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4 Ways to Make Your Home a More Positive Space

Your home should be a place where you feel at ease, can recharge and feel relaxed

By Rick JamesonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Your home should be a place where you feel at ease, can recharge and feel relaxed. This is not always true. Stress symptoms can be triggered by a lack of space in your home.

Don't worry! We will be discussing the four best ways to make your home a happier place to live in this article:

  1. Clear out the clutter
  2. Structured simplicity is a virtue
  3. Let the sun shine in and make neutrals pop!
  4. Bring the outdoors in

Continue reading to learn these tips that will help you create a happier home.

1. Bring the outdoors inside

There are many relaxing benefits to caring for flowers and plants. But have you ever thought of creating an indoor garden? You can bring the outdoors indoors and have fun being creative.

According to Forbes greenery can reduce stress levels and make you feel happier. Indoor plants can improve concentration and purify the air around them, which in turn can improve your mood.

Many plant species are easy to care for, so you don't need to be an expert gardener. These are the most popular and highly recommended house plants.

  • Japanese peace lily
  • Blue star fern
  • Fishbone cactus
  • Spider plant
  • Aloe Vera

These options are not only beautiful, but they are also very adaptable to home life. This means that you can create a natural, positive environment in your home without worrying about the consequences for other species.

2. Get rid of all the clutter

Clear space, clear mind. This mantra pairs cleanliness with a stress-free lifestyle.

Sometimes, all it takes to make your home more pleasant is to declutter. It's enough to distract anyone from work by trying to make it a mess, or reading a book in the midst of yesterday's laundry.

Although organized chaos may be beneficial for some people, clutter can make life difficult and overwhelm others. Clearing clutter in your home ( includes) will make your space feel more calm and purposeful.

It pays to think creatively about storage, especially when you're working with small spaces like a narrow living room. You don't have to sweep it under the carpet. Many interior decorators (such as this article from FurnitureBox) suggest using vertical space. This is because bookcases and shelves can be used to store and display any item you desire without taking up too much surface area.

3. Structured simplicity is embraced

Have you cleared out all the clutter but still feel restricted? You've probably grown tired of the same old scene after months of living in lockdown and working remotely.

Monotony is not good for the soul and mind. Now is the time to decorate while keeping a minimalist, stripped-back style in mind. Loud accents and busy furniture don't make for a happy space. You should instead embrace the trendy approach to home-living, also known as structured simplicity.

Structured simplicity is a Nordic design style that focuses on one principle: Create a positive, refreshing space free from clutter you are proud to call your home.

Structured simplicity is the name of the design. Your space shouldn't feel crowded, loud or cluttered, but well-planned, thoughtful, and personal. To create a relaxing, positive environment, you should include happy memories such as family photos, comfortable sinking sofas, or faded tones.

4. Make neutrals pop (and let in the sunshine)

Structured simplicity is the key to a clutter-free and positive home. You shouldn't be afraid to inject some color into your life to brighten it up. Experts such as Healthline have shown that natural colors and light can increase serotonin, also known as the happy hormone.

Imagine nature. What do you see? What do you see? Clear blue skies, green forests and white-capped mountains. Pastel and neutral colours are the best way for nature to be represented in your home environment. So make sure to use them to your advantage.

This can be achieved by using lots of greens or blues in your layout. Paint the walls, use accessories such as pillows and throws and take inspiration from what you're seeing outside. But don't overlook neutral tones either. The neutral tones of whites and greys can create the illusion that there is more space.

You should also open a few windows and draw curtains to let in some sunlight. Access to sunshine and fresh air can help you feel happier and more positive in your home.

After months of living in lockdown, it is worth making your home more welcoming. This is how to reclaim your home, make it more pleasant and create a structured space.


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