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Everyone Admire the Bold and Smart, No One Honor the Timid

By Shah Fahad KarimPublished 7 months ago 3 min read


"Expanding your vocabulary is crucial, and if time for books is limited, a quick exercise can help. Take a minute to describe an object nearby in multiple ways, like a pen on your desk. Use synonyms and varied descriptions—call it a "writing tool," "ink dispenser," or "scribing instrument." If you struggle, an online thesaurus can aid you. Repeating this exercise with different objects will gradually enhance your vocab. It's a simple yet effective way to boost your word bank when book reading time is scarce"


"Creating a story or visualizing connections between words can significantly aid in memory recall. For instance, using the words provided: "On this date, a sad vegetarian got a surprise from a policeman. They toured graffiti-covered streets, eventually reaching a fine museum. Then, they embarked on a cruise, encountering an octopus and fireworks. The vegetarian wore heels but needed a bandage after a school incident involving a Hamlet wig. It turned into a disaster, but it ended with a joke." By connecting the words in a narrative, it becomes easier to remember them in their original order. This technique can be a helpful memory exercise"


"Our short-term memory holds onto information briefly, usually for around 30 seconds and for a maximum of about five items. Breaking down larger numbers into smaller chunks helps retain them better. For instance, the 10-digit number 15174987231 might seem daunting, but when divided into chunks like 517-498-7231, it's easier to remember. You can apply this technique to various numbers like your social security or credit card number, or even phone contacts, making memorization simpler by chunking information into manageable segments"


"Creating phrases or sentences with the first letters of important details helps in remembering lists. For instance, your phrase about the American presidents—“Washington's army jogged many miles and jogged very hard to Philadelphia to find pretty British ladies”—utilizes the first letters of the first 16 presidents' last names. Mnemonics like these can make recalling information easier and more fun"


"Neurobics, created by Dr. Katz, involves exercises that stimulate different brain areas in unique ways. It's about engaging your senses differently for brain benefits. For instance, try this: put coins in your pocket without looking, then feel their size, texture, and edges to guess what they are. It's a sensory challenge! Afterwards, check if you guessed the coins right. It's a cool way to activate your brain using your senses"


"Neurobic exercises like this are a blast. Watch a short video on mute and make up lines for the characters. It's even more fun with friends, but doing it solo also fires up your brain and imagination. Give it a try—mute your TV and let your creativity run wild with improvised lines for the characters. It's a playful way to exercise your brain"


"Making predictions is an awesome brain boost! Try guessing something happening within 24 hours—a sports game, work event, or your favorite band's chart rank. Then wait for the results. Why? Well, predicting engages your imagination and keeps you curious, which excites your brain's reward system. Neuroscientist Judy Willis explains—getting it right makes you happy, and if not, you learn something new from it. It's a neat way to keep your brain sharp and entertained"


"Riddles are fantastic for keeping your mind sharp. Let's dive in: taking three apples from a group of five leaves you with three apples. Now, here's another: you can buy eight eggs for 26 cents, but how many for a cent and a quarter? It's still eight eggs; you've got the same 26 cents! Lastly, there are seven daughters in a family, and each has a brother. How many kids are there in the family? It's a family of eight—seven sisters and their one brother! Riddles like these sure keep the brain on its toes"


"Sometimes, it's tough to concentrate at work or school when thoughts are all over the place. But here's a neat trick: close your eyes, take ten slow breaths without thinking about anything. It might sound odd for getting smarter, but it helps you focus. Give it a try—count slowly to ten while breathing out. Hard? Lots of thoughts? With practice, it gets easier. You'll zone in on just your breath"


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Shah Fahad Karim

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    SFKWritten by Shah Fahad Karim

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