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7 Core Values To Build To Become Successful

One of the best ways to become successful is by building a list of core values that you base your decisions on. Sometimes, we make choices without thinking about how they will affect our long-term goals and this can lead us down the wrong path and away from success.

By Raise Life UpPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

One of the best ways to become successful is by building a list of core values that you base your decisions on. Sometimes, we make choices without thinking about how they will affect our long-term goals and this can lead us down the wrong path and away from success. If we build a set of core values to help guide our decision-making process, however, we are much more likely to be successful.

This is because our core values will act as a filter for the decisions we need to make throughout our lives. For example, if one of your core values is 'integrity', then any decision that goes against this value should be automatically discarded or modified so it doesn't go against this value. This way, you will always be moving in the right direction.

Here are 7 core values to build so that you can become successful:

1 - Discipline

Always do what's right, not what's easy.

Discipline is one of the most important things in becoming successful because it allows us to work towards our goals rather than just procrastinate. Without discipline, we will never get anything done and success will always seem to be beyond our reach.

In order to build discipline into your daily routine, you should always aim to get the most difficult tasks done first. This is because once your momentum starts building up it will carry on through the rest of your routine and allow you to be more productive throughout the day.

Discipline sounds scary at first, but it gradually becomes much easier if you employ the KeyStone Habits.

2 - Resilience

Don't give up. Dust yourself off and try again.

This is another one of the core values you should strive for because it will keep you trying again when things go wrong. When we fail at something, that's a chance to learn from our mistakes so that next time we know what needs to be done in order to achieve success.

As you probably know, life will throw lots of different obstacles at us and it's how we handle these problems that determine our success. Resilience is the ability to stay positive when things are against us because there is no other option but for us to succeed.

3 - Personal Growth

To become a better person, you need to surround yourself with people who are better than you. You can only mature as an individual if you spend time learning from those around you and always strive to be a better version of yourself.

It's so important to have the self-motivation required to continue growing as a person because it's not always easy. However, this growth process is essential to success because you need a certain level of personal development in order to be a more valuable asset to your company or clients. The better developed you are, the more likely it is that someone will want you to work for them.

4 - Time Management

Time flies when you're having fun. Don't be afraid to slow down and take in the beautiful things around you.

Once you begin working on your personal development, it's likely that this will lead to more opportunities coming your way - including more work! As a result, time management is extremely important because of how quickly things can escalate.

If your focus starts to shift away from 'how' you are working towards your goals, then you will soon find yourself feeling overwhelmed and unable to accomplish everything on time. Your goal here is to always stay on track with the different tasks coming up so that there aren't any flaws in how you work. This way, you'll become more efficient and you won't miss anything.

If you are new to time management techniques, the Pomodoro technique can be a good start.

5 - Be Comfortable in The Uncomfortable

If it's not hard, then why bother? Go beyond your limits.

This is the last core value you should aim to build because it will encourage you to continue pushing yourself even when things become difficult. Most people don't like the feeling of being uncomfortable because they want everything laid out for them on a plate - this isn't helpful at all because there is no way you'll be able to become successful without having obstacles in the way.

The uncomfortable feeling comes from experiencing something new and not knowing where it's going to lead. However, if you act on these feelings then you will find that the next time you feel uncomfortable it won't seem so scary. For example, you might feel uncomfortable when speaking to an important client but taking this opportunity head-on will help you build your client base.

6 - Be Happy for Others Successes

You might not see eye-to-eye with everyone, but that's never a reason to be jealous of them or try and "put them down". Instead, learn from their success and continue helping them in whatever way you can.

When an individual is happy it's likely that they'll share this happiness with others too which will encourage a more positive atmosphere around them. If everyone was constantly taking jabs at one another then it would make the world a pretty miserable place to live in - so try your best to encourage the people around you.

When you are happy for others' successes, it can have a huge impact on your own success too because it will show that you are surrounded by positive people who don't want to let each other down - this is essential when trying to navigate through life.

7 - Live in The Now

Live in the NOW and make every second count. Don't think about yesterday, don't think about tomorrow - just focus on TODAY.

Those who live in the past or future will usually end up losing sight of what they're trying to achieve at this moment which leads to them wasting time doing things that don't contribute towards their goals. This is why it's so important to live in the now and spend each second as if it was your last.

Once you've performed all of these core values, then congratulations - but don't stop now! It'll be easier for you to build these qualities now that you're aware of them, however, there will always be something new to achieve so always be ready to learn and grow!


The world is a crazy place, but if you take the time to understand it then you will be able to navigate through life much more easily without any trouble.

As long as you focus on understanding your strengths and weaknesses, then there should be no problems when it comes to succeeding in life. In addition, spending time focusing on these 7 core values will enable more and more opportunities to come your way and allow you to build a successful future for yourself.

Why not reach out to some of these core values today? You never know what might happen if your focus shifts slightly, but make sure that it's always for the better.



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About the Creator

Raise Life Up

Raise Life Up is dedicated to helping improve life by written content and developing mobile apps. Visit for more content and apps.



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