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10 Rules Should Follow Daily

Rules to follow to lead a life of purpose, productivity, and peace

By Kishore KarnatakapuPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
10 Rules Should Follow Daily
Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

Allow me to cut to the chase – we all know life doesn't come with an instruction manual. We're tossed into the whirlwind of existence and left to figure it out.

Despite this, over the years, I've managed to cobble together a set of guiding principles that keep me on the straight and narrow.

They've become my personal rules, my non-negotiables, the "Big Ten" that I follow religiously to ensure I lead a life of purpose, productivity, and peace.

And today, I'm going to be sharing these with you in hopes they serve you just as well.

1.Be a Perpetual Student

Never stop learning. I cannot stress this enough.

The world is an endless tapestry of knowledge, and I am just a humble student, eager to soak it all in.

Every day, I strive to learn something new, be it an obscure historical fact, a complex algorithm, or a simple life hack.

This relentless curiosity keeps my mind sharp and my perspective fresh.

It reminds me that I am just a small piece in this grand cosmic jigsaw, and that's humbling in the best way possible.

2. Start with Gratitude

Photo by Amadeo Valar on UnsplashI make it a point to start each day with a moment of gratitude. It's a simple gesture that brings an abundance of positivity.

Being thankful for my health, loved ones, opportunities, and even challenges offers a positive frame for the rest of the day.

Gratitude acts as a magnet for miracles.

Try it. You won't be disappointed.

3. Listen More, Talk Less

In a world where everyone is vying to be heard, choosing to listen can be revolutionary.

It opens doors to understanding, empathy, and connection. This rule is a reminder that wisdom often lies in silence, not in speech.

4. Exercise – No Excuses

Not only does it keep the body in shape, but it also benefits the mind and soul. I sweat it out every day, no matter what.

It could be a strenuous gym workout, a leisurely jog in the park, or some soul-soothing yoga – the format doesn't matter as long as I'm moving.

5. Pay It Forward

In my journey through life, I've found immeasurable joy and fulfillment in helping others.

I make a conscious effort every day to pay it forward, be it through a kind word, a helping hand, or a random act of kindness.

This simple practice has enriched my life in ways I never imagined.

6. Embrace Failure

I've learned to see failure not as a setback, but as a stepping stone to success.

Every day, I strive to step out of my comfort zone, risk failure, and learn from it.

This keeps me growing, evolving, and constantly pushing my boundaries.

7. Live Mindfully

Mindfulness – the act of being fully present at the moment – is a rule I swear by.

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to savor the now.

But whether it's enjoying my morning coffee, appreciating nature, or simply focusing on my breath, I ensure I incorporate mindfulness into my daily routine.

8. Prioritize Mental Health

In the race to success, mental health often takes a backseat.

Not in my life. I've learned that mental wellness is as crucial as physical health.

Whether it's meditating, journaling, or taking a much-needed digital detox, I make it a point to prioritize my mental health every single day.

9. Never Compromise on Integrity

Every day, I strive to stay true to my principles, even when no one is watching.

Integrity, for me, is about being honest, reliable, and transparent.

It's a fundamental part of my character, a guiding beacon that ensures I stay on the right path.

10. Mastering Productivity

Last but certainly not least, a significant part of my daily routine is achieving and maintaining productivity.


About the Creator

Kishore Karnatakapu

I'm a passionate software engineer with a good background in full-stack development and expertise in technologies like Java,Spring Boot,Microservices & Angular.Follow for intriguing articles on software engineering & latest industry trends

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