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Vocal is Growing on Facebook

The outcome is more readers and content creators. It's a WIN-WIN! Situation.

By Sam Writes SecurityPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Vocal is Growing on Facebook
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Vocal.Media is growing and creators would only hope to grow with the platform. I haven't been a creator for that long yet but with a little homework I can tell that 2021 is a very promising year for the platform, at least from a creators perspective.

I'm part of three Vocal related Facebook groups. But, I'm aware of at least 5 existing groups by creators, for creators and readers. None of each has been around for more than three years. And, based on my research the most successful in terms of growth haven't been around for more than a year or two.

The oldest on this list is:

The Vocal Creators Lounge

Author screenshot

The oldest with over 1400 members. This group was created on the 19th of September back in 2018. The best of them all in my experience, for it is an open group visible to everyone and makes interaction easy and simple. Anyone has a word at any time. Whatever you have to say goes live in a matter of seconds without the need of approval from group admins.

The Vocal Creators Hub

Author screenshot

The second best in terms of numbers, the creators hub has in this moment exactly 1032 members and was created in November late 2020. Compared to the creators Lounge this one has grown rapidly fast with only 6 months of activity who knows how many members this group will attract in 2 years?

Although it isn't just about the numbers the members enjoy how this group is managed and how and what people can share. Unlike the Lounge this is a private group and only members have access to the content in it.

The first two are the only groups in this list that get to the 1000 members mark. None of the following is that close yet but one of the most recent is very promising. Although this is no contest we might just have some competition.

The Vocal Creators Saloon

Author screenshot

The Creators Saloon stands tall at number three with exactly 260 members. This was created a day before Valentine's day (I wonder why) earlier this year. Considering that this one hasn't been around for more than three months the numbers are still impressive. This is a private group and only the members have access to the content. With this it is still visible to anyone on Facebook with a simple search.

Vocal Creators Support Group

This Creators Support Group has only been around for a couple of days not even a week standing at exactly 54 members as I'm writing this. The potential behind it though might bring it too 200 members by end of the week. With skyrocketing posts and comments by people all over the world.

I haven't yet had the opportunity to chat with the create but read some of her stories on this platform. You can find more about her here. This group stands out because it brings something different. A different purpose, what we as creators don't get to do and what most readers lack on the platform. Hopefully with this initiate we can have creators and readers together all in one place.

This will make what is currently impossible on Vocal easy to do. Are you a Vocal Creator do you enjoy reading stories? Would you like to give feedback to a Vocal Creator? The likes (hearts) we give show appreciation and the tips even more so but interaction helps us with a little more.

This will not only give more exposure to these groups but you'll get to know who's part of the group, the creators and the most active users.

To read more from me click here.

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About the Creator

Sam Writes Security

Writer | Cyber Security Enthusiast

"[email protected]"

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