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What is the characteristic of a good and professional logo?

logo design is an essential element in creating a brand identity. basically , logos are used to identify a company , brand or person and differentiate them in the market . logos are the symbol of an entity and most and most of the time they are the first thing your customers see.

By mohammad javad sohrabzadPublished 4 years ago 6 min read

logo design is an essential element in creating a brand identity. basically , logos are used to identify a company , brand or person and differentiate them in the market . logos are the symbol of an entity and most and most of the time they are the first thing your customers see.

Professional logo design requires a lot of brainstorming, creativity and talent. Despite the importance of good logo design, it is not too difficult and stressful. Ask 7 great logo design experts to help you design a professional logo. If you want to design large logos that have high value and will bring you a great income and fame, join us.Logo design is an essential element in creating a brand identity. Basically, logos are used to identify a company, brand or person and differentiate them in the market. Logos are the symbol of an entity and most of the time they are the first thing your customers see. Professional logo design requires a lot of brainstorming, creativity and talent. Despite the importance of good logo design, it is not too difficult and stressful. Ask 7 great logo design experts to help you design a professional logo. If you want to design large logos that have high value and will bring you a great income and fame, join us.

But before you read the rest of this article, I suggest you read the logo design tips article that was published on the site a few weeks ago, in this article, 50 golden and important tips in logo design that make millions of logos and professional design We have said, do not miss this comprehensive and important article in any way.

Features of professional and good logos:

1: Simple

Too many details can become a problem. So consider the higher priority in simple design. We all love to see things that are simple and we see the beauty of a logo in this. Try your designs simple and at the same time concept These logos show the greatness of the brand and the designer.

Barack Tamayo

The text above is a quote from Barack Tamayo, Tamayo's webmaster and professional designer and graphic designer. In the article 50 Logo Design Tips, we also mentioned that you should simplify your designs as much as possible. Read below:

Michael Beirut, one of the most famous designers in the field of logo, believes that the first and most important thing to consider in logo design is its simplicity. Although this sentence seems a bit simple, it is one of the most important rules in the field of design. Simplicity makes the designed logo recognizable, memorable and adaptable. Designing a simple logo is very challenging. Although you may not have a difficult task ahead of you, each item must be in the right place. If one of the available features does not bring you closer to your desired goal, it is better to remove it.

2: conveys a certain feeling or theme

Most businesses can choose from a list of values ​​that a company wants people to know and relate to, such as: professional, inexpensive, friendly, luxurious and fun. This means that your logo should be consistent with these values ​​and attributes of the business. Of course, this does not mean that your logo should represent the business and show what it sells, the same As you know, the Apple logo does not have a computer and the Starbucks logo does not have a cup of coffee. The more unique your logo is, the more attractive and memorable it will be.

Tanita Pukis

3: The selected font is a sign of brand identity

Choosing a type of font that matches the value of the brand is very important for a logo. If there is a difference between the brand and the font, it evokes a contradiction and inconsistency, and thus reduces the trust in the brand. The art of choosing the right font For a brand, it has a direct bearing on building a brand identity. For example, a handwritten font is very likely to be suitable for a boutique store, but most likely not suitable for a law firm at all. So be very careful in choosing the font and before that Be sure to research. To know the top Persian sites that offer free and professional fonts, read article 10 sites for downloading professional and free Persian fonts.

Buy and use the right fonts

As you know, typography is an essential part of logo design. This means that your font collection should be the best. There are several fonts that you can use. The fact is that the free fonts are for personal use only and can not be used to design an ideal logo.

4: Graphics are not always used

A good logo does not always need graphics. If the brand for which you are designing a logo does not have special graphics, you can skip it. However, you can use logo types or written logos, note that there are different types. We have a logo and image logos are just one type of it. I suggest you read the types of logos to read more. However, if you want to use text in logo design, you must design a special typography for the logo. For this purpose, you can Use a professional font and then customize that font with your own design (Google, Facebook, Visa, Coca-Cola logos) These are the logos.

5: Looks good on any scale

The best logo is a logo that looks great in any size and color. Do not forget that this logo should look great not only on the site and business card, but also at all levels of printing and advertising. Your logo should look great everywhere This highlights the importance of considering where the logo is to be placed at the time of design.

One can make assumptions about where the logo is used. For example, a company logo may be used on the site, social media, in business card design and in the store. But in any business there may be certain size constraints or scenarios that need to be considered during the design process. It is very important to get the facts.

6: It is unique

Why do we use free fonts? Because they are free. But these free fonts destroy the character you want to create in the logo in the first place. So create a logo that is unique and beautiful and follows the principles of design. All the work and standards that you consider in the design are to have a unique logo in the end.

I hope you have taken the necessary advantage of reading this article, this article, which is entitled Introducing the Good Logo Feature, is in fact a supplement to the article 50 Logo Design Tips. O attractive and of course a hundred principles will help a lot. Our team will be very happy to hear your comments and tips for more beautiful designs.



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