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3 Entrepreneurial Lessons We Can Learn From Hype House

and it’s not your typical lessons

By Tina LopezPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
3 Entrepreneurial Lessons We Can Learn From Hype House
Photo by todd kent on Unsplash

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Have you recently binged the newest Netflix series Hype House?

Do you find yourself fascinated with the challenges that these mega influencers endure?

Did it bring a new light into how you think about social media and influencers?

If you’re anything like me, someone extremely fascinated with the new show Hype House. It brought a lens of humanity and humility to mega influencers.

It reminded me more than anything that no matter your social status - we are all humans and we face the same or similar challenges.

It also taught me the importance of mastering your knowledge of the lessons that I will share with you today.

With that being said, let’s get into it.

Happiness Doesn’t Come After You’re Successful

We usually believe that when we reach a certain level of fame, money, and success that our problems will eventually just go away. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It is that when we reach these new heights of success, our problems just don’t “go away” they get amplified.

In the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey, you push your problems away in order to deal with them “later”, simply because you’re working hard on building something that’s meant to last. You may say to yourself:

“I don’t have time to focus on [insert problems] because I much rather spend that time building my business”

Or some variation of the same sentence.

So, you push. You push in your business. You push your work ethic to the max. You reach new heights and possibilities that you previously thought weren’t possible.

But here lies the problem when you “push” too hard. You end up pushing away things that you didn’t mean to.

You push away your family because you’re too bothered to spend time with them.

You push away any ounce of rest because “rest” is for the weak.

You push away the initial passion you had in your business because now it’s feeling like something you “have” to do, rather than “want” to do.

You’ve pushed a lot of things away in your life until you reach a dark bottom where you can push no more.

Being left with maybe tons of “success” but feeling empty as fuck on the inside.

What ever happened to those visions of success you once had? Where you thought that happiness lies at the end of the tunnel of success?

Only to realize that you’re still unhappy, and still unfulfilled.

Here’s the thing: problems don’t magically just “disappear” when you reach more money, fame, etc. - they only amplify them.

You realize that your life may be different on the outside, but you still have the same problems on the inside.

Fears will still plague you. They just morph themselves into different variations:

Fear of not succeeding -> fear of losing everything

Fear of not having enough money -> fear of losing all your money

You get the picture. The moment where you feared not having enough, you end up fearing of losing it all.

So what can we learn from the Hype House example?

Don’t avoid your problems because you’re too bothered/busy with your business. Address them and move through them. You and your business will do better when you are better.

Quick sneak peek: Your business state is usually a reflection of your mental state. Read more on the topic below:

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Your Business is Only as Good as Your Team

It absolutely pained me to see the poor team management that was portrayed during the Netflix series.

Lack of Communication

Lack of Gratitude

Lack of Authority

Lack of Boundaries

Lack of Vision

Lack of Mission

There was a lot of lack with team dynamics. Everyone was concerned about working for themselves and forgot the reason they’re in Hype House to begin with.

Not that those influencers shouldn’t be working for themselves, they should, but they also should understand the importance of why Hype House came to fruition in the beginning.

The purpose behind hype house was to gather influencers and create content together. Because showcasing togetherness does well within social media.

But once they moved into hype house, there was not a clear incentive on why they should continue the pursuit of Hype House - I mean, they already lived in the house.

There needed to be a clear cut established vision by Thomas and a thorough onboarding process to showcase the rules of being and staying within the house.

Unfortunately, it’s not just up to “gratitude” to keep people motivated to contribute their efforts.

We only accomplish your goals when there are well established systems backing them.

There was no system on how to handle conflict.

There was no system on how to reach certain content benchmarks.

There was no system for accountability.

In summary, no system = no goals.

What can we learn from this?

A lot of the success, or lack thereof, comes down to leadership.

Being a leader unfortunately doesn’t mean always being Mr.Nice Guy.

Obviously, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be nice to your employees, you should; but it also doesn’t mean that you should be taken advantage of either.

Most people think that conflict is a bad thing, but I offer a change in perspective:

Conflict is a bridge for collaboration.


Because conflict allows you to be honest, and transparent. Yes, there are certain guidelines on how to handle conflict, but if you choose to have no conflict, then that’s an even bigger problem.

Conflict is healthy.

Conflict is essential.

When you learn how to effectively handle conflict you can then let out your emotions and leave room for the rational mind to take place.

You create room for collaboration.

From there, you can proceed forward with a solution to the problems that you are having.

Finally, bringing me to my most critical lesson:

Creating Lifetime Revenue vs. One Time Revenue

I distinctly remember watching one scene in Hype House where Thomas mentioned that he makes $80,000 a month.

Now, to some, that is a lot of money; But having a social status with millions of followers and you’re barely breaking six figure revenue streams a month is quite disappointing.

With social media, you need to think beyond just “one time revenue”. You’ve build a business to last, so let’s figure out how we can trade out one time revenue for lifetime revenue.

Here are a few ideas to think about, instead of:

Being on a content hamster wheel -> create a forever funnel of content

Getting one time brand deals -> create a recurring affiliate revenue opportunity

Focusing on followers and likes -> turn them into email subscribers and focus on open rates/engagement

People forget that using social media goes beyond just the vanity metrics of likes and comments (like and comments don’t pay the bills) -> it’s the power of using your following as leverage.

People forget the power of leverage.

Don’t be that person.

Think from a mindset of:

“Are the activities that I’m doing today going to create outputs beyond my initial output?”

Whether that be money, growth, etc.

Think from a place of lifetime revenue, then just one time revenue.

One time revenue may pay the bills, but lifetime revenue will help you be on vacation during retirement.

In summary, it’s important to know that happiness doesn’t come at the end of success; so don’t push off your happiness, create it now and enjoy it. Being a leader in your business is about learning to motivate people with your vision and mission in order to get the desired result you want. Finally, always think from a mindset of creating lifetime revenue rather than one time revenue.

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About the Creator

Tina Lopez

I help online entrepreneurs increase their productivity and revenues while working less. Learn no BS strategies on automation, life hacks, and mindset shifts.

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