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Why Can't Everyone Be Rich?

The Harsh Reality Of Life and Money

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 7 min read
Why Can't Everyone Be Rich?
Photo by Senad Palic on Unsplash


When it comes to the question of whether or not everyone can be rich, the answer is no. No matter how much money you have in your bank account, there are certain things that cannot be bought by money alone. For example:

We all have an inborn desire to be rich. From childhood, we're taught that having money makes life easier and more enjoyable.

The idea of being rich is ingrained in us from childhood. We are taught that if we become rich, we will have a good life and manage everything very easily. This expectation is a myth because it cannot be achieved even by the most hardworking and honest people who work their whole lives to earn money.

The concept of being rich or having more money than other people has become an obsession for many people today. But the truth is that no one can guarantee that they would be happy if they get richer by millions or billions dollars - which is something everyone wants!

The reality shows that rich people are not always happy because they have more problems than poor ones (as discussed above). It also shows how difficult it really was for someone working day after day just trying to survive while his boss ignores him at every chance he gets!

Of course I want to be rich. And when I think about being rich, the first thing that comes into mind is .

Yes, of course! Even I want to be a rich person. Do you know what is the first idea that comes into my mind when I think about being rich?

The first thing that comes to mind is the idea of being rich. It's an attractive idea, and it's something everyone wants to be and think about, but how do we get there?

A person who can afford to buy anything he wants without worrying about how costly it is.

If you are a person who can afford to buy anything he wants without worrying about how costly it is, then this article will not be of any interest to you. The cost of living has been increasing every day and now it is impossible for a person with limited income to live in comfort.

The rich people can afford their lifestyles because they make enough money or have rich parents who support them financially. They don't have any reason to worry about money as long as they earn good salaries at work or inherit wealth from their parents. On the other hand, poor people have no choice but live paycheck by paycheck until retirement age because they cannot save even a fraction of what an average employee earns yearly (assuming he/she works hard).

A person who can travel all over the world without any issues and investments.

The cost of traveling can be a major barrier to wealth. A person who can travel all over the world without any issues and investments, is not rich by any means.

This is because there are many expenses involved with traveling, such as:

Transportation costs – You need to pay for your own transportation if you want to go somewhere remote or far away from where you live. This can include plane tickets, buses, trains etc., which will add up fast!

Lodging – When staying at hotels or Airbnb places during your travels it's important that they are well-located because otherwise it could take hours just trying get from point A to point B (which may be hundreds of miles away). If you're not careful about this factor then it could lead into more problems later on down the line like getting lost forever in dense forests or even dying while hiking alone through foreign lands where no one speaks English!

A person who can move on to new places within an hour with his friends and family members.

The ability to move on to new places within an hour with your friends and family members is very important. It allows you to explore the world, meet new people and make lifelong friendships.

If you have a good circle of friends who can go anywhere together, then it would be easier for everyone in your life. You will be able to travel more often because there's less pressure about money or finding accommodations for yourself or your loved ones.

A person who doesn't have to waken up early in the morning and fight against traffic on a daily basis.

You know the feeling. It's 3:30 in the morning and you're still wide awake, unable to fall asleep despite having been awake for hours. You start thinking about what your day will be like if you don't get some rest, which makes it even harder to calm down enough to drift off again.

Why is this so important? Because sleep deprivation can cause serious health problems over time, including high blood pressure and diabetes—and those are just two of the many serious side effects of not getting enough rest each night (1).

So there's no excuse for staying up all night watching Netflix or playing video games! You need at least seven hours per night of solid restorative slumber if you want your body and mind functioning at their best (2).

Now tell me, why would someone not want to be rich? There are two most important reasons:

Now tell me, why would someone not want to be rich? There are two most important reasons:

There is no certainty factor associated with it. Who wants to do something wherein there is no certainty and assurance of success? Everyone does not have luck; they just have their own abilities and hard work that they put into their lives. No one can guarantee that you will become rich overnight; however, if you keep working hard at whatever you do then there’s a good chance that some day your efforts will reap results for yourself or for someone else in need of financial help.

The second reason relates back to the first one: what if your efforts never succeed? What if we live our lives thinking about how much money we need in order for us not only survive but also thrive every single day but never get there because everything just seems too far away from our reach or impossible due to some unforeseen circumstances such as illness or disability which makes it difficult (or even impossible) for us achieve those goals without having any extra resources available financially speaking...

In order to become a rich person, we need to put in a lot of effort and there is no guarantee that those efforts will not go in vain.

In order to become a rich person, we need to put in a lot of effort and there is no guarantee that those efforts will not go in vain. In short, there is no certainty factor associated with it. Who wants to do something wherein there is no certainty and assurance of success?

The harsh reality of life is that you have to work hard for your money. You can't just sit back and let the money come to you. You have got to put forth effort every day if you want any chance at all at making some money from your investments or small business venture. If one doesn't make an effort then he/she won't even realize what might happen if he/she does nothing about getting started on something interesting because everything seems too difficult or overwhelming at times when starting anything new (businesses).

There's also another reason why most people don't end up becoming wealthy: they don't know how much work goes into making more than $50K per year!

Everyone does not have luck. If you don't have luck by your side, you cannot become a successful person in this world irrespective of wherever you wish to be in life.

If you want to be rich, you need to work hard. If you want to be successful, then again, if your aim is fame or popularity then again it all depends on how much time and effort are put into achieving these goals.

Everyone has their own way of identifying what they want out of life but the fact remains that there are only two ways through which one can get ahead in this world; hard work or good luck!


In short, we cannot deny the fact that everybody in this world wants to be rich. Right from our childhood, we are taught that if we are rich, we will have a good life and manage everything very easily. But do you know what is the first idea that comes into my mind when I think about being rich? It is A person who can afford to buy anything he wants without worrying about how costly it is. A person who can travel all over the world without any issues and investments. A person who can move on to new places within an hour with his friends and family members (who don't need to waken up early in the morning and fight against traffic on a daily basis). Now tell me, why would someone not want to be rich? There are two most important reasons:

In order not become successful at all costs will lead us nowhere because there's no guarantee of success.

It takes too much of hard work which may not even bring in results or benefits at all! So what's better than having some luck by your side? Well let me tell you something else... The question 'why don't everyone have luck?' doesn't exist anymore because if one thinks then they'll realize that luck isn't something materialistic but rather spiritual in nature where things happen for their own reason which may show up later on down years later when given enough time for proper realization thereof through observation of circumstances experienced throughout life itself prior each passing moment thereafter occurring due circumstances.

Takeaway: Everyone does not have luck; they just wait around hoping they'll get lucky someday sometime soon maybe never anytime soon

how tofact or fictioneconomybusiness wars

About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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