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5 Ways to Make Your Man Want You More

How to make him want you more?

By Archer Published about a year ago 6 min read
5 Ways to Make Your Man Want You More
Photo by Carly Rae Hobbins on Unsplash

How to make him want you more? I get asked that constantly. Women spend of a lot of time trying to figure out exactly what it is that will make their guy go gaga over their relationship, and more importantly the girl herself. This leads to an abundance of speculation between women and their friends, which often times is based around the media, television shows and pop music. The truth is, ladies, there are five sure-fire ways to make him want you, and none of them have anything to do with the cast of Grey's Anatomy. The reality is that men think much differently than women, and we interpret situations and circumstances much differently as well. This leads to many of the "timeless" arguments between men and women, but just understand some of these simple differences from a man's point of view will help you immensely.

Listen to Him

We men know that it is absolutely in your nature to talk more than we do, and honestly we're used to it. What we would like in return, however, is for you to allow us the time to talk about anything we would like, without interjecting. If your guy begins a story about a conversation he had with his mother, it is not acceptable to jump in and ask how she's doing, or if she has talked to anyone else in the family lately about an upcoming event. You will have your chance to ask questions, add comments and regale us with your superior family dynamics after we are finished. This applies to work, friends and general stories about anything that happened while we were not together.

Early in my own marriage, my wife and I would discuss our day when we got home. I should say that I mostly listened to her talk about her day, and I usually gave a two-sentence summary of my day. I was fine with this, by the way; I knew my wife liked to talk about her day as a way of blowing off some steam. But, it was unavoidably becoming a drag for me to hear her complain about her day every single evening. So finally I told her that we needed to spend more time talking about positive or just lighter topics. I didn't want to quit talking to her at night, it just needed to be less intense so that I didn't get sick of it.

By Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

Talking with her helped her see that it was becoming a drag to have to listen to her complain, and it really helped our evening ritual of interacting become more positive instead of negative.

Show Some Respect

Men would really appreciate having a girlfriend who does not torture him with the details of what she thinks about every single friend, family member or coworker he has. Sure, Mike - your beau's best friend since third grade - may be a complete idiot, but it is not necessary to remind him you think so every time he says the poor guy's name in passing. He wants you to be able to meet him out for a beer, no matter who is at the bar, including Mike, and for you to be nice, fun and sweet. Not to roll your eyes at his friends, or try and adopt them as pet projects to make them better people. They are his friends, not yours. The same goes for any interaction with the wait staff or parking attendants. Everyone deserves your respect, and the more you give it, without being cynical, the more he will love you.

Be Confident, Not Jealous

There is absolutely nothing sexier on the entire planet than a confident woman. When you are sitting up straight, smiling and exuding a self-assured determination, everyone in the room will have their eyes on you, and that drives ALL men crazy. If you spend the evening slouched in a chair, making ugly faces at the women who go by or scolded him for talking to someone of the opposite sex, you begin to look desperate and awful. These are both exhausting traits and will stand out like a red wine stain on a white dress. Give him a reason to never leave your side while you are out with friends, and show him that you are worth his undivided attention.

By Eric Froehling on Unsplash

Mind Your Own Business

Chances are, your guy has gotten to adulthood without your unwavering ability to monitor his every move. Let's keep it that way. Along with any sensible amount of confidence comes an ability to mind your own business. It is none of your concern who is texting, emailing or messaging him, so you do not have to ask him every time his phone makes a sound. Chances are, he's simply responding to a "Get a beer?" text from a friend, or responding to an after-hours email. In a world of technological crutches, we all have a social cross to bear when responding to others as long as the device is turned on. If it is incredibly important for the two of you to have alone time, consider agreeing on a time to shut the phones off together, or going to dinner or a movie without them.

How to Make Him Want You Again

This is SO easy. The problem is, women spend an exorbitant amount of time keeping score with their girlfriends, and listing all of the things their man does wrong, instead of actually saying or doing something nice for him instead. Does your man like a certain food? Surprise him with a lunch delivery to his office when you know he is too slammed to get out. Even easier, say something nice or flattering to him. Tell him he's handsome, or that you admire his opinion or intelligence when he provides you with a solid solution. Thank him for dinner immediately following a meal when the two of you have gone out for an evening, and offer to buy coffee or a drink afterwards. Show him that you care by kissing him on the cheek, or telling him that you are happy/proud/excited for him when the occasion arises. It really is that easy.

By Candice Picard on Unsplash

Relationships are a two way street. If you would like someone to treat you with respect, and say and do nice things for you, you should probably start returning the gestures.

"His Secret Obsession" by James Bauer is a book that provides insight into the male psyche and helps women understand what really drives men. The book is targeted towards women who want to build a strong and lasting relationship with a man, and provides a blueprint for creating an unbreakable bond.

One of the key themes of the book is understanding what Bauer calls a man's "secret obsession." According to Bauer, every man has an underlying obsession that drives him, and women who understand and tap into this obsession have the power to create a deep connection with him. The book delves into this concept in detail, providing women with the tools and techniques to uncover a man's secret obsession and use it to their advantage.

The book is written in a simple and easy-to-follow manner, and provides practical advice and real-life examples to illustrate the concepts. Bauer emphasizes the importance of communication and empathy in building a strong relationship, and provides tips on how to deepen the emotional connection with a man.

One of the standout features of "His Secret Obsession" is the emphasis on building a deep emotional connection with a man. According to Bauer, this connection is the key to a successful and lasting relationship, and he provides women with the tools to create this connection and keep it strong.

In conclusion, "His Secret Obsession" is a must-read for any woman looking to build a deep and meaningful relationship with a man. The book provides valuable insights into the male psyche and provides practical advice on how to build a strong emotional connection. Whether you're in a relationship or looking for one, "His Secret Obsession" is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to understand and connect with men on a deeper level.


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    Archer Written by Archer

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