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15 Simple Tips To Improve Your General Intelligence

Intelligence is a very important factor in determining the success of an individual.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

"I always feel so stupid," a friend recently told me. I've heard this sentiment from many people, and while some find it a comforting validation of their own intelligence, for others it's a devastating feeling that leaves them feeling helpless. If you have issues grasping new concepts or using critical thinking skills, you might be suffering from low intelligence.

In this post we explore 15 simple ways to improve your general intelligence. We cover everything from getting good sleep to boosting your happiness levels - all the way to reading more books! These are just 15 of the many techniques that can help you improve your problem-solving skills and learn how to overcome challenges more easily than before.

1) Sleep

If you have ever struggled to stay awake in class or been unable to focus on a task for long periods of time, then sleep is the first thing you should look at. Your body and brain are both significantly physically active while you sleep, which means that if you don't get enough sleep, your physical energy will be affected and your brain power will be compromised as well.

Try going to bed a little earlier to get better quality sleep, keep the lights off (your brain produces melatonin to help you fall asleep!), and turn off your phone. Even using a blue light filter can help combat this problem by making it easier for your eyes and body to adjust to darkness.

2) Exercise

Physical exercise improves your heart and overall health, but it's also extremely important for boosting your brain power.

Exercise affects neurotransmitters that have a direct impact on impulse control, which can help give you greater energy, focus, and confidence for tasks that you need to complete. Even short bursts of activity can improve your mental functioning because it gives your body a boost of endorphins, giving you more focus and drive as well as decreasing stress.

For optimal results try doing 30 minutes of exercise every day – or even just five minutes – whether it's walking in the park or just going up the stairs at work.

3) Quit Smoking

Smoking is arguably one of the most harmful habits you can engage in, and it can seriously hinder your brainpower. Each cigarette you smoke takes an average of 25 minutes from your life (the effects last for years), and half of smokers say that they feel their mental functions have slowed down.

If you are thinking about quitting, try to do it for more than two weeks to give yourself full recovery time. Just think how much better life would be if you had the energy to go out for a run or study for a test!

4) Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

This may sound counter-intuitive, but being uncomfortable is actually really good for your brain. When people are uncomfortable, they are more likely to pay attention and tackle a task that scares them even if it isn't something they want to do. This process is called "intellectual conflict," which is when your brain is forced to concentrate because you're not happy about doing the work or even being in a certain situation that you don't like.

This process can lead to an improvement in your problem-solving skills as well – think about how difficult it would be to solve a maths problem or other task that requires very specific thought processes if you didn't have to practice it in your head before doing it.

Being uncomfortable can help you get better at things you're bad at and even develop interests in new things. Research suggests that people who are frequently exposed to discomfort and the unknown often have more creative thoughts, more problem-solving capabilities, and more empathy than others.

5) Have a Media Diet

While it's nice to spend some time indulging yourself with a guilty pleasure or two, too much of a good thing is not necessarily good. If you're addicted to certain types of media – such as television shows or video games – it can seriously affect your overall intelligence.

Heavy media consumption can cause a decrease in problem solving, critical thinking, and working memory. As well as this, it can lead to negative social influences as well (who is watching your favourite TV show at the moment? Who is around you in real life?). A study by Harvard University found that people who consumed media for more than 2 hours per day were less likely to engage with others and solve problems later in the day than those who had less media exposure.

If you find yourself "plugged in" to the Internet or binge-watching screen shows without breaking a sweat, get some sleep and work on improving your general intelligence.

6) Read More Books

It's been said before and it absolutely holds true in this day and age: reading more books can make you smarter. After all, it's the written word that will help you learn new things and expand your mental capabilities.

Not only does it improve your vocabulary and help you learn how to reason, but you'll also find yourself thinking about things in different ways whether that be on a small scale like a book you've read a year ago or on a much larger scale like a particular philosophy book that has influenced so many great thinkers.

7) Learn a Foreign Language

While you may have only wanted to learn a foreign language to impress your crush or get a job abroad, learning a new language will actually make you smarter (or at least boost your general intelligence). It can help improve your memory, critical thinking skills, and self-control. Some studies suggest that the areas of the brain that are stimulated when learning a new language are the same areas that help you develop interests for other hobbies or activities as well.

8) Study a Musical Instrument (or Learn to Play One)

If you've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, now's the time. Not only will it be good for your general intelligence and mental health, but it can help you improve your memory as well. It's also good for your cardiovascular health and can help with language development and social skills.

If you're too nervous to actually play an instrument – or think that playing one is a waste of time because you don't want to be in a band – just try reading sheet music! You'll be able to slowly read music as it helps you develop mental acuity, as well as enhancing your appreciation for music in general.

9) Try a New Skill

There's nothing like learning a new skill like playing the guitar or learning to dance that can help you expand your mind. Not only will it make you happier and more fulfilled, but it's also good for your brain. When you're pushing yourself to learn something new, you're essentially exercising your frontal lobe as well as an area of the brain that helps with evaluating situations and making decisions. You'll be able to learn new things and see things in a different way after you've learned a new skill.

10) Eat a Healthy Diet

This one may seem obvious, but how much you eat can affect your intelligence. Eating a balanced diet of whole foods is necessary to make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals to keep your brain healthy. This will also help boost your memory and enhance your problem solving skills.

If you're having trouble remembering something, cutting out all processed foods and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is the best way to improve your concentration as well! Even if you're not having trouble maintaining focus or concentrating at school or work, making smart dietary choices can help improve the quality of food that's in your body as well.

11) Meditate for Five Minutes a Day

A small amount of meditation can go a long way, especially if you're only doing it for five minutes each day. If you're looking for something to focus on during those five minutes, then try focusing on an object or some other thing and taking deep breaths.

Not only will this quiet your mind and help you relax, but it can also help reduce anxiety and stress and improve your attention span as well. If you're interested in either beginning meditating or just trying to get better at it, there are plenty of books and apps that can help get you started.

12) Visualize Your Goals and Dreams

While you may simply want to visualize things like improving your vocabulary or getting down a new dance move, it can actually help make those things a reality – at least in your mind. It's also a great way to help keep yourself motivated, as well as being an excellent way to boost your mental clarity, self-confidence, memory retention, and problem solving skills.

As Hannah Stouffer writes for Forbes: "The more you practice visualizing your goals and dreams, the more likely it is that they'll come true. Plus, if you're looking to learn something new and increase your general knowledge, visualization is a great way to do it."

13) Take a Nap

While naps are looked down upon in some places – especially at work – taking a quick 20-minute nap can actually make you smarter. Not only will you be able to improve your memory and problem solving skills, but it can also make you more alert as well as improving your ability to remember things. Some studies have even shown that napping can help improve IQ scores by 12 points for college students and an impressive 21 points for older adults.

14) Get Outside

One of the best things for your brain, mind, and body is getting outside. While some people need to be cooped up in a classroom or office all day long, your brain needs a break from time to time. Whether you like to go on nature walks or just sit outside and read a book, it will help you focus better on what you're doing and improve your overall health as well. Just make sure to wear sunscreen!

15) Take Breaks During Study Time and Work Activities

You might think that taking breaks while studying or working will simply slow down your progress, but it's actually better for you. Taking breaks can actually improve your overall learning, memory formation, and attention span. Not only will it help you retain more information, but you'll be able to think better and be more productive at work as well. Regular breaks revitalize your mind, so you'll be able to focus better when you get back to what you were doing!

These are some of the best ways to boost your intelligence and brain power so that you can be smarter and more focused. Because your brain is such a vital part of you and your whole life, it's important to make sure that it stays healthy for as long as possible! If you're looking for some way to improve your memory, focus, or emotional intelligence, these are great ideas that can be easily incorporated into your life.


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