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5 API Tools for Data Hygiene Upkeep

It's time to clean up the data dirt.

By Sierra PowellPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

To deal with data that is growing by dozens of records a day, you don’t have the luxury of building a monotonous Excel-based workflow to cleanse your lists. High-tempo online businesses need to rely on automation and seamless integration to ensure that no one drops the ball in this process.

That’s why they need computerized data cleansing tools. No matter what type of business you’re in, improving how you upkeep your data can help you generate more revenue. In this review, we’ll take a look at 5 data hygiene tools to help you stay organized


DupeCatcher is a data hygiene app developed by the SalesHandy team to help you clean your contacts and leads lists. With no configurations needed, DupeCatcher runs as a background process. It then identifies dupes as they occur in Salesforce, making it easy for your team to review and make decisions on duplicates.

DupeCatcher identifies and allows you to merge duplicate contacts without the hassle of having to merge them manually. You can merge dupes automatically or manually. Once merged, you can choose to keep one record as a history of the two records. As well as check off which field has the preferred merged info.


There are many scenarios in a business where it is important to have the correct information in your database. This is especially true in the services world, where your clients can have staff who travel often. Or in the agricultural world, when you are shipping to foreign countries. It’s also important when you are trying to show service areas on company maps. If you are looking at standardizing your address data, look no further than AddressTools.


A reliable validation service is a crucial part of a good mailing list. It will ensure that you’re collecting official postal addresses and correctly sending them on to everyone on your targeted mailing list. CDYNE ‘s USPS address validation API tool is perfect for companies looking to correct, standardize, and validate mailing addresses. This tool will help you clean out your list and weed out non-deliverable addresses which will decrease the amount of undeliverable mail you send out and save you money.

Sandbox Data Masker

Sandbox Masker’s innovative and intuitive tools give you granular control over data. Remember, cleaning data is essential to protect the privacy and security of your customers. Data Masker enables consistent masking across your environment. It also provides an enhanced level of precision, protecting clients from unintended exposure.

For example, following an audit, you might want to ensure that all your customers’ email addresses aren’t visible in your Salesforce organization. In this case, you will want to use the masking capabilities in the Data Masker application.

They allow you to create “masks” to hide information from your Salesforce org. You can then use these masks with a variety of processes in Salesforce. This includes data import and export, automation rules, and update/delete requests.


A data pipeline is a process by which data is transformed or cleaned, perhaps to validate it, prepare it for a particular analysis, or keep it in the best shape possible. Some of the most common uses of data pipelines are data mining, ETL (Extract Transform Load), and data warehousing.

Additionally, some people use them to replicate data. Xplenty is a powerful data pipeline system that can handle all these things while ensuring security and performing other necessary tasks.

Instead of installing complex tools of multiple solutions, you can use Xplenty to easily set up the data ingest, transformation engine, and loads into your data warehouse. The result is that you have a powerful yet easy-to-use system.

Tibco Clarity

Tibco Clarity is a dedicated platform for interactive data cleansing. It uses a visual interface to streamline data quality improvements, data discovery, and data transformation. You can run any raw data through this solution to prepare it for use in your applications. Tibco Clarity reveals some interesting trends and issues related to your data and suggests fixes.

Final Thoughts

Customer-facing companies can benefit from duplicate checking. After all, taking care of your existing customers means keeping them happy for a lifetime. In this scenario, duplicates may not be a big deal at all if they are aware that you have already been in contact with their customer service reps. However, if there is a case where the issue didn’t need to be taken care of, having a duplicate process in place can help cut out a lot of extra work and possibly hurt brand reputation.


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