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5 Reasons to Not Ditch Your Pad and Pen

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By Marilyn GloverPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
5 Reasons to Not Ditch Your Pad and Pen
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

We live in an era of technology where just about anything you can imagine can be acquired by clicking a keyboard. Most occupations in our modern society require minimal computer knowledge. Whether it entails simple data entry skills to a more advanced comprehension of computer language, the world is continuously evolving. Even our day to day living is made more efficient with cell phones forever on the upgrade. There is always going to be a new gadget on the market to accommodate people and the desire for more proficiency and, of course, speed. Yes, we do indeed live in a hustle and bustle world where technology will only continue to improve.

While I am all for enhancements making life more bearable, I also grew up in a time where we did not have cell phones never mind, flat screen televisions, internet and good old Siri ( who I find quite annoying on many occasions.) Instead I had to put more personal effort into things like utilizing research in an actual library. A much slower paced generation compared to modern day culture but in reality not all that long ago. Most projects began on pen and paper and perhaps that may sound time consuming or an absolute chore but I am here to tell you 5 reasons why the pad & pen is so important and not to completely ditch them for the favored tech alternative.

1. Promotes personalization

2. Improves grammar & spelling

3. Backups when no tech is available

4. Motivates discouraging laziness

5. Boosts creativity

1) Promotes personalization. This is at the top of my list simply because with technology readily available we often skip out on the good old pen and paper method. But think about it for a moment. We are always texting one another; coworkers, friends and family especially those who live at a distance. Emails are the contemporary replacement of the stamped envelope of the postal system. I remember the days of writing letters to friends and family and anxiously anticipating return correspondence. No matter how advanced technology gets there is nothing more intimate than a hand written letter.

2) Improves grammar and spelling. Perhaps not something to think about too much with all of the software checks available on laptops and computers. When we sit down to write out by hand, however, we are forced to be more conscious of mistakes. This in turn forces us to be more aware of not only what we are writing but how cohesive our ideas come across on paper. If you forget the computer once in a while you may learn a thing or two about where improvements are needed such as in punctuation, proper usage of verbs and adjectives and fragments. My suggestion is to give this a try then by all means put your work on the screen to see how you do with spell check. I personally like writing my drafts out by hand before editing on my laptop. It is a great exercise for fine tuning skills and figuring out areas that need polishing...

3) Backups when no tech is available. Let’s face it there are plenty of times when there is no access to our devices. Cell phones die; go into low battery mode or maybe a situation pops up when a phone cannot be used. Power outages happen due to storms and like it or not, technical issues can shut down our apparatuses of choice. I always carry a pad and pen in my purse for precisely this reason. I may have an idea to jot down for a writing project. Other times I have needed to take down some important info like a telephone number or address when I accidentally left my phone at home. It also never hurts to have a paper backup of important information “just in case” as I always say.

4) Motivates discouraging laziness. This is my reference to the fact that since technology is so prevalent I often feel people act lost without it like there are no other alternatives. From a literary standpoint I think it is necessary to begin my work with pad and pen. It feels good to take the computer out of the equation sometimes and rely on encyclopedias and dictionaries and other research material. While modern technology is convenient and significant, I also believe in the satisfaction and appreciation one can only get by going back to basics. I suggest giving it a try; use hard cover resources, visit libraries. An atmosphere surrounded in books is a refreshing virtual break and healthy for the mind.

5) Boosts creativity. Certainly is not limited by any means but it is also not confined to our computers, I pads, phones etc. Many of my best ideas began with pen and paper. Although it is true that the online world has lots to offer to stimulate the imagination it is not meant to replace our innovative process. Sometimes to tune out the tech world and take to standard pen and paper is good way to simplify things. Personally I take tech breaks and find a nice setting to write in like a park or near a garden to find my inspiration. We all have a resource that works for us individually. The key is to experiment and find out what works best for you.

In our ever evolving world of technology I think it is important to find balance. Whereas it can be easy to get sucked into the appeal of graphics, high speed and “everything at your fingertips” so to speak, it is also important to not forget about the basics. A pad and pen are about as basic as you are going to get yet it is essential to be able to utilize such simple tools. This was my primary method in communication, school homework, creative writing and so on for years. While I am very excited by the developments in technology since my grade school days, I also can appreciate a ball point pen and a notepad as a welcome alternative.


About the Creator

Marilyn Glover

7x Medium boosted poet, editor, and Reiki Master who is at her best when in nature. Creating to boost humanity while often not coloring within the lines. Follow me at:

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