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8 food items to keep you cool and hydrated in the scorching sun

foods to keep you cool and hydrated in the hot sun

By Health world Published 2 years ago 3 min read
8 food items to keep you cool and hydrated in the scorching sun
Photo by Dana DeVolk on Unsplash

To survive the summer and its negative impact on our health, we must keep ourselves cool and healthy by eating a cooling and nourishing diet.

It is critical to drink plenty of water and avoid foods that are dry, salty, or fried. Here are some foods to include in your daily diet to keep you cool and hydrated during the hot summer months.

1. Ashgourd JuiceJuice

By Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash

Ash gourd is an excellent detoxifier and should be consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. It is an excellent summer cooler and aids in hydration. The juice has the ability to absorb all of the toxins, germs, and contamination that may have accumulated during the course of a day. It also has the ability to flush waste from our bodies. For added benefits, combine ashgourd juice with lime and turmeric.

2. Watermelon, Muskmelon

By Moshe Silberberg on Unsplash

Watermelon contains a lot of water, as well as lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, amino acids, antioxidants, and is low in sodium and calories. It aids in the reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress. Remember that because watermelon is slightly acidic, it should not be eaten on an empty stomach or late at night. An adult's daily serving size is two cups.

Muskmelon contains potassium, which is good for your blood pressure numbers. Muskmelon's high fibre and water content also helps to cool down body systems and manage blood pressure.

3. Cucumber

By Harshal S. Hirve on Unsplash

Cucumber is inexpensive, high in water, and aids in the detoxification of your entire body. It's a fantastic coolant. This cool and refreshing energising green will help you avoid constipation, boost your immunity, and reduce inflammation while also soothing sunburn. Cucumber's silicon and sulphur content, in addition to cleansing your body, is excellent for supporting hair growth and volume. Cucumber is best consumed by incorporating it into salads or by drinking cucumber juice.

4. Yogurt and buttermilk

By Nikolai Chernichenko on Unsplash

Yogurt and other fermented foods, which are high in healthy bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, aid in brain development and relieve anxiety. It also contains gut-friendly microorganisms that aid in digestion during the summer. Consuming yoghurt aids in the reduction of chronic inflammation, which is linked to anxiety, stress, and depression. Curd can be found in smoothies, buttermilk, sweet lassis, and raita. Drinking buttermilk can help you cool down and improve your metabolism. It's also high in vitamins and minerals, which can help restore your body's natural energy if you've been depleted by the heat.

5. Coconut water

By Josiah Weiss on Unsplash

Coconut water benefits your body by keeping electrolytes stable. It's an excellent summer drink for combating hot weather by keeping you hydrated, and it also helps to boost your digestive ability. It also promotes cell growth, regulates blood pressure, and, most importantly, acts as a natural diuretic.

6. Herbal teas

By 五玄土 ORIENTO on Unsplash

Herbs and spices are excellent for reducing excess body heat. Hibiscus tea, Chamomile teas, Mint juices, Amla juices; orange juice, lime juice, and so on are all very healthy during this season.

7. Aam Panna

By Dhiren maru on Unsplash

It's a vegan beverage made with unripe green mangoes. Aam panna has a tangy, sweet flavour that can be flavoured with cardamom, mint, or other herbs. It is also high in various acids, which aid in the regulation of the liver and the treatment of diseases such as jaundice. The digestive properties of aam panna are defined by the black salt and jeera powder, and mint helps to keep the body cool, making it ideal for the summer season.

8. Oranges

By Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

88 percent water content

Oranges are extremely healthy and may have a variety of health benefits.

One orange contains nearly a half cup (118 ml) of water, as well as fibre and several nutrients.

These include vitamin C and potassium, both of which may improve your immune system and heart health.

Oranges are also high in disease-fighting antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which may protect cells by reducing inflammation.

Oranges' water and fibre content may promote feelings of fullness, which can help you control your appetite.

Furthermore, eating citrus fruits like oranges on a regular basis may help prevent kidney stones. This is due to the citric acid in them, which can bind with stone-forming calcium oxalate and help flush it out of the body.


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