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What are the best ways to grow a tiktok page organically?

To grow a TikTok page organically, the key is engagement. Engage with followers, other users and those who are not yet followers. Post at the best time of the day, depending on the target audience, and limit posting to 10 videos per day. Keep the profile public and share videos with friends, family and others. Create good content, do not repeat the same content and do not follow trends. To increase engagement, share videos on other social media platforms. The best way to grow a TikTok page is by creating good content, engaging with other users, posting at the right time, and not posting too often.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished about a year ago 4 min read
What are the best ways to grow a tiktok page organically?
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

TikTok is a social media app that allows users to share short videos, mostly 15 seconds long. It was launched in 2016 and has been gaining popularity ever since due to its interesting features like lip-sync effects and filters. TikTok gives you the ability to create your own little music video, but it also lets you share other people's videos as well. This article will explore some tips on how you can grow your TikTok page organically using these strategies:

Remember that engagement is the key to grow

Engagement is the key to grow your TikTok page organically. Engaging means that you are engaging with your followers, other users and people who don't follow you yet.

The more people share your content, the more organic traffic it will get from other users looking at that content in their feed. This can result in more views for your videos and eventually help them go viral!

Post at the right time of the day

  • Post when most people are online, active and awake. The best time to post depends on your audience. For example, if your target audience is teenagers or young adults who live in Asia, then you should post during their school hours (12-2am). On the other hand, if you want to reach out to American audiences who work during the day then you should post at night (11pm - 4am).

Don't post too much

In short, posting too much can lead to a decrease in engagement. You don't want to post more than three videos per day or one video per day. If you're still unsure about how often you should be posting on TikTok, we recommend keeping your daily posts limited to 10 videos at most. On the other hand, I've seen creators say they post 5 times a day. I'm going to test this theory and I am inviting you to join me. Here are the details:

This is the tiktok page I will be using for this theory:

As of today (February 1, 2023 at 4:01 pm, Online Jobs Agency's official tiktok page is at 292 followers, 2473 likes)

I have no idea how much videos I have, but as I am writing this, this video is where I will be counting from.

Keep your profile public and share your videos

One of the best ways to grow your tiktok page organically is by keeping your profile public and sharing your videos with everyone. Share it with friends, family, people you know and even people you don't know! If a video has been shared on social media or some other platform before then that means that there was some kind of engagement with it so more people would be likely to watch it too.

Also try posting as many videos as possible daily so that each one gets its own audience base which will help build up momentum over time allowing them all together grow faster than if only one was posted every few days (or weeks).

Don't be repetitive and follow trends

You should never post the same content over and over again.

  • Don't follow trends, but do what you like. If something is popular right now, it doesn't mean that it will be in six months. Do what makes sense for your brand and audience; don't try to jump on bandwagons or copy other TikTok users just because they're popular right now!
  • Don't be repetitive: if someone likes one of your videos, they're more likely to watch another one from you than if they didn't enjoy the first one at all (and vice versa). But if someone watches a few clips from other people who are similar then goes back through each of those accounts again--that's when things get confusing for viewers who aren't sure why so many people are posting similar content at once!

Creating good content, engaging with other users, posting at the right time and not posting too often is the best way to grow a tiktok page organically.

  • Create good content
  • Engage with other users
  • Post at the right time of the day, but not too often
  • Keep your profile public and share your videos on other social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Don't be repetitive or follow trends

Here are some other ways to grow a TikTok page organically:

  1. Consistency: Post regularly to keep your audience engaged and interested.
  2. Unique and engaging content: Create content that is original, funny, informative, or inspiring to attract and retain followers.
  3. Use hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to make your content discoverable to a wider audience.
  4. Interact with your audience: Respond to comments and messages, and collaborate with other users to expand your reach.
  5. Utilize trends and challenges: Participate in popular TikTok trends and challenges to attract new followers.
  6. Optimize your profile: Use a clear profile picture, write a catchy bio, and include links to your website or other social media accounts.
  7. Utilize the "For You" page: Try to get featured on the "For You" page by creating trending and engaging content.
  8. Make use of analytics: Track your performance and use insights to improve your content and reach.

Remember, growing an organic TikTok presence takes time and effort, but following these steps can help you build a loyal following and gain more visibility on the platform.


I hope that this article has given you some great tips on how to grow a tiktok page organically. Remember that engagement is the key, so make sure that all of your posts are engaging and they don't just repeat what everyone else is doing!

how to

About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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