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15 Reasons Why You Should Drink Tea Every Day

Are you a tea person?

By James HeavystormPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
15 Reasons Why You Should Drink Tea Every Day
Photo by Rumman Amin on Unsplash

For thousands of years, tea has been a very important and beloved drink, representing an important aspect in the culture of many countries of the world, being part of ceremonial rituals, giving rise to trade routes, and even generating revolutions.

In addition, in recent decades, with the development of medicine, several benefits have been discovered that have made tea not only a delicious, mysterious drink with a fascinating history, but also a real medicine, highly appreciated and effective.

Therefore, we will point out in our article today what these benefits are, but not before specifying what tea is and what are the assortments we limit ourselves to when we refer to it.

Otherwise, all the other drinks that we commonly and frequently call "tea" are various infusions of various other plants, flowers, stems, or roots, which, although they have sensational aromas and extraordinary health benefits, do not fall into this category and, consequently, are not the subject of our article today (we will write about them in a future article).

There are, as I listed earlier, 5 authentic varieties of tea. But what makes them different, given that they come from the same plant? It's about how they are prepared, of course.

Thus, black tea is made from fermented leaves, green tea from steamed leaves, white tea from young, unfermented leaves, oolong tea from both fermented and unfermented leaves, and pu-erh tea from aged and fermented leaves.

The benefits of drinking tea every day

Reviewing all these extremely interesting details, we can only point out the most important benefits of frequent tea consumption. Here are these:

  1. Tea contains unique antioxidants, called flavonoids, which are very effective in the fight against free radicals. Antioxidants also have an anti-aging effect in cell repair and regeneration.
  2. Tea contains a smaller amount of caffeine than coffee, thus being indicated for those who do not tolerate a higher concentration but can still benefit from its positive effects.
  3. Tea can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction or stroke. It prevents the formation of arterial plaque, which is responsible for these cardiovascular episodes, studies show that the risk of a fatal heart attack is 70% lower in people who frequently consume black tea.
  4. Tea lowers cholesterol (LDL). Studies have shown that a low-fat diet along with frequent tea consumption lowers cholesterol by 16%.
  5. Tea lowers blood pressure. It has been found that consuming half a cup of green or oolong tea every day can reduce by up to 50% the risk of high blood pressure to normal limits.
  6. Tea protects the body against cancer. Experts believe that green tea, when consumed regularly, helps prevent and even treat lung, breast, and prostate cancer. A study also found that white tea has an excellent anti-cancer effect.
  7. Tea strengthens the immune system. It has been found that people who consume tea daily benefit from a higher immune system than those who do not have this habit. Therefore, tea consumption is indicated especially in the cold season and at the turn of the seasons, when the body is more sensitive to colds, flu, infections.
  8. Tea improves digestion. In China, the role of tea consumption in facilitating easy digestion has been known for millennia. Thus, it is recommended to consume a cup of tea, especially after lunch.
  9. Tea strengthens the bone system. Specialists have found that tea drinkers have a healthier bone system than those who do not consume this drink frequently, considering that this is due to the action of phytochemicals contained in it.
  10. Tea can prevent arthritis. Studies have shown that older women who are accustomed to drinking tea have a 60% lower risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis than others.
  11. Tea helps regulate body weight. It has been found that tea, especially green tea, has a positive effect in terms of losing extra pounds.
  12. Tea has no calories. If you choose to consume it unsweetened, you do not have to worry about calories for the simple fact that tea has a caloric content equal to zero.
  13. Tea can prevent type II diabetes. Although further studies are needed, some indications consuming green tea can prevent type II diabetes.
  14. Tea improves brain function. It has a positive effect in terms of lowering stress levels, improving short-term memory, calming nerves, insomnia, and headaches.
  15. Tea prevents food poisoning. It has been found that one of the substances contained in tea has an effective role in neutralizing the bacteria responsible for such digestive disorders.

These are 15 of the benefits that modern medicine attributes to tea consumption, whether it is black, green, white, oolong, or pu-erh. In addition, we can not insist on another important aspect: taste.

Thus, not coincidentally, those who tried very good quality teas became, in a very short time, passionate consumers, who would not give up this habit in favor of any other alternative.

That's why, as we have done every time, we want to recommend you some special assortments of premium quality teas, which will offer you a really tasty experience.


About the Creator

James Heavystorm

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