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5 Benefits of Filing for Bankruptcy from Home

Bankruptcy can be a great way to get your finances back on track. Here is why you should consider filing from home.

By DE BrownPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Although bankruptcy is considered a last resort for many, it is actually a great way to get your financial life back on track. Moreover, bankruptcy is becoming more common in the USA as the coronavirus pandemic has caused economic hardship for many.

However, with COVID-19 still very much a threat in the United States, going to the courtroom is not an option for many. Therefore, if you have considered filing for bankruptcy, you may want to consider doing it from the comfort of your own home and with the help of a Miami chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney. Here are some of the main benefits of filing bankruptcy from home.

It is safe

Currently, the USA has the highest amount of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the world. With almost 3 million people infected, 200,000 new people contracting the virus daily, and around 3,000 people dying from it every day, it is no longer safe to travel to places where you might contract the virus. By filing your bankruptcy claim from home, you can ensure that you are keeping yourself, your family, and everyone close to you, safe.

It is convenient

Filing for bankruptcy from the comfort of your own home means that you don’t have to spend time traveling to a courthouse and waiting for your application to be processed. Everything can be done over the phone or in an online chat, meaning that you don’t have to spend all day filing.

Alleviates the anxiety of filing

There is no doubt about it. Filing for bankruptcy can be scary and stressful. Although the process itself is rarely difficult, people are often stressed by the idea of meeting an attorney or attending a 341 meeting of creditors.

By filing from a home, a lot of this stress will be alleviated, as everything will occur remotely. Although you will still have to meet with attorneys and have the 341 meeting of creditors, you will be able to do everything from home, and won’t feel intimidated by the presence of legal representatives.

Easy for everyone

In the past, those filing for bankruptcy often found it more difficult to complete everything, and they often had to deal with snags in the system. Attorneys and bankruptcy courts used to be wary of online systems, and as a result, did not conduct remote meetings on a regular business. However, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, at-home filings have become more and more popular, and have become the preferred option for many during these difficult times.

The ability to file for bankruptcy from home now also means that anyone can file for bankruptcy, even if they have mobility issues.

Gives you the opportunity to start rebuilding your credit

The coronavirus pandemic has thrust millions of people into unemployment, and many other aspects of life have been completely put on hold as a result. However, if your finances have been affected as a result of the pandemic, you don’t have to wait to get things sorted. You can start regaining financial control now.

Start with steps like these to strart improving your credit score:

  • Pay Your Bills . Pay all of your bills on time, each month. If you have any past-due accounts, bring them current and make on-time payments going forward.
  • Paying off credit card debt. Keeping credit card balances low or at zero. Being cautious when closing accounts. When you close an account, you reduce your amount of available credit, which in turn affects your credit utilization ratio.
  • Get an assist from Family or Friends . People that are close to you may be willing to help you rebuild your credit through these simple and safe steps:
  1. Make you an authorized user on one or more of their credit accounts.
  2. Open a new joint account with you.
  3. Become a cosigner to help you get a loan you may not qualify for on your own.
  • Be Careful with New Credit . Opening new credit card accounts, or even just applying for them, can affect your credit scores. However, increasing the amount of credit you have available can actually improve your credit utilization ratio.


Filing bankruptcy from home is the safest and easiest option for anyone who is currently considering bankruptcy. Make sure you speak to a trusted bankruptcy attorney online to discuss your options.


About the Creator

DE Brown

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