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7 Tips to Help You Become a Productivity Guru

How to Achieve More in Less Time

By Elena AthonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Photo by Spectral on Yay Images

Have you ever felt like your days were going by too quickly and that you didn't have enough time to do all the things you wanted?

Sometimes, we can have so much to do that it feels as though there is no end in sight.

It's hard to stay motivated and keep going when you feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks ahead of you.

Luckily, there are some things you can do to improve your productivity without burning yourself out.

Tip 1. Try the Pomodoro Technique

I know you feel like the workday is never-ending.

You're right - it's exhausting and challenging to complete everything you have to do (especially with all these distractions!).

But don't worry.

There are some simple things you can do while working that will help make your day more productive.

My favorite technique?

The Pomodoro Technique.

It's so easy to use and very effective.

All you have to do is work for 25 minutes straight, then take a five-minute break before starting again for another 25 minutes of focused productivity.

The Pomodoro Technique is an exciting time management technique that the Italian Francesco Cirillo created.

He named it after a tomato-shaped kitchen timer he used to get himself focused and productive when he was in college!

Using this technique will keep you focused on what you have to do.

It's a good idea to focus on one thing at a time rather than multi-tasking.

It can be tempting to try and do more than one task simultaneously, but it never turns out well!

By Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Tip 2. Create a routine for yourself

You may have heard the adage that "the early bird gets the worm," but it is increasingly important to start on a good note in today's world.

The first thing you do every morning can set your tone for how productive and happy you will be.

Routines can help you work smarter and not harder by making sure to tackle the challenges in your life one at a time.

When you try to do everything at once, it can only lead you back into procrastination territory!

I've always found that if I don't establish some framework around my day ahead of time, then things feel like they get out-of-hand really quickly.

The first step to becoming more productive is establishing habits that will make your life easier.

Once you have a list of what you have to do, take some time each day and work on one item at a time.

This way, you'll keep all of the tasks from overwhelming you so that they can become manageable pieces instead.

When something comes up like an idea for another project or new product, view these as opportunities rather than distractions!

If there's one thing everyone knows about productivity and time management, it's the importance of good habits!

Habits help you go on auto-pilot mode and get the friction out of the way.

You can start your day by waking up early, working out for a few minutes and sit at your desk and go through your to-do list and start working for an hour.

If you do this every day, you won't spend time thinking about what you should do and in which order.

Create a routine that suits you best and stick with it. Having structure in your day will make you more productive and create more time to do the things you like.

You'll feel more accomplished at the end of your day with an organized schedule and will also spend less time worrying about what you should do next!

Establishing these things early on will help bring order to chaos later in life... but don't just take my word for it. Try them out yourself.

Tip 3. Set realistic goals and deadlines for your time

You know that feeling when you start thinking about all the things you need to do? That's called "pressure."

The more you think and feel pressured, the less productive your brains become.

Learning how to set realistic goals and deadlines can help you become more productive.

The first step is setting a goal that's not too lofty but still worthwhile in the end.

This way, your success feels attached with measurable outcomes for your time investment instead of just doing something without any purpose behind it.

Setting a deadline helps motivate you because if there were no consequences for missing an allotted date, people would be less likely to try their best at tasks.

So, if you want to be more productive and get a lot done in your day-to-day life, assign yourself less time for completing tasks.

I've been doing this myself since I read about Parkinson's Law.

I love this trick!

Parkinson observed that when people are given a task, the "work expands to fill the time available for its completion."

In other words - we always take more time than what is assigned.

To be productive and get your work done in fewer hours or days, you can assign yourself less time.

Setting tight deadlines helped me boost my productivity. You can try it and see for yourself.

Always remember though you are human and not a superhero.

Don't be too hard on yourself and expect a week's tasks to be done in an hour. It doesn't work this way.

By Quino Al on Unsplash

Tip 4. Get enough sleep and exercise regularly

Do you remember when getting enough sleep and working out frequently was just a recommendation?

Well, it's not anymore. It is now an expectation!

A study by CareerBuilder found that healthy people report being more productive than those who aren't.

So if you want to be your best self, then make sure you're taking care of yourself too!

You might feel lazy and unmotivated sometimes, but if you want to be productive in your day-to-day life, you must stay active.

You don't have to work out for hours if you don't have the time or don't like it.

Just block fifteen minutes three to five times a week to exercise.

You can do this in the comfort of your home. You don't have to drive to a gym if you don't have the time.

Also, getting enough sleep will allow for better memory function and mental clarity, making it easier to complete tasks on time.

I've made this mistake myself and stayed up all night trying to be more productive. Unfortunately, at some point, your brain gives up.

And the next day, you cannot complete even the simple tasks.

Working smarter is the point. More hours don't guarantee a good outcome.

Tip 5. Track your time to see where you're spending it

The best way to make the most of your time is by tracking it! Just take a few minutes each day and write down what you are doing.

It will give you an accurate view of where all that precious time went and then help you optimize your work with this information.

If you're struggling with time management, take charge of your day by tracking where it's going.

Are you spending too much time on social media or watching TV? Knowing how much can shock you.

It has happened to me as I was starting to track my time on social media.

I thought I spent about an hour a day and I found out that I spent three hours a day. Especially at night before going to bed.

So much time wasted instead of gaining an extra hour of sleep or doing something more productive.

How you believe you spend your time is one thing and the exact time you spend is another. Numbers don't lie.

By Matt Ragland on Unsplash

Tip 6. Take breaks when you need them to recharge your battery

Taking breaks every so often is an excellent way to keep your mind sharp and focused on the task at hand.

When you take time off from a task, it's easier to return with fresh ideas!

Taking short periods of rest between tasks can help you maintain your focus and be more productive throughout the day.

Breaks give our minds some much-needed downtime while also allowing ourselves to think about other projects.

Think about how productive you are when working for eight hours straight without any break... Now think about being able to clear your head by doing something else entirely!

The human brain doesn't function at its best if there is no relief every once and then.

So don't forget that sometimes even just switching over to another task can make all the difference!

Stopping to take a break every now and then is an essential part of being productive. Breaks are even scientifically proven!

A study done by Dr. Sandi Mann, author of the book The Upside Of Downtime: Why Boredom Is Good has shown that taking short breaks throughout your day can help you be less stressed out at work as well as more creative in solving problems on those dreaded days when nothing seems to go right.

Tip 7. Make lists of what needs to be done so that you can cross things off as they get completed

I like making lists because it helps me stay on top of everything and not feel overwhelmed by my tasks!

I sometimes forget things, and having a list helps me remember everything. Also, having a list written down on paper helps me visualize what I have to do.

You can create one for yourself and see the difference.

Now that you've made your list of what needs to be done, it's time to get started!

First off, go through the items on the list and decide if they're tasks or projects.

Tasks are things like making a grocery list, while projects involve more than one activity, such as planning a vacation for an entire family.

If a task is too big in scope, break it down into smaller steps until there are only sub-tasks left (like packing all of your clothes).

Once those have finished, then cross them off from the master checklist so you can see how many others still need completing before this project will come out complete.

The same goes with any large project: take each step individually until nothing remains but small.

By Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Can you imagine how life would be if you had all the time in the world to do things that matter?

If your answer is yes, then it's time for a reality check. We all have 24 hours in a day, and we can't make more of them no matter how much we want to.

There are only so many hours in a day, and when they're gone, they're gone!

Make your life easier and more manageable, with less stress, by establishing a routine and stick with it as best as possible.

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About the Creator

Elena Athon

Blogging has allowed me to explore my creativity and voice in ways that I never knew were possible - all while connecting with people who are passionate about the same things as myself. Check out my blog:

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