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A high-pressure water-saving shower


By TechcogPublished 3 years ago 5 min read


We are Nebia.

We make the best water-effective showers on the planet. This is our fourth Kickstarter crusade. To pre-request Quattro and rejuvenate this mission, back this venture.

**Quattro 101**

* Four exceptional and amazing splash modes

* Easy DIY introduce - under brief cycle that is just about as simple as changing a light

* Universal similarity

* Two variants: Handshower and Rainshower

* Limited lifetime guarantee

* Up to half water investment funds

* 5 plan forward wraps up

**Accessories **

* Quick-Dry Earth Mat - shape safe, quick drying

* Nebia Adjustable Shower Arm (NASA) - 18 in. of additional scope of movement for more force and heat, and to fit more individuals in your home

*Keeping* s*crolling to discover more about these wonderful new adornments. *

**All The Shower, Half The Water**

With Quattro, you get four awesome shower encounters, yet with much less water. Each of the four modes stream under 1.5 gpm, contrasted with a 2.5 gpm standard shower.

Stunningly better? The normal group of four will save more than $300 each year on water and warming expenses. Quattro pays for itself in only four months!

**Innovating Beyond Showers**

We are eager to report two new items that will significantly further develop your washing custom.

**Quick-Dry Earth Mat**

Made of diatomaceous earth, the Quick-Dry Earth Mat dries in no time, leaving no hint of dampness and keeping germs and shape from developing.

A beautiful expansion to your restroom, it feels fabulous under your feet while keeping your washroom clean and smell free. It additionally saves water, energy, and synthetics since it won't ever should be placed in the washing machine and will keep going for quite a long time to come.

What is *diatomaceous earth? *A normally happening silica-based material. In easier terms, it's an extraordinary mix of crushed stones and green growth generally found in waterbeds and deserts.

Item subtleties:

* Non-slip backing

* 2 completes, dark and dim

* Weighs 5-lbs

* Measures 24" x 16" x 0.4"

10X your give experience the Nebia Adjustable Shower Arm. Make each shower consummately altered to you, giving you pressing factor, inclusion, and warmth in the perfect spot.


* 18" of movement

* 10" long (turn to turn)

* 3 tones: Spot Resist Nickel, Matte Black, and Chrome


* The ideal tallness for each individual

* Achieve an overhead downpour shower

* Keep your hair dry

NASA is likewise a significant Nebia advancement - it's the primary shower arm to turn here and there and stand firm on its footing without utilizing bulky handles. It combines consummately with both the Quattro Rainshower and Handshower, guaranteeing that your shower head is consistently where you need it to be.

**Solving A Serious Problem Through Technology**

At the point when we began Nebia, we set off to make the world's best shower insight while safeguarding our current circumstance and its regular assets.

Water is quite possibly the most bountiful substances on earth, however 99% of it is caught in pungent seas, polar ice covers, and on top of mountain tops. Only 1% of the water on Earth is usable for the whole worldwide populace.

Today, 1.1 billion individuals overall need admittance to clean water and an aggregate of 2.7 billion discover water scant for somewhere around one month of the year (Source: World Wildlife Fund). In our home territory of California, we are indeed encountering outrageous dry season conditions, with annihilating outcomes.

Nebia by Moen Quattro is our greatest jump forward in monitoring this valuable asset. We achieve this jump through our restrictive atomization innovation. Many cycles, and development across three remarkable spout types, has prompted an item that gives force, inclusion and warmth, is amazingly water proficient, and has accomplished significant assembling progressions to get savvy.

This is the shower we've for a long while been itching to make. On account of you, our Kickstarter sponsor, we have had the option to go through more than 6 years in the lab designing, creating, and refining our innovation. The outcome is a shower that brings that perfect, invigorating, and charming showering experience found in the most rich restrooms across the world, all while setting aside to half of the water ordinarily utilized.

**Turning Past Trash Into Products For The Future**

Nebia's central goal is to make items that individuals love to utilize and that are better for the planet. This goes past water reserve funds. From the materials utilized in our items to our bundling, we search out advancements that lessen our natural impression and have a net beneficial outcome on the world.

This material is created from fishing nets that regularly end up as garbage in the sea. It takes material science headways, systematic designing, and thorough dependability testing to join reused materials into an item. In any case, that is actually the thing we're doing - We are taking contamination from the climate and upcycling it into items that can last many years. What's more, this is the perfect start for us.

Like our shower frameworks made of endlessly recyclable aluminum, and our shower drapery produced using upcycled bottles, we are walking towards a future where we make the entirety of our items out of genuinely supportable materials.

What's more, albeit the walk to completely practical item advancement will be a long cycle, this is a basic initial step. Along with Moen, we intend to twofold down in this upcycling interaction utilizing more reused materials in our items and to one day make our showers out of 100% manageable materials.

**Water, our driving force**

Nebia is driven by an over the top energy for making better encounters, just as a center conviction that we can be more dependable shoppers of Earth's most valuable asset. We have been here previously, with 3 state of the art items that have disturbed the shower scene since 2015.

Quattro comes when natural maintainability is especially top-of-mind, particularly in our home territory of California where dry season conditions are proceeding to decline. Since its establishing, Nebia's central goal has based on developing spout advances to offer water-saving innovations for sale to the public as quick as could be expected.

Until this point in time, the Nebia people group has saved in excess of 300 million gallons of water with 50,000 units sold all throughout the planet a number that will keep on developing with the expanded availability of Nebia's innovation because of the presentation of the more moderate Quattro.


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