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Vocal Aspire

A New Group for Vocal

By Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle AuthorPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
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I chose to do a Vocal Group because I just had to have an extra something to do. Just kidding. I thought an added group would be of benefit to everyone.

I like interacting on social media. I love the opportunity to give and get feedback. Even if it is one word, "great," or two, "loved it!" As long as it is positive and it all should be.

Vocal boasts having 20,000 members to their writing blog website. Which is fantastic! With several different group pages I often wonder, where are the other 19,900? It's good to have another page then. Even if only half of them are on social media.

There are more than a few Vocal devotees who are moderating and admin-ing these group pages. The difference is not the person behind the pages it comes down to the writers wanting to share their stories as much as they can.

These groups have different rules and guidelines which are welcomed across social media. Here is a rundown of the current pages on Facebook.

The Vocal Creators Support Group has 1.8k Members and I believe goes back more than a few years and one of the original groups. The group is public and posts include Vocal Admin Updates and the occasional questions from a Vocal Writer Member. Open to the public sharing the page is encouraged to attract more readers. The rules posted in the About Section are here:

For Creators:

1) Post links to your content. I ask that for every link you post you read at least two articles written by another member, give a short response to them, and (heart) their post on the Vocal.Media site.

2) Ask questions of other creators.

3) Share your #TopStory , #LatestStory , #NeedsReads , #ChallengeStory, and #FeedbackRequested articles.

4) Feel free to share an article someone else wrote, too. Together we can support and highlight the successes of others.

5) Yes- you CAN share this group, let people know about it, and share posts from this page. You can even write about it. The more exposure Vocal.Media gets the better it is for all Creators.

6) Let me know what is or isn't working.

For Readers:

1) All Creators need to be Readers! That's the way we Support each other. Readers do NOT need to be Creators; we hope you Favorite this site and stop by often!

2) When you read content on Vocal.Media take your time! Don't fake it and skim the article. An algorithm will know it is happening and it won't 'count' as a read! (Creators are paid a fraction of a cent for a read.... and every fraction helps)

3) Please leave a heart when you read. Yes, you need to sign in to Vocal.Media to do that. If you get emails that you don't want after doing that- please unsubscribe from the emails but stay with the site!

4) Please SHARE WILDLY from this group! Again- reads=income for Creators.

Be Nice- Share- Comment- Support

Vocal Media Stories is a newer Group with 58 members. It too is open to the Public and features topic hashtags. Rules are limited and basically post and be happy to grow the page. More and more are adding to it daily!

Vocal Progressive Group for Writers and Readers "This group is for anyone that reads and takes up the challenge of writing and creating written works. All are welcome, but be kind." This group has quickly grown to 251 members. Highlight the fact that it is meant to attract Readers as much as Writers which is important in the land of literature online.

Vocal Creators and Friends group has 223 members and is also open to the public. This group asks for Creators to include a short synopsis of the work and to share the page.

The Vocal Creators Lounge has an astounding 3.4k members. It is a positive, Vocal community support page.

The Vocal Daily Prompt page has 66 members and encourages daily posts as the name suggests. Also, a fairly newer page with new persons added every day.

Vocal Aspire is a group that I started. Very much the same as the others in that it is for both writers, creators of the Vocal community, and also for readers. I encourage daily posts on this page as much as all the Vocal pages to get our work out there. On this page, the only rule is to be kind and courteous. You may post as much as you like, you can post your story or article on other posts' comments or replies - the point is to maximize posting with individual opportunities to read your work. Recognizing that often times writer-creators will mainly check their own posts for feedback. Posting your story or article in their comments means your work will not be missed and a higher percentage of reciprocation is the goal. This page is also different in that you can self promote if it's on your own post. Have your own Indie book or self published book out? By all means include your book amazon link or website on your post next to your Vocal story or article.

We all know that networking is the heart of reading, and reading is at the heart of networking. So put your heart out there, click, post, and be happy.

By Lisa A Lachapelle, more of my work here.

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About the Creator

Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle Author

Published Poet and Author. Making rainy days feel like Sundays with words.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

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