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10 Things to look at when selecting paint for your exterior

Read before you go for painting your home

By Mark EdburgPublished about a year ago 15 min read
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When selecting paint for the exterior of a building, it is important to consider several key factors to ensure that the final product is both aesthetically pleasing and durable. Here, I have compiled a list of the top 10 things to consider when choosing paint for your exterior:


The climate in which the building is located will greatly impact the durability of the paint. Extreme temperatures, high humidity, and other weather conditions can cause paint to deteriorate more quickly. It is important to select a paint that is specifically designed to withstand the local climate.

When choosing paint for buildings located in India, it is important to consider the local climate. India experiences a wide range of temperatures and weather conditions, with hot and humid summers and cool, dry winters. Additionally, monsoons can bring heavy rain and high humidity.

In this climate, it is important to choose a paint that can withstand the high temperatures and high humidity without fading, chipping, or cracking. Acrylic paints are often recommended for their ability to withstand extreme weather conditions and retain their color over time. Oil-based paints are also a good option, but they take longer to dry and emit strong odors during the drying process.

Additionally, it is important to consider the impact of the climate on the application of the paint. In hot, humid weather, paint may take longer to dry and is more susceptible to dripping and running. In cool, dry weather, paint may dry too quickly and can be more difficult to work with.

To ensure the best outcome, it is important to choose a paint that is specifically designed for the Indian climate and to consider the time of year when the paint will be applied. By taking these factors into consideration, you can select a paint that will provide long-lasting and durable results in India’s challenging climate.

Surface type:

  • The surface type of the building’s exterior will impact the type of paint that should be used. Different surfaces require different types of paint, such as oil-based paint for wood surfaces and acrylic paint for masonry surfaces.
  • The surface type of a building’s exterior is an important factor to consider when choosing paint, as different surfaces require different types of paint for optimal results. The following are some common exterior surfaces and the types of paint that are best suited for each:
  • Wood: Wood surfaces, such as wooden siding or decking, require a paint that can penetrate the surface and protect it from moisture and rot. Oil-based paints are typically used on wood surfaces, as they provide good penetration and protection.
  • Masonry: Masonry surfaces, such as concrete, brick, or stucco, require a paint that can adhere well to the rough surface and withstand the elements. Acrylic paints are often used on masonry surfaces, as they adhere well and are resistant to fading and chipping.
  • Metal: Metal surfaces, such as aluminum siding or steel beams, require a paint that can withstand exposure to the elements and protect against rust. Epoxy-based paints are often used on metal surfaces, as they provide good protection against moisture and rust.
  • Glass: Glass surfaces, such as windows, require a paint that can protect against UV rays and fading. Specialty window paints are available that are designed to provide protection while still allowing light to pass through the glass.
  • Stucco: Stucco surfaces require a paint that can adhere well to the rough surface and withstand the elements. Acrylic paints are often used on stucco surfaces, as they provide good adhesion and are resistant to fading and chipping.

It is important to consider the surface type of a building’s exterior when choosing paint, as selecting the wrong type of paint can result in poor adhesion, fading, chipping, and other issues. By considering the surface type and selecting a paint that is well-suited for the specific surface, you can ensure a long lasting and durable paint job.


The color of the paint is an important factor in the overall aesthetic of the building. Consider the color scheme of the surrounding area and select a color that complements the surrounding buildings.

The color of paint is a crucial aspect to consider when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as it can greatly impact the overall look and feel of the building. The following are some important factors to consider when selecting a color:

  • Architectural style: Consider the architectural style of the building when selecting a color. For example, traditional styles may require more neutral colors, while contemporary styles may allow for bolder, brighter colors.
  • Surroundings: Consider the colors of the surrounding environment, including the neighboring buildings, trees, and landscape. Selecting a color that complements the surrounding environment can create a harmonious look.
  • Climate: The climate can also impact the appearance of the paint color. For example, bright colors may appear less vibrant in areas with heavy rain or clouds, while dark colors may absorb heat and become uncomfortably hot in sunny climates.
  • Personal preference: Ultimately, the color of paint should reflect your personal preferences and taste. Choose a color that you love and that you will enjoy seeing every day.

In addition to these factors, it is also important to consider the durability and quality of the paint color. Some colors may fade more quickly or require more coats to achieve a desired level of coverage. To ensure the best results, it is important to select a paint that is specifically designed for the exterior of buildings and to choose a color that is well-suited for the specific climate and environment.


The finish of the paint will impact the overall appearance and durability of the paint. A gloss finish is more durable and resistant to dirt and grime, while a matte finish has a more subtle appearance.

The finish of paint is an important aspect to consider when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as it can impact the overall look, feel, and durability of the paint job. The following are some common finishes and the characteristics of each:

  • Gloss: Gloss paint has a high sheen and is highly reflective, which can make the paint appear brighter and bolder. However, gloss paint is also more susceptible to showing defects and imperfections in the surface.
  • Semi-gloss: Semi-gloss paint has a medium sheen and is less reflective than gloss paint. It is a good option for areas that require a higher level of durability, such as trim and molding.
  • Satin: Satin paint has a low sheen and is less reflective than semi-gloss paint. It is a popular choice for walls and ceilings, as it provides good durability and a soft, subtle appearance.
  • Eggshell: Eggshell paint has a low sheen and a slightly textured appearance. It is a good option for areas that require a higher level of durability, as well as a more decorative look.
  • Matte: Matte paint has a low sheen and no reflection, which can give the paint a soft, muted appearance. However, matte paint is more susceptible to showing defects and imperfections in the surface.

It is important to consider the finish of paint when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as the finish can greatly impact the overall look, feel, and durability of the paint job. By considering the specific requirements of the surface, climate, and personal preferences, you can select a finish that will provide long-lasting and durable results.


Consider the reputation of the paint brand, as well as their warranties and guarantees. A well-established brand with a good reputation will likely provide a higher-quality product.

The brand of paint is an important factor to consider when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as different brands offer different levels of quality and performance. The following are some factors to consider when selecting a brand:

  • Reputation: Consider the reputation of the brand, as well as the quality of their products. Brands that are well-established and have a strong reputation in the market are more likely to provide high-quality, reliable products.
  • Product quality: Look for brands that use high-quality materials and have a proven track record of producing durable and long-lasting paint. Research the specific products offered by the brand and consider their performance in different climates and environments.
  • Customer service: Consider the level of customer service provided by the brand. Look for brands that have a responsive and helpful customer service team that can assist with any questions or issues that may arise.

Some popular Indian paint brands include:

  • Asian Paints
  • Berger Paints
  • Dulux
  • Nerolac Paints
  • Shalimar Paints

It is important to select a brand that you can trust to provide high-quality, durable paint for your building’s exterior. By considering the reputation, product quality, and customer service of different brands, you can select a brand that will provide reliable and long-lasting results.

VOC content:

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are harmful chemicals found in some paints that can have negative impacts on both the environment and human health. Consider selecting a paint with low VOC content to minimize these impacts.

VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) content refers to the amount of organic chemicals present in paint. VOCs can have negative health effects and contribute to air pollution, so it is important to consider the VOC content when choosing paint for your building’s exterior. The following are some factors to consider when evaluating the VOC content of paint:

  • Health and safety: VOCs can have negative health effects, such as headaches, dizziness, and respiratory problems. Choose paint with a low VOC content to minimize exposure to these chemicals.
  • Environmental impact: VOCs can contribute to air pollution and contribute to climate change. Choose paint with a low VOC content to minimize the environmental impact of the paint.
  • Performance: In some cases, paint with a low VOC content may not perform as well as paint with a higher VOC content. However, many high-quality, low-VOC paint products are now available that offer excellent performance and durability.

Unfortunately, there have been incidents in India where high levels of VOCs in paint have led to health problems and environmental concerns.

For example, in 2016, the Delhi government banned the sale and use of paint with high VOC content due to concerns over air pollution and health risks.

It is important to consider the VOC content when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as the VOC content can impact both your health and the environment. By choosing paint with a low VOC content, you can help to minimize exposure to harmful chemicals and reduce the environmental impact of the paint.

Application method:

Consider the method of application, as different paints require different application methods, such as rollers, brushes, or sprayers.

The method of application is an important factor to consider when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as it can impact the overall look, feel, and durability of the paint job. The following are some common application methods and the characteristics of each:

  • Brush: Brush application is the traditional method of applying paint and is best suited for small areas and intricate details. It provides good control and precision, but can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.
  • Roller: Roller application is a fast and efficient method of applying paint and is best suited for large, flat areas. It provides good coverage and is less likely to leave brush marks than brush application.
  • Sprayer: Sprayer application is a fast and efficient method of applying paint and is best suited for large, flat areas. It provides good coverage and is less likely to leave brush marks than brush application. However, sprayer application can be messy and requires special equipment.
  • Airless sprayer: Airless sprayer application is a fast and efficient method of applying paint and is best suited for large, flat areas. It provides good coverage and is less likely to leave brush marks than brush or roller application. However, airless sprayer application can be messy and requires special equipment.

It is important to consider the method of application when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as the method of application can greatly impact the overall look, feel, and durability of the paint job. By considering the specific requirements of the surface, climate, and personal preferences


Paint can range greatly in price, and it is important to consider the cost of the paint as well as any additional materials required for application.

Cost is an important factor to consider when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as it can greatly impact the overall budget for the project. The following are some factors to consider when evaluating the cost of paint:

  • Quality vs. price: Consider the quality of the paint and the price. Higher-quality paint may be more expensive, but it is often more durable and long-lasting, which can help to save money in the long run.
  • Coverage: Consider the coverage of the paint and the amount needed to complete the project. Some paints have a higher coverage rate, meaning you will need less paint to complete the project.
  • Application method: Consider the cost of the application method, as well as the labor required. For example, brush application may be more time-consuming and labor-intensive, while sprayer application may require special equipment and may be more expensive.
  • Long-term costs: Consider the long-term costs of the paint, such as the frequency of repainting and the cost of maintenance. Higher-quality paint may be more expensive upfront, but it can last longer and require less frequent repainting, which can help to save money in the long run.

It is important to consider the cost when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as the cost can greatly impact the overall budget for the project. By considering the quality, coverage, application method, and long-term costs of different paints, you can select a paint that provides high-quality and durable results while also being cost-effective.


Consider the maintenance required to keep the paint in good condition, such as frequent washing or touch-ups.

Maintenance is an important factor to consider when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as it can impact the longevity and overall appearance of the paint job. In India, maintenance is often viewed as an important aspect of building ownership and upkeep, as it helps to maintain the aesthetic appeal and value of the property.

Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the maintenance requirements of different paints:

  • Durability: Consider the durability of the paint and how well it will hold up to environmental conditions and wear and tear. Higher-quality paints tend to be more durable and long-lasting, which can reduce the frequency of repainting and maintenance.
  • Climate: Consider the climate and weather conditions in the region, as well as the specific challenges posed by the environment, such as humidity, heat, or wind. Paints that are specifically formulated for the climate can help to provide longer-lasting results and reduce the frequency of repainting.
  • Surface type: Consider the surface type and the type of paint that is best suited for it, as well as any specific maintenance requirements, such as regular cleaning or resealing.

Application method: Consider the method of application and the labor required for maintenance, such as touch-ups or repainting. Some methods, such as sprayer application, may be easier and more efficient for maintenance tasks.

In India, maintenance is often seen as an important aspect of building ownership and upkeep, and property owners often take great pride in maintaining the appearance and value of their properties. By considering the durability, climate, surface type, and application method of different paints, you can select a paint that will provide long-lasting and durable results while also being easy to maintain.


The durability of the paint is crucial, as it will impact the longevity of the paint job and the overall appearance of the building. Consider selecting a paint that has a long lifespan and is resistant to fading, chipping, and cracking.

By considering these 10 factors, you can make an informed decision when selecting paint for your exterior, ensuring that the final product is both aesthetically pleasing and durable.

Durability is an important factor to consider when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as it can impact the longevity and overall appearance of the paint job. The following are some factors to consider when evaluating the durability of different paints:

  • Quality: Consider the quality of the paint and the materials used in its formulation. Higher-quality paints often contain higher-quality ingredients and are more durable and long-lasting.
  • Climate: Consider the climate and weather conditions in the region, as well as the specific challenges posed by the environment, such as humidity, heat, or wind. Paints that are specifically formulated for the climate can help to provide longer-lasting results and reduce the frequency of repainting.
  • Surface type: Consider the surface type and the type of paint that is best suited for it, as well as any specific durability requirements, such as a high resistance to moisture or heat.
  • Finish: Consider the type of finish and its durability, as well as any specific durability requirements, such as resistance to fading or chipping. Some finishes, such as gloss or semi-gloss, tend to be more durable than others, such as matte or flat.

  • Maintenance: Consider the maintenance required for the paint and the frequency of repainting. Higher-quality paints tend to be more durable and long-lasting, which can reduce the frequency of repainting and maintenance.

Durability is a crucial factor to consider when choosing paint for your building’s exterior, as it can greatly impact the longevity and overall appearance of the paint job. By considering the quality, climate, surface type, finish, and maintenance requirements of different paints, you can select a paint that provides long-lasting and durable results that can withstand the challenges of your environment.

When choosing paint for your building’s exterior, it’s important to consider factors such as climate, surface type, color, finish, brand, VOC content, application method, cost, maintenance, and durability. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select a paint that provides a long-lasting, durable, and attractive result that meets your specific needs and requirements.

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