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Why Empathy Is Essential as a Healthcare Professional

Being compassionate to your patients can ensure they get treated properly and more likely receive care.

By Dr. Christopher ZedPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Empathy is a skill that people can use to understand and relate to other’s feelings and emotions. This is especially helpful in healthcare settings, where patients often ask questions that prioritize their feelings.

Being able to show empathy can also help improve patients’ quality of care. It can build trust and improve the health outcomes of those receiving care. In this article are the benefits of developing empathy and how it can help you succeed in your career in healthcare.

Develops Trust

Practicing empathy in healthcare can positively impact the relationships between patients and healthcare providers. It can help them establish trust with their patients. Their bond between patients and healthcare providers can help improve the continuity of their treatment. It can also help patients feel more comfortable sharing their concerns with the provider.

Openness to Treatment

To improve the quality of care, it’s vital that patients feel comfortable discussing their concerns with the providers. This can be done through compassionate communication, prioritizing the patient’s emotions.

Nonverbal cues can also help clinicians identify a person’s concerns. They can start a dialogue to help improve the patient’s health by being attentive to them. An empathetic individual uses these cues to create an outcome that can help improve the patient’s adherence to their treatment.

Enhanced Experience

A system that prioritizes empathy can help healthcare providers improve their patients’ experience. This can help maintain a long-term relationship between patients and doctors and develop honesty and trust. A positive experience can also help patients’ emotional health, pain levels, and physiological responses.

Reduced Chance of Malpractice

Healthcare quality can be improved by having a positive relationship between patients and healthcare providers. Being able to connect with patients through empathy can help prevent medical malpractice. Talking openly with patients can help generate better diagnoses and improve the management of conditions. This can also help prevent medical errors in the workplace.

Better Outcomes

The connection between patients and healthcare providers significantly improves the quality of care and prevents misdiagnoses. It can also help patients feel more comfortable sharing their concerns with the provider. A positive relationship with medical professionals can help prevent burnout and dissatisfaction among healthcare workers.

About Dr. Christopher Zed

A respected professional with over 25 years of experience in dental health care, Dr. Christopher Zed is a Dental Surgeon and the owner of Bayview Lonsdale Dental in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Zed’s philosophy on dental care is focused on patient-centered treatment. This means that each patient has a say in their treatment plan. By utilizing a collaborative approach, Dr. Zed is able to provide information to patients that allows them to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. When presented with a difficult decision, Dr. Zed provides his expert opinion, but always takes into account what the patient’s situation is.

Throughout his career, Dr. Zed has always stood confidently in the face of adversity. His personal mission is to provide excellent care to his patients, regardless of the difficulties that stand in his way. In fact, according to Dr. Christopher Zed, “it only energizes me to persevere and never play the victim.” Dr. Zed understands that growth comes from adversity, and he embraces the changes in his life that have happened due to overcoming obstacles. This sentiment has allowed him to pursue a rich career in dentistry, as his can-do spirit pushes him to succeed.

When Dr. Christopher Zed is not practicing dentistry, he enjoys spending time with his family and enjoying a multitude of hobbies. Whether he is relaxing with his 4 children, playing backgammon and cribbage, or connecting with the great outdoors, Dr. Zed appreciates the downtime he has to rejuvenate after a long day.


About the Creator

Dr. Christopher Zed

A respected professional with over 25 years of experience in dental health care, Dr. Christopher Zed is a Dental Surgeon and the owner of Bayview Lonsdale Dental in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

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