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Values, interests, hobbies and choices we make in our life every day and occasionally

How to determine our values?

By Black Belt BarbiePublished 6 months ago 4 min read

I’m not sure how many people are aware, but values make up our entire lives. And it’s not just about whether you prefer your pizza with pepperoni or pineapple. This is about even more important decisions in our lives that we have to make every day.

Let’s clarify what exactly is a value and a value system.

Values are our ideals, according to them we determine whether something is good or bad, acceptable or not, to our taste or rather not. Values are an integral part of our character. They identify our preferences and interests. They influence our behavior and our attitude to given situations. They are our inner guide — the thing that helps us make choices. I dare to call a man’s values his life. Because without a value system, one wanders the world aimlessly.

Values are not rules to follow. They do not limit us, on the contrary, they are the means by which we make all the choices and decisions in our lives. Thanks to values, we get some direction about what we strive for and what we want.

On a personal level, they are extremely important to me. Without clear values, I can’t decide whether I want pepperoni or pineapple pizza. To be honest, of course I’d order it with pepperoni, but that’s a separate issue. This is just an example of an easy solution. But if we dive deeper, we’ll find that it’s not just such solutions lurking around the corner. In addition to our everyday choices, such as which blouse to wear and how to tell our parents that we have a bad math grade, we are left with choices such as whether to choose to lie or tell the truth, whether to go to a party or stay home with our pet, dive into the unknown or stay in our comfort zone?

And whatever we decide to do, it will be right for us only if we have listened to our heart. Because it is the biggest landmark in this Universe. Because it has long known exactly where it wants to be at the end of the journey.

Some of the values I think I possess are: justice, peace, family, loyalty, responsibility and most of all empathy.

Values are the principles and beliefs that guide us in life. We choose them ourselves and no one has the right to criticize our values and choices. Our life — our choice how to live it. Therefore, there is no such thing as right and wrong values. The important thing is to listen to our intuition, it will never lead us astray.

Surely each of us has their values, the thing that builds them in this world. So, as I mentioned above, it became clear how important it is to clarify to ourselves what we want from the world, from our lives, what our goals are, what we love and what we don’t love. It may sound easy to you, it may also sound difficult. But I believe that if we want something bad enough, we will surely achieve it, no matter how hard it is. If you already have your values clearly defined — like whether you’d rather go camping with your family or rather have a sleepover with friends, then great. If you still haven’t figured out what you want to study after you finish school (for example) and need some questions to ask yourself to get your answers, then I’m here to help.

Ask yourself:

1. What do you like to do in your free time?

Of course, the key is what your hobbies and interests are. Ask yourself what you do even unconsciously in your free time. Do you enjoy writing, or is time spent in the flower garden in your yard more enjoyable?

2. Where do your thoughts constantly fly to?

What sticks in your mind? Is it exactly how to assemble that part of the car? When you listen to a song, do you subconsciously ask yourself how interesting the beat is? When someone talks to you about programming, does it suddenly grab your attention?

3. What did you like to do before? Is it still running through your mind?

I used to love drawing. But suddenly I stopped practicing it. To this day, I wonder if I should start again. Therefore, if there is still a spark in you burning for an old hobby, it will not hurt to try to practice it again. Of course, this is all your choice.

4. Do you allow someone to influence you?

Each person has different interests and values. Imagine that you really like to swim, but someone keeps telling you not to. It tells you things like “But what are you going to get out of this, there’s no point in wasting your time with swimming…” Of course, this is just an example. Don’t let anyone influence your life choices. This is toxic. If something gives you pleasure and does not harm you in any way, then no one has the right to tell you whether it is wrong or not.

Hope this helps, see you next time!

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About the Creator

Black Belt Barbie

Interesting choice of name, isn't it? The thing is my username has nothing to do with what I'm writing about :) Here you're going to explore variety of different stories, including articles that are going to shock you! Enjoy <3

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