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6 tea recipes for a flat stomach

recipes flat stomach

By skmazeethPublished about a year ago 4 min read
6 tea recipes for a flat stomach
Photo by CHI CHEN on Unsplash

Tea should be a part of your diet whether or not you're attempting to lose weight. Why? It is incredibly tasty and totally devoid of calories, sugar, and fat, making it a suitable alternative to less healthful beverages. Unfortunately, there are no real quick fixes for getting a toned midsection; instead, it requires a combination of sensible dietary decisions, portion control, and regular exercise. However, there are a variety of tea preparation techniques that can complement your efforts and help you have a flat stomach. And no, we're not referring to those dubious "flat belly drinks" that Instagram influencers promote.

The ideal types of tea should be chosen, and any flavourings you use should be considered carefully if you want to benefit from the tummy-flattening properties of tea. Filling your tea with cream, sugar, or sweetened syrups will definitely negate the health advantages of tea. Thankfully, there are many additional ways to improve the flavour of your tea without endangering yoAccording to Jessica Bippen, RD and Essentia Water Nutrition & Wellness Advisor, when you're dehydrated, your body retains water.

"This may cause you to feel puffy and bloated. Tea is a great method to enhance your fluid consumption, and by remaining hydrated, you're enabling your body to operate at its best and most effective level while eliminating dangerous pollutants. Additionally, by boosting GI motility, proper water helps overall digestion.

Here are some recommendations from experts on how to brew a tasty cup of tea at home without packing on the pounds. Check out our list of 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work for much more advice.ur weight.

1 Pick the proper tea.

According to Bippen, some teas can help reduce bloating and improve digestion. "While all traditional teas—black, oolong, green, and white—and herbal teas made from herbs, fruits, spices, roots, and leaves other than Camellia sinensis plant are considered healthy due to their polyphenol content," she adds. The most popular teas to help with digestion and relieve bloating are ginger, fennel, peppermint, and dandelion.

Dandelion tea has a built-in diuretic effect, says Bippen. "This raises the amount of urine produced by your body, which causes the kidneys to remove more fluid from your body. Dandelion tea might lessen bloating and water weight by expelling extra fluid."

White tea can also help boost your metabolism by 4-5%, enabling you to burn an extra 70 to 100 calories each day, according to a 2010 review. As natural diuretics, green and black tea will aid in the removal of excess water and salt from your body when you feel bloated.

Remember to educate yourself about the 7 Teas That Melt Belly Fat.

2 Steer clear of artificial sweeteners.

Although it may seem like a good idea to replace honey or sugar with a calorie-free substitute, Bippen recommends against doing so.

She claims that sugar alcohols like sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol are not digested and absorbed by the body. "Instead, microbes in the digestive system really ferment sugar alcohols. This may have a detrimental impact on certain people, causing bloating, gas, and possibly having a laxative effect."

can lead to bloating, diarrhoea, and general discomfort in your gut. These microorganisms can also impact how your body breaks down specific foods and produce compounds that contribute to satiety. In other words, keeping a healthy weight depends on having a balanced microbiota, which artificial sweeteners may undermine.

Here Are the Effects of Artificial Sweeteners on Your Body.

3 Enjoy it hot.

Before you pour that tea over ice, give it some second thought. According to Bippen, drinking it hot is the greatest way to experience its belly-flattening benefits.

Warm tea may lessen bloat and promote bowel movements, according to Bippen. "Warm drink has been demonstrated to stimulate and encourage motility in the GI tract. Additionally, it's believed that extremely cold tea may slow down digestion by constricting blood vessels around the stomach. Bloating is a common side effect of poor digestion."

Here is the number one tea recommended by nutritionists for weight loss.

4 Be cautious with adding dairy.Coffee creamer

Did you know that 65% of adults have a reduced capacity for lactose digestion? If you fall into this category, adding milk or cream to your tea may cause you to experience diarrhoea, nausea, bloating, and abdominal pain.

According to Bippen, everyone digests dairy in a different way. "the positive news Dairy-free milk is available in a wide variety. Almond, oat, or coconut milk beverages are examples of plant-based choices that come naturally lactose-free."

5 Go easy on the sugar.

Adding sugar to tea

It's recommended to keep your overall sugar intake to a minimum because all types of sugar, including natural ones, can be dangerous if you ingest large amounts of them.

Nevertheless, honey has a sweeter flavour than sugar, so you only need a little of it to improve the flavour of your tea. It doesn't boost your blood sugar as quickly as sugar because it has a lower glycemic index. The best part is that honey has nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that table sugar lacks. According to certain research, raw honey in particular can reduce triglyceride levels as well as total and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Another option that has a lower glycemic index than sugar is coconut sugar, which also contains a soluble fibre called inulin.

6 Include nutrients that aid in digestion.

Bippen asserts that inulin is also present in some plant roots that are frequently found in tea, such as dandelion and burdock.

She explains that this kind of prebiotic fibre serves as food for the beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract. This can support a healthy gut microbiota and general digestion.

After a large meal, Bippen also strongly advises using an inch of fresh ginger root with your tea since it can hasten stomach emptying, soothe digestive discomfort, and lessen intestinal cramping, bloating, and gas. She adds that it also possesses qualities that might lessen inflammation-related bloating and safeguard the stomach lining.

Making your own tea from fresh ginger root ensures that the medicinal properties of ginger, such as gingerols, are also present in the resulting beverage, according to Bippen.

She also suggests the following ingredients

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