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By SathieshkumarPublished about a year ago 4 min read
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."


There is some evidence to suggest that improving your posture by standing up straight with your shoulders back can positively affect how others perceive and treat you. Good posture can make you appear more confident, assertive, and trustworthy, and can therefore lead to more positive interactions with others. Additionally, standing up straight can also help you feel more confident and in control of a situation, which may further influence how others treat you. However, it's important to note that posture is just one factor that can impact how others treat you, and many other factors such as your behavior, communication style, and body language also play important roles.

2.Treat yourself like you treat others

"Treat yourself like you treat others" is a common adage that encourages people to extend the same kindness, compassion, and understanding they offer to others, to themselves. This means that we should avoid being overly self-critical, judgmental, or harsh towards ourselves, and instead show ourselves the same care and empathy that we would show to a friend or loved one. By treating ourselves with the same level of compassion and understanding that we extend to others, we can build greater self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-love, which can ultimately lead to greater well-being and happiness.

3.Make friends with the people who wants the best for you

Making friends with people who want the best for you can be a valuable and fulfilling experience. These are individuals who genuinely care about your well-being, support your goals, and offer constructive feedback to help you grow and develop. By surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people, you can increase your confidence, self-esteem, and motivation, and also improve your social skills and emotional intelligence. However, it's important to note that making friends takes time and effort, and it's important to approach relationships with an open mind, kindness, and mutual respect. Additionally, it's important to have realistic expectations of others and recognize that people have their own needs, limitations, and boundaries.

4.Compare yourself with the person who you were yesterday not with others

"Compare yourself with the person who you were yesterday, not with others" is a popular phrase that emphasizes the importance of focusing on personal growth and self-improvement, rather than comparing oneself to others. By looking at your progress and achievements over time, you can better understand your own strengths and weaknesses and work towards becoming the best version of yourself. This approach can help you develop a sense of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion, which are all essential for personal growth and well-being. Additionally, comparing yourself to others can be harmful and counterproductive, as it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, envy, and self-doubt, which can hinder your progress and happiness.

5.set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world

"Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world" is a phrase that encourages individuals to focus on self-improvement and personal responsibility before passing judgment on others or society at large. This means that one should first take the time to reflect on their own life, beliefs, and behaviors, and work to improve any areas that are in need of attention, before turning their attention to external issues. By taking responsibility for one's own life and well-being, individuals can develop a sense of personal agency, empowerment, and resilience, which can then enable them to more effectively contribute to society and help address broader issues. Additionally, this approach can foster greater humility, empathy, and compassion, which are important qualities for building meaningful relationships and improving social harmony.

6.Pursue what is meaningful not what is easy

"Pursue what is meaningful, not what is easy" is a phrase that emphasizes the importance of prioritizing long-term fulfillment and purpose over short-term comfort or convenience. This means that one should strive to find activities, goals, and relationships that align with their values and sense of purpose, even if they require more effort, sacrifice, or risk. By pursuing what is meaningful, individuals can develop a greater sense of personal satisfaction, self-worth, and motivation, which can help them overcome challenges and setbacks, and achieve greater success and happiness in life. Additionally, this approach can foster personal growth, creativity, and resilience, which are all essential for thriving in a rapidly changing and complex world.

7.Be precise in your speech

"Be precise in your speech" means to communicate clearly and accurately, using words that convey the intended meaning. This involves being mindful of the words we choose, the context in which we are speaking, and the audience we are addressing. By being precise in our speech, we can avoid misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and confusion, and instead promote clarity, understanding, and effective communication. Additionally, precise speech can help build trust, credibility, and respect in relationships, as it shows that we are thoughtful and intentional in our words and actions.

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"Passionate and versatile artist with a dynamic range and the ability to bring scripts to life.

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  • Bharath about a year ago

    Well done

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