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What is SEO and How It Works to Grow Your Business?

Digital Marketing

By Optimus FoxPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process to optimize your website or web page to grow your search traffic. It enables your website to get free and organic traffic from search engines like Google. Let’s carefully look into it. Consider google as a library with a filing system where there are a lot of books. It is easier to look for the required book in the file and get it easily. If you write a word “climate change” on google search, it makes sure that searches provided are not random but based on certain keywords related to it. It performs algorithms on the search to show relevant results.

How Does SEO Work?

There are some aspects that need to be considered for understanding the work of search engine optimization. Firstly, you need to make the understanding easy for the search engines about your website. Secondly, you need to show to search engines that the page is good enough to be ranked. Thirdly, the keywords. There is a need to find relevant keywords that people are searching and how these words fit into your business.

Search engines index the web pages in their catalogue the way there is an index at the end of any book. Most people do not go on the next page of the list of searches given by the search engine. They just change their search term for better results. There are many SEO tools used for optimization. The most important part is the relevancy. The search engines should know that your website is relevant for the searched keywords.

The brands can also hire services from any SEO company which enables them to improve the traffic on their website. also provides search engine optimization services to help you grow your website traffic. The purpose behind optimizing the website is to change the visitors to potential customers. It is the best way to bring your website on the first page of search engine result pages (SERPs) otherwise it does not get noticed.

Relevance is the key. Sources containing a lot of keywords do not necessarily mean they are relevant. Websites referred by other websites show relevancy. This concept of SEO is known as back linking. All search engines follow this model. The number and quality of backlinks determine the rankings in the search results pages. Backlinks provide a trust factor to search engines.


The presence of relevant keywords on your websites is termed as an ON Site component. If you are going to sell leather shoes on your website, the relevant keywords should be there on your website like shoes, sandals, leather, etc. on your website. The keywords used for searching your product must be found on your website.


It is the second component which consists of backlinks. The backlinks can be created by articles, blog posts, social media, discussion platforms, etc. The website used for back linking should be influential to have a great effect on your search result. It is important because every business wants its websites in the top results of search engine results pages (SERPs).


Search engine optimization is a time taking procedure. For small and medium businesses where it is not possible to spend a lot on the advertising and online ads, tools are used for getting better results on the Internet. Every business nowadays, large or small, needs to have an online presence which is maintained by getting the best digital marketing services from a reputable firm. You can hire Optimus Fox for greater online visibility and maximizing the organic traffic to your website at affordable prices. We are taking care of our customers in the dark days of the COVID-19 outbreak which has hindered many processes related to business.

Every business needs to flourish with time. How SEO helps in growing business is related to the use of search engines. Everybody uses search engines to search specific things. It means people are already interested in getting to know about any specific product. They only click the top few results of the search. To get these ideal visitors, you need to be on the top otherwise you lie beneath a pile of million other websites. Therefore, search engine optimization is important for growing your business.


About the Creator

Optimus Fox

Optimus Fox provides all digital solutions that help you to grow your business in a short time. Our technology oriented digital marketing services and IT solutions enable you to increase sales and generate higher revenues.

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