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35+ Blogging Mistakes Every Newbie Blogger Should Avoid

Blogging Mistakes Every Newbie Blogger Should Avoid

By Udemezue JohnPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
35+ Blogging Mistakes Every Newbie Blogger Should Avoid
Photo by Super Snapper on Unsplash


There are over 600 million blogs in the US alone and over 2 Billion Blogs worldwide; the sad truth remains that only 5% of these blogs are successful when generating passive income.

I did not state these facts to mock other blogs not doing well; all I am trying to prove is that so many people go into blogging blank and without a strategy, hence the reason for many failing blogs.

So many blogs are written and updated daily to make worthy information readily available. It is the responsibility of the search engine portal to organise this information as much as possible.

You need to be more than just a writer to succeed massively as a blogger; most people who follow blogging are not writers; they are strategic, which has led to their success as Bloggers.

As new bloggers, we often fall into the Waterloo of blogging errors; a few and most important will be highlighted in the sections below.

As they say, “every expert once was an amateur”. There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes, though, but you can build a better blog as soon as you can if you can avoid a few deadly blogging mistakes that you will discover in this article.

1. Not Thinking About How To Monetize Your Blog Early.

If you choose to become a hobby blogger with no intention of making money in the nearest future, properly planning a monetisation technique for your blog would be a bad idea for you as a blogger, and you might get burned out in the process and not find blogging interesting at all.

There are various monetisation platforms and strategies available to you as a blogger, and some of them are.

1. Contextual Advertising (Google Adsense,

2. Sales of Products.

3. E-book publishing.

4. Affiliate Marketing.

Here is an article I wrote on how you can start making money as a blogger

  • How To Make Money Blogging
  • How To Make Money With Google Adsense

2. Forgetting to Track Your Progress.

One way to track your progress as a blogger is through analytical tools, and the most popular of them is the Google Analytics Tools by Google which provides you with valuable insights into your blog’s growth.

Failure to properly use these tools would guarantee your loss as a blogger.

3. Missing Best SEO Practices.

Do you know that 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine? Therefore, search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a core way to generate traffic to your blog.

Here is an article I wrote on search engine optimisation.

There are billions of search queries being made every second and not fully understanding proper SEO practices puts your blog at a considerable loss.

Without using SEO best practices and structuring your content to be easily digestible by search engines, you risk missing out on a massive opportunity for traffic.

  • Below are outlined SEO practices you should take note of.
  • Conducting innovative keyword research before writing.
  • Creating attention-grabbing blog post headlines.
  • Use internal and external links throughout your content.
  • Writing a compelling meta description.
  • Optimising your page URL

If you already have a website and you need to check if your website is optimised correctly, here is an article I recommend you read to get started.

4. Writing and Publishing Inconsistently.

Every blogger should take note of planning content with a times frame and calendar.

You are building a business, and you should make sure you dedicate the necessary time to grooming.

To rank better on the search engine, it is highly advised you publish your first 50 posts in the first two months after creating your blog, and you should also plan on improving each post to attract more blog visitors.

Choosing Topics That Readers Aren’t Interested In. Before starting as a blogger, you should pick a niche that readers are interested in and make sure you do proper research so that you don’t get jammed along the way.

Here is an article I recommend you read to help you get started with how you can write articles.

5. Selecting a Bad Hosting Company.

A good hosting provider is as vital to your blog as oxygen is to the human body, so you cannot take the hosting of your blog lightly. If you are on WordPress and using the free version, your blog is hosted there by default.

But if you want to grow your blog and keep it professional, you will have to shift to a better hosting provider like Namecheap.

When searching for the right hosting company to power your blog, here are the factors you should consider: Speed, Features, Security and Support

You don’t want to set up a blog and experience crashes whenever visitors are trooping into your website.

To avoid this, I recommend you purchase your web host and the domain name from a reliable company, one of which I suggest is Namecheap. You can click the link below to get a Namecheap account set up.

(Namecheap Review) Why NameCheap Remains The Best Webhosting Solution For Your Website

Read this article to get a complete list of reliable web hosting companies that I recommend.

6. Ignoring List Building.

List building simply means collecting a list of email subscribers for your blog. Do You know that 3 billion people will use emails by 2020?

Even though social media apps like Snapchat and Instagram are top-rated, according to a survey, it has been discovered that Millennials use their emails more than other generations.

These lists can be used as leverage to send out your promotional packages, new blog content, etc.

Forgetting to include list building strategy in your blogging campaign is a mistake every blogger should avoid.

If you’re just starting your email list and keeping your blog on a tight budget, I suggest using a free plan on MailChimp.

It’s free for up to 2,000 subscribers, and there is a free WordPress plugin that can help you collect these emails automatically.

Should read my article on email marketing to help grasp better the use of email.

7. Giving Up Early.

In reality, most new blogs will take 3 to 6 months of consistent effort before getting a meaningful amount of readers and generating significant revenue, which can be attributed to SEO reasons.

In the first six months of your blog, Google sees you as new, so you don’t expect to get massive traffic from the search engine, so don’t be discouraged quickly. Wait patiently. In no time, and with the right content and best SEO practices, your blog will be out of the matrix.

8. You Chose The Wrong Blog Engine (WEEX, WEEBLY).

As a beginner, you want a blogging platform that is easy to set up, has a low learning curve and does not require any coding skills. You also need to think about what kind of blog you want to create, now and in the future.

As your blog grows, you may want to change the look of your site and add more features for your growing audience. That means it’s essential to choose a flexible blogging platform with room to grow.

Starting with the wrong platform can make it very difficult to switch later on. To Blog successful, you should use WordPress because of the complete tools available at your disposal.

9. Choosing the Wrong WordPress Theme.

Some WordPress themes are minimal and make it challenging to customise your blog — and others will make you reduce your blog load speed which will, in turn, damage your website’s SEO.

While you can always change your theme when using WordPress, it takes some planning and work.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on this blog on the best blogging themes to choose as a newbie; click the link below to get started.

10. Creating a Blog Solely For Music/ Video.

Creating a blog with the sole aim of distributing copyrighted music and videos is a terrible idea and an inferior way to make an impression as a blogger. Instead, distributed music and videos should be designed and hosted on their respective platforms.

Online video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo should be held responsible for your videos. Music distribution platforms like Soundcloud, AUdio mack, and Deezer should do the heavy lifting of hosting sounds. A blog is meant to be an information spot.

11. Showing too many Stats/Visitor Locations.

Newbie bloggers often like to display the relevance of the blogs by adding a stats widget alongside their Blog design.

This might look good to you, but you tend to displease your audience; who cares about where your visitors are coming from? That should be known to you.

12. Your Blog has Too Many Moving Parts.

Having a complex blog design can also lead to your website being slowed down, and this can cause a higher bounce rate causing the search engine to rank you very low. To solve this, make sure you use a perfect WordPress theme.

Read this article to get started with choosing a WordPress theme.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on some few blogging mistakes you should avoid, check out the link to the article below to learn more.

how to

About the Creator

Udemezue John

Digital Nomad currently blogging about marketing and internet of tings on

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