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Why Upgrade from Laravel 9 to Laravel 10?

Laravel 9 to Laravel 10

By Aditya GoswamiPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Laravel is a popular PHP web application framework that has been used by developers around the world to build powerful and scalable applications. With each new version, Laravel introduces new features, improves performance, and enhances security. Laravel 9 was released in September 2021, and its successor, Laravel 10, is expected to be released soon. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of upgrading from Laravel 9 to Laravel 10 and highlight some of the key features of Laravel 10.

Key Features of Laravel 9

Before we dive into the new features of Laravel 10, let's take a moment to review the key features of Laravel 9:

Blade Component Tags: Laravel 9 introduced a new way to organize Blade components using class-based tags, which makes it easier to manage and reuse components.

Route Caching Improvement: The route caching system in Laravel 9 has been improved, resulting in faster application load times.

Improved HTTP Client: The HTTP client in Laravel 9 has been improved with a new fluent syntax, making it easier to use and more powerful.

New Event Dispatching Syntax: Laravel 9 introduced a new syntax for event dispatching, making it easier to manage and organize events in your application.

Improved Error Reporting: Laravel 9 includes a new error reporting system that provides more detailed error messages, making it easier to troubleshoot issues in your application.

What's New in Laravel 10?

Now that we've covered the key features of Laravel 9, let's explore the new features of Laravel 10:

Improved Routing Performance: Laravel 10 includes improvements to the routing system, resulting in faster route matching and better overall performance.

More Robust Authorization: Laravel 10 introduces a new authorization system that provides more granular control over user permissions, making it easier to manage access to specific parts of your application.

Improved Database Support: Laravel 10 includes improvements to the database layer, including better support for JSON columns, improved query builder syntax, and more.

Automatic Storage Link Creation: Managing file uploads and downloads in your application becomes simpler with Laravel 10's new automatic storage link creation feature.

Support for PHP 8.1: Laravel 10 drops support for PHP 7.4 and adds support for PHP 8.1, which includes new language features and improvements.

Key Development Changes in Laravel 10

Along with the new features, Laravel 10 also includes some changes to the framework that developers should be aware of:

Removal of Legacy Components: Laravel 10 removes several legacy components, including the legacy query builder, middleware groups, and support for the old session driver.

Improved Middleware Pipeline: The middleware pipeline in Laravel 10 has been improved, providing more control over middleware execution order and making it easier to manage and organize middleware.

Improved Unit Testing: Laravel 10 includes improvements to the framework's unit testing system, making it easier to write and run tests for your application.

Updated Blade Compiler: The Blade compiler in Laravel 10 has been updated to include new features, including support for conditional statements in components and custom component classes.

Why Move from Laravel 9 to Laravel 10?

If you're using Laravel 9 in your application, you may be wondering if it's worth the effort to upgrade to Laravel 10. While upgrading to a new version of any software can be challenging, the benefits of upgrading to Laravel 10 make it a worthwhile investment for many developers. Some reasons why you might want to move from Laravel 9 to Laravel 10 include:

Improved Performance: With improvements to routing and database support, Laravel 10 offers better overall performance than Laravel 9.

Better Authorization: The new authorization system in Laravel 10 provides more granular control over user permissions, making it easier to manage access to specific parts of your application.

Improved Blade Components: Building on the Blade component tags introduced in Laravel 9, Laravel 10 includes further improvements to Blade components, making it easier to create and manage reusable components in your application.

Easier File Management: With the new automatic storage link creation feature, managing file uploads and downloads in your application becomes simpler.

Future-Proofing: Laravel 10 drops support for PHP 7.4 and adds support for PHP 8.1, which includes new language features and improvements. Upgrading to Laravel 10 ensures your application is up-to-date with the latest technology and future-proofed for years to come.

Of course, as with any major software upgrade, there are some risks and challenges involved. Upgrading from Laravel 9 to Laravel 10 will require some development work, as there are changes to the framework that will affect your application's code. It's important to thoroughly test your application after upgrading to ensure there are no bugs or compatibility issues.


Upgrading from Laravel 9 to Laravel 10 can offer significant benefits to developers, including improved performance, better authorization, and easier file management. With the new features and development changes in Laravel 10, upgrading ensures your application is up-to-date with the latest technology and ready for the future. While the upgrade process may require some development work, the benefits of upgrading make it a smart decision for any Laravel application. If you're considering upgrading to Laravel 10, be sure to review the documentation and work with an experienced Laravel developer or development team to help with the upgrade process.


About the Creator

Aditya Goswami

I'm technical writer with experience in IT industry. have a strong understanding of complex technical concepts and the ability to translate them into clear, concise, and easy-to-understand documentation or blogs.

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