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5 Ways To Safeguard Your Home Against Winter Electrical Hazards

Here are five ways to help safeguard your home against electrical hazards during the coldest season of the year.

By Hudson Electrical NBPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Electrical hazards can happen during any season and without any warning. But, winter brings several electricity-related problems that could harm your family and home if left unchecked. During the heavy snow and strong winds of winter, anything can happen. So, homeowners need to be extremely vigilant especially with their appliances used during this season. Some of these unexpected winter issues include power abnormalities, outages, and fluctuations.

When things like these happen, preparedness is what will keep your family comfortable and warm. So you should have a backup generator installed in case of emergencies mentioned above. While it can be expensive, it is a good investment for your home and family's welfare. If you still don't have one and is planning to purchase it before the winter starts, make sure to call your local electrician Central Coast for proper installation.

On the other hand, here are five ways to help safeguard your home against electrical hazards during the coldest season of the year.

Electrical safety inspection

Before winter comes, you should start preparing your electrical appliances for the cold months ahead. Checking all the wires on your appliances if they are cracked, frayed, or loose and having them fixed immediately can help you avoid expensive spending in the future. Damaged wiring can be very hazardous because it can cause injuries, electrocution, and fires even during the winter.

Other fire-starting electrical components also include outdated fuse boxes and faulty electrical panels which should be inspected and replaced when it's too old to be used. Although they don't look worn-out at all, an electrical panel should be replaced every 20-30 years but they can be updated if needed.

Don't leave candles unattended

Since scented candles have gained popularity and have been used by most households to spruce things up, cases of fires caused by unattended candles also increased in numbers. Falling asleep is one of the leading factors while candles are left burning. So just to be sure, it is best to extinguish your candles before heading to bed. Also, place it away from combustible materials as a precautionary measure to avoid causing fires.

Keep space heaters away from combustible items

Space heaters require a high current for them to function, and a power strip cannot handle that. The current passing through it can cause the wires of the power strip to melt, burn, or even catch on fire. So the safest option is to plug your space heater in a wall socket without anything else plugged into the same wall.

As space heaters bring more heat, wooden furniture and other combustible house items are in danger of catching fire. So, firefighters recommend leaving at least three feet around the space heater empty. It is also best placed in tiles or hardwood floors.

Don't overload electrical outlets

The rule of thumb is to never overload electrical outlets because it can start a fire in the blink of an eye. All kinds of appliances should always be plugged directly into a wall socket and never on an extension cord. While some appliances could only be using low wattage, it is still best not to overload your sockets. Instead, call your most trusted electrician and ask them to install additional power outlets. While they're at it, you can also ask them about surge protectors to avoid any damages against random power spike.

Tip: Before buying a surge protector, it is better to ask for an electrician's advice.

Make sure all sockets are away from water

Bathroom, kitchen, and outdoor sockets are the most prone to getting wet when installed in the aforementioned areas of the house. It is better if you can have them moved to a safer distance from where the water can splash. But if you can't, covering them with outlet plugs are better to prevent accidental contact that can cause an electric shock. If there are kids in the house, make sure to purchase child safety socket covers to put on unused plugs.

All of these electrical safety tips to safeguard your home during the winter can also be applied during all seasons. It's just that winter brings more electrical dangers than the other seasons, so you should always be on the lookout.


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