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Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning

Best Book to read

By Read DudePublished 12 months ago 8 min read

What gives your life meaning? It’s a question that has been asked by many, yet the answer is often elusive. Viktor E. Frankl, renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor believed that our search for purpose is at the core of our existence.

In his groundbreaking book “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Frankl shares his experiences in Nazi concentration camps and offers insights on how to find meaning in even the most dire circumstances.

In this Man’s Search for Meaning – Book Review explore the power of purpose and the lessons we can learn from one man’s incredible journey of resilience and hope.


In the 1930s, psychiatrist and Auschwitz survivor Viktor E. Frankl wrote one of the most famous books ever written about human suffering and hope, Man’s Search for Meaning.

In it, he examined the power of meaning in people’s lives and how it can help them endure the darkest moments. He found that even in the face of atrocities, meaningful existence can provide a sense of purpose and meaning that gives people the strength to cope. In this excerpt from his book, he shares five lessons on how to find your own purpose in life.

1) Find your vocation or calling. “The first prerequisite for a meaningful life is to find your vocation or calling,” says Frankl. “You must know what you want to do with your life and go after it with all your heart.” What sets you apart from other people? What are your talents and strengths? Once you’ve identified these things, figure out how you can use them to help others. This may mean starting a nonprofit organization or working in a field where you can make an impact.

2) Connect with others who share your passion. When we’re passionate about something, we’re more likely to be motivated and successful than when we don’t have anything else going for us. Find like-minded individuals and connect with them on social media, through mutual friends, or at events related to your


Viktor E. Frankl, author of the acclaimed book “Man’s Search for Meaning,” argued that meaning is the key to human happiness and fulfillment.

In this essay, we’ll explore some of the lessons Frankl learned about finding purpose in life.

First and foremost, Frankl believed that meaning can be found only if it is created from within. There’s no external force that can give us a sense of purpose – we have to find it ourselves.

This means first acknowledging our own needs and values, and then striving to live according to those principles.

Frankl also emphasized the importance of gratitude. He believed that being grateful for what we have – even when things are tough – can help us find inner peace and happiness.

Gratitude helps us connect with our own emotions, which in turn makes us more compassionate and understanding towards others.

Frankl emphasized the importance of creating meaningful relationships with other people. He said that relationships can provide us with a sense of purpose and security in life, which can help us cope with difficult times.

In fact, he claimed that without close relationships, most people would eventually lose hope and become suicidal or bankrupt by their struggles.


Viktor E. Frankl was a psychiatrist who spent the majority of his career working with prisoners in Nazi concentration camps.

He wrote a book known as Man’s Search for Meaning, which is widely considered to be one of the greatest books ever written on psychology.

In it, he discusses how people can find meaning in their lives even when they are surrounded by pain and suffering.

Frankl believes that there is something inside all of us that can bring us happiness and contentment even in the most difficult circumstances. He calls this “the power of purpose.”

Absolutely everyone has so something special to make contributions to the world, regardless of what society or circumstance tells them they should do. If we attention to what we have to offer instead of what we don’t have, we can find joy and meaning in even the most challenging situations.

There are many examples from Frankl’s life that illustrate this principle. For example, when he was imprisoned in Auschwitz, he found purpose in writing poetry and reading books about classical philosophy. Even though he was being tortured and killed, he never lost faith that there was something good inside him that would eventually win out.

If you ever find yourself feeling misplaced or hopeless, remember Frankl’s words: “What matters is not whether I live or die but what I do with my life while I am alive.” If you can find some purpose in your life – no matter how small – it will help you overcome any challenges you face.


The power of purpose is one of the most important concepts in Viktor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning. Purpose provides a sense of meaning and purpose in life that can be found no other way. It gives us a reason to keep going when things are tough, and it helps us find joy in even the darkest moments.

Frankl was a psychiatrist who spent years working in the Auschwitz concentration camp. The experience left him with a deep understanding of human nature, and he used his knowledge to write Man’s Search for Meaning. In the book, he explores the idea of meaning and how it can be found in life.

There are three elements that make up any meaningful existence: love, work and play. Each one has its own importance and should be taken into account when trying to find purpose in life.

Love is one of the most important aspects of our lives, and it should be given enough attention so that it doesn’t become trivialized or ignored. Without love, we cease to exist as human beings; we lose our sense of purpose. We need to give love its proper place in our lives so that it isn’t overshadowed by other priorities.

Work is also essential for fulfilling our purpose in life. It gives us a sense of accomplishment and can help us develop skills that will help us achieve our goals. However, work should never take over our lives; we need to find a balance between work and play so that we don’t lose sight


Over sixty years ago, Viktor E. Frankl wrote a book that has helped millions of people find purpose in their lives. In doing so, he uncovered some powerful truths about the human condition and the power of meaning to drive positive change.

Find your own way to happiness. No one is doing it for you. Frankl was imprisoned in Auschwitz and later spent time in a concentration camp before escaping to Switzerland.

In these harrowing experiences, he learned that humans are capable of great resilience and strength if they have a sense of purpose or meaning in their lives.

While his experiences were horrific, they also taught him that humans possess an innate capacity for hope and joy – even in the face of adversity. That’s why it’s so important to find your own way to happiness, regardless of what life throws at you.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving success or happiness – everyone has to find their own path based on their own unique set of circumstances and skill sets.

But remember: You’re not alone on this journey, and there will be moments when you feel like giving up; but don’t! You can always find hope and healing if you keep looking for it.



In his seminal work, Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor E. Frankl chronicled his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps and the ultimate source of meaning and purpose in his life.

He learned that the most important thing was to find a reason to live, something to which one could cling and toward which one could devote all of one’s energy.

Frankl posited that there are two poles of existence: the relative and the absolute. The relative is what we experience in the present moment, while the absolute is what we hope for or strive for in the future.

According to Frankl, people can find meaning in life by finding their place in the relative world and striving towards greater things. For example, he found solace in helping others survive despite being a prisoner and viewing it as an act of defiance against his captors.

Frankl also emphasized the importance of relationships in finding meaning. He believed that humans are driven by a need to connect with others and that being surrounded by supportive people was key to sustaining morale during times of adversity.

He also suggested that humans have an innate tendency to create meaning out of tragedy. For example, after witnessing many deaths at Auschwitz, he wrote about how even death can be seen as a blessing if it leads to increased understanding between people.


Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning is one of the most inspiring books I have ever read. It has helped me to understand my own purpose in life and to find meaning in the hardships that I have faced.

In this book, Frankl discusses the power of purpose and how it can help us overcome any obstacle. He shares stories of prisoners who found a new sense of purpose after being subjected to horrific conditions, and he offers hope to anyone who is struggling with finding their place in the world. If you are looking for something to inspire you, make sure to read Man’s Search for Meaning.

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