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10 Ways to Stay Active When You Have a Desk Job

Optimize your time on your job

By Ige OlakunlePublished 12 months ago 5 min read


In today's digital age, desk jobs have become increasingly prevalent, leading to a more sedentary lifestyle for many individuals. Sitting for long hours can have detrimental effects on our health, including weight gain, decreased energy levels, and increased risk of chronic diseases. However, it doesn't have to be this way! By incorporating simple yet effective strategies, you can stay active and lead a healthier lifestyle, even if you have a desk job. In this article, we will explore ten inspiring and engaging ways to stay active throughout your workday.

Take Active Breaks

Break free from the confines of your desk by taking regular active breaks. Instead of scrolling through social media or chatting with colleagues, use these breaks to get moving. Take a brisk walk around the office, climb a flight of stairs, or do a few stretches. These short bursts of activity will not only break up your sedentary time but also help boost your energy levels and productivity.

Real-life example: Sarah, a software engineer, sets an alarm on her phone to remind her to take a 5-minute walk around the office every hour. This simple habit not only helps her stay active but also allows her to clear her mind and return to work feeling refreshed.

Optimize Your Workspace

Make your workspace more conducive to physical activity. Consider using a standing desk or an adjustable desk converter that allows you to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. Additionally, keep resistance bands or small weights nearby to engage in quick strength training exercises during breaks.

Real-life example: Mark, a marketing executive, invested in a standing desk and set up a mini-workout corner in his office. Whenever he feels a lull in energy, he performs a set of resistance band exercises, such as bicep curls or shoulder presses, to keep his muscles engaged.

Walk or Bike to Work

If you live within a reasonable distance from your workplace, consider walking or biking instead of driving or taking public transport. Not only will this add physical activity to your day, but it will also save you from traffic congestion and provide a refreshing start to your morning.

Real-life example: Emma, a graphic designer, lives only a few blocks away from her office. She decided to ditch her car and walk to work every day. Not only did she enjoy the fresh air and exercise, but she also noticed a significant improvement in her mood and creativity.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day not only keeps you hydrated but also encourages movement. By consuming an adequate amount of water, you'll need to take regular trips to the restroom, giving you an opportunity to stretch your legs and move your body.

Real-life example: David, an accountant, made it a habit to drink a large glass of water every hour. He found that this simple practice not only helped him stay hydrated but also ensured that he took regular breaks to walk to the water cooler and restroom.

Embrace Active Transportation

Whenever possible, incorporate physical activity into your daily commute. Consider parking your car a bit farther away from your workplace or getting off the bus or train a few stops earlier. This allows you to add a short walk or bike ride to your routine, contributing to your daily activity levels.

Real-life example: Rachel, a project manager, decided to take public transportation to work. She gets off two stops before her destination and walks the remaining distance. This daily walk not only helps her stay active but also allows her to enjoy the beautiful scenery of her city.

Schedule Exercise Breaks

To counteract the sedentary nature of your desk job, schedule dedicated exercise breaks throughout your day. Whether it's a yoga class during your lunch break or a quick workout session before or after work, incorporating regular exercise into your routine is crucial for your overall health and well-being.

Real-life example: John, a financial analyst, joins a nearby gym and schedules his workouts for the early morning before work. By dedicating time to exercise, he starts his day feeling energized and accomplished, setting a positive tone for the rest of his day.

Engage in Desk Exercises

Even within the constraints of your desk, there are various exercises you can do to keep your body active. Incorporate desk exercises such as leg lifts, desk push-ups, or seated leg extensions. These exercises may seem small, but they can make a significant difference in combating the negative effects of prolonged sitting.

Real-life example: Lisa, a customer service representative, performs desk exercises throughout her workday. She sets reminders to do leg lifts while seated, and she uses her desk for support to do modified push-ups during her breaks. These exercises help her stay active and alleviate muscle stiffness.

Stand and Stretch Regularly

Sitting for prolonged periods can lead to muscle stiffness and poor posture. Combat this by standing up and stretching at regular intervals. Stretch your arms, back, neck, and legs to relieve tension and improve circulation.

Real-life example: Michael, an IT professional, sets a reminder on his computer to stand up and stretch every hour. He performs simple stretches like reaching for the sky, twisting his torso, and touching his toes. These brief stretching breaks help him maintain flexibility and prevent muscle strain.

Stay Active During Meetings

Meetings are an inevitable part of office life, but they don't have to be completely sedentary. Whenever feasible, suggest conducting walking meetings or standing discussions. Not only will this keep you active, but it may also enhance creativity and productivity.

Real-life example: Jane, a project coordinator, initiated the idea of walking meetings with her team. Instead of sitting in a conference room, they take their discussions outside and walk around the office campus. This practice not only encourages physical activity but also fosters a more relaxed and open atmosphere.

Find an Active Hobby

Outside of work, find an active hobby that you enjoy. Whether it's dancing, hiking, swimming, or playing a sport, engaging in regular physical activity outside of office hours will help you maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Real-life example: Andrew, a lawyer, took up tennis as his after-work hobby. By playing tennis three times a week, he not only stays active but also relieves stress and meets new people who share his interest. It has become a fulfilling and enjoyable part of his routine.


Having a desk job doesn't mean resigning yourself to a sedentary lifestyle. By incorporating these ten inspiring ways to stay active, you can break free from the confines of your desk and embrace a healthier and more energized workday. Remember, small changes can have a significant impact, so start implementing these strategies today and enjoy the numerous benefits of an active lifestyle, both at work and beyond.

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