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When Boss Breaks Promises

What can you do then

By Dr. Sulaiman AlgharbiPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Should you be bothered by the fact that your boss consistently breaks his promises? If someone made a commitment to you regarding their level of effort and then violated that promise, you should try not to take it personally.

Let's say your management gave you their word that they would help you advance in your profession, and they meant it. However, he eventually came to a different conclusion. It is reasonable to take what they say to heart. However, these kinds of bosses are quite widespread in the corporate world. They often give assurances that they are unable to or do not intend to keep. Therefore, you shouldn't take it personally if your boss consistently fails to deliver on obligations they've made to you.

Your boss's broken promises might have been caused by a variety of factors, including those listed below. It's conceivable that he's too busy right now to answer because of all he has going on. On the other hand, it's possible that he just forgot. He might have made any promise without taking into account the whole range of possible outcomes. It is essential that you have an understanding of the circumstances behind your boss's failed commitment. The implications of this knowledge for your next action might be significant. It's conceivable that the mistake was made by your boss, but don't count on it. In addition, this is not a significant problem. It is also conceivable that your boss is acting unreliable on purpose in order to get an advantage. If this is the case, then it takes on a greater level of importance. The fact that your boss has made a promise to you does not necessarily mean that he will keep his word and carry it out. It is very necessary to have the capacity to maintain a grounded sense of reality.

You should not be naive about the issue if you know that your supervisor has a history of not following through on agreements. There is no assurance that he will maintain his promise just because he has given his word. Therefore, what action should we take? You may always ask your boss to guarantee it in writing if you want to be absolutely certain about it. Putting an excessive amount of faith in a promise is not always the best course of action. Think about the things you have control over instead. Consider your reaction. Instead of becoming furious with your boss, try having a calm and sensible discussion about the situation. It is always necessary to communicate your concerns in a constructive manner.

It should be one of your highest priorities to keep up a good relationship with your supervisor. If you become frustrated and start yelling at him, it won't improve the situation. Don't stuff your feelings if your boss broke a promise to you and you're furious about it; instead, be open and honest about how you feel. It's possible that he got the importance of the vow made to you all wrong. If you are able to communicate effectively while maintaining a calm demeanor, your superior is more likely to pay attention to what you have to say. It's possible that there was some type of misunderstanding in communication that has to be resolved.

Which label—superior or subordinate—best describes the nature of your present position? Your strategy for approaching your boss will be determined by the response to this question. You have the right to communicate directly with your boss if you have enough influence over them. You are within your rights to voice your dissatisfaction with him for not living up to his commitment to uphold his word. If you are, however, in a position of subordination, you need to use more vigilance. You should do all in your power to avoid making your boss furious. This indicates that you need to continue with extreme care. Your supervisor should be approached and asked about the possibility of a meeting if you want to pursue this option.

Simply because you have a lower-level job does not mean that you are required to act like a doormat. There is still the possibility of defending oneself. Nevertheless, you need to approach with caution if you don't want to destroy your connection with the manager. One example of assertive conduct is coming right out and asking for what you want. After all, talking to your supervisor about the issue should be done with the intention of finding a solution to the problem. The objective is to reach consensus and move forward in a concerted effort. Instead, you may attempt to put pressure on him to make a definite commitment to the deadline. It is of the utmost importance that you come up with a solution that may satisfy both sides. Additionally, be sure you always project an air of professionalism. Then, provide a more detailed explanation of what is happening and why it is significant to you. You could want to discuss the issue with your boss's boss; he or she might have some suggestions or advice for you.

It is essential that you do not allow the broken promise made by your supervisor to adversely affect your level of productivity. Keep in mind that you are an educated professional in this field. And your actions should demonstrate that you understand this. Even if you're really aggravated, you have to have a positive attitude and do the absolute best job you can.

If you've tried everything else and your manager is still not pulling his weight, it's time to take the matter to the next level. There is also the possibility of speaking with the boss's boss. Because it might put a strain on your relationship with your supervisor, this should be your very last resort. In spite of this, you should give it a go if you're out of other choices and in a bind. But only if you consider it vital to maintain the promise you made.

You also have the option of keeping a record of any and all assurances that have been provided to you by your superiors.

You have the right to hold your boss accountable for his history of breaking commitments if you choose to do so. As a consequence of this, it is possible that in the future he will be more trustworthy in terms of fulfilling his promise. There are techniques to organize information that you can use, regardless of whether you prefer paper notes or technological communication. You should date each entry so that you can keep track of the promises that people make.

If your current company is consistently breaking their promises and causing damage to your career, you should begin looking for a new job. Leaving a job behind is a challenging undertaking. However, there are times when acting in this manner is the most professional thing to do. If you are unsatisfied with your current situation, there is no shame in looking for alternative work options; this is a perfectly acceptable choice.

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About the Creator

Dr. Sulaiman Algharbi

Retired after more than 28 years of experience with the Saudi Aramco Company. Has a Ph.D. degree in business administration. Book author. Articles writer. Owner of ten patents.


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