your lavender plant. Gently place the plant in the hole and fill in the soil around it. Be sure not to bury the stem too deep. Lavender likes to have its "feet" dry. And as soon as you plant your lavender, water it and keep the soil moist but not soggy.

And now, care for it

Although lavender is a sturdy plant that doesn’t need too much care and loves to grow in a wild fashion, a few things must still be taken care of because you are growing it in a pot. Lavender likes full sun, so make sure to place your pot in a spot that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. And because lavender likes it wild, you also must not over-water it. Lavender doesn't like to sit in wet soil. Fertilize your lavender plant once a month with a balanced fertilizer, and prune it back in the spring to encourage new growth. If you love gardening and do it often, make sure you have relevant home and garden products ready before your eyes when you need them. Buy them simply from sites like Shopify at a lower price.

I remember the first time I smelled lavender. I was in a quaint little shop in a small town, and the aroma just filled the air. From that moment on, I was hooked. I've been growing lavender in my garden for years now, but I know that's not always possible for everyone. That's why I love growing lavender in a pot - it's easy, convenient, and just as beautiful and fragrant as a garden full of lavender.

how togarden

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