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Unique Perspectives Part III

Another S13w Of Assorted Ideas

By Z-ManPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

1. Where music and acting meet.

Music is built on an image to convey a certain emotion, as is an actor when addressing that image. So, thus, music and acting become inextricably tied--or so it seems--as they both strive to hone in on the same end result.

Ex: Tully seeing the painting of Fester and the music playing in turn/tune

2. The trouble with resolution through uniformity.

Ex: Combining 1080p and 4K footage, the output must conform to the lowest resolution. So if you must zoom in on 1080p, that will affect the output even more drastically. You can add a smoothing effect to the whole film to add a special characteristic--i.e. classic film quality--but you will still be a slave to the downfalls of necessitated uniformity and the loss of the voice of the individual frame.

3. The "unspoken" tryst of beauty of mind, of heart, of soul, of ???

Beauty is not in question, but its how we so glimpse it that is the ____ of this matter.

4. A compoundment of mysteries leads the final resolution to be a fruitful combination, were even the forsaken stems have their own stories to tell.

As you work on a story, you may find that you go through several stages of ideas along the road to the outcome. Although some plot threads may lose their original steam in potential, eventually the loose ends will be brought together into a cohesive whole. Think of a story as a head of hair. Even as each month brings a new inch to its length, each adds up to the whole while maintaining its own unique integrity on close inspection.

5. The magic of concept art.

The magic may stem from the experience of viewing concept art almost as if it was a movie. Not to say it was the precursor to the GIF image, but to say there is so much action going on in different directions in some cases--like from a piece from No Way Home that was the inspiration to this segment--that subconsciously recreating all of that activity and possibilities suggested within the space of a single image, and in turn a single moment, really, brings about the effect of actually watching something in life action. Almost as if it captured the essence of a film still in a particular moment. Do you catch my drift?

6. How do actors track fellow character situations?

Perhaps they don't visualize the history of each character, but their general traits as stretched by the filter of the episode. Thus, in turn, the character arcs of the series are build by the context of each episode in episode-centric and general/series-centric pieces. (See Frasier Season 10, Episode 9)

7. Emotional buffers may save the day after all.

A month or two ago, my niece got into some apples she and her Nonni bought (or picked) for me as a special surprise when I moved into my new apartment several months ago. I get caught between emotions and reality(?), so I ended up leaving the last few apples in the bag and near the back door. Long story short, I avoid apples because of the fiber effect, but didn't want to throw them away because of the emotional importance to me. But she got into them, and I was worried she'd get sick, so expressed my fear through relaying that I was very upset she ate them, especially because they were not in the kitchen.

It hurts me to say, because in my mind, I believe she ate them because she remembered picking them for me, and that she likes apples, and that I took something from her by getting mad at her. Apparently, they were still fine, and she is fine, but I am always on edge about things that are potentially harmful with no going back. It scares me to death. I especially don't want to have to take anybody to the hospital, least of all with time running swiftly against me.

The idea of this notation is that, even though in my mind I believe I know the unseen repercussions on her by my actions and inactions, that perhaps she won't experience those feelings of pain because a) she loves me and still looks up at me unconditionally as kids often do, and b) she won't connect her feelings of connection...of the memory and connection to her getting those apples for her Uncle and knowing they are hers, too, and etc...with my reaction of fear for her livelihood and health.

I tried to explain to her in the process what happened, and after, too (I want to talk with her again, just in case), but the fact remains that, I regret having potentially posed any threat in any way in the first place.

I wish she could have the experience of eating her apples any time between now and forever, but, simply put, nothing lasts that long. Except, perhaps, inside of the mind.

8. The Mountain we climb together.

The truth is, when we cannot see beyond the mountain, how are we to know that it is a mountain at all? And if it is, who is to say someone isn't rising its peak in the opposite direction, coming our way?

Who's to say it is not an angled cliff, with a illusionary peak that is not the tip, but a point adorning the edge of a vast plateau?

As for the real inspiration behind this entry, before the Mountain idea became its intro...

For those who are in the worst states of internal being, their pains are hidden treasures, after all. Not only do they hold the solution within themselves beyond it, but it is a treasure for us to seek within them, and to claim for our own, and in the process to steal to keep or swipe to cast aside.

Why do we spend so much time clawing the pleasure out of others when we could seize and cast aside their pain?

And if you have found yourself on the other side of this wonky entry, I am glad we have met in passing, even by way of such harsh, uncertain conditions.

9. Reliability and love are not interchangeable.

This may go without saying, but if people show "love" for you because they can depend on you--i.e. in a work setting--it is a façade, whether toxic or accidental. Even what comes across as close friendships may crop up in hollow excess when proximity feigns the illusion of malleability.

After all, just because we love our family and we all may be able to rely on one another at all times, for any reasons, and at all costs, that doesn't mean we should feel free to burden others despite the environment we have created--or have allowed to be created--unanimously.

We MUST grow separately to remain as one. To grow together may mean to put unnecessary strain on one another. We are better pushing ourselves past our limits and, perhaps, trying to One-Up each other in the process. In that way, fun, and laughter--and love--really remain our true baseline.

10. Two contexts of "tried and true".

I was driving probably two weeks ago when a car was waiting for a left-turn signal up ahead, or to yield at a solid green. Out of habit, I considered moving into the right lane, as I assumed I would get stuck behind it as I met up with it, but decided to stay where I was.

As it turned out, it turned ahead of time and I needn't have moved after all.

No doubt moving to the right would have allowed me to avoid the obstacle, regardless of the light and opposite traffic. Moving would have resulted in a "tried and true" result.

However, in this case, what I "tried" turned out to be "true".

My action could be said to show the power of faith and the reward for confidence even in those conflicting certain/uncertain endeavors. What do you think?

11. A collection of eyes; synthesized sights.

Close your eyes and around you'll see, through feeling those who you so seek.

Eyes and heart both open wide, visions forth as scene abide.

For all such sights are beyond the eyes, and real's revealed to be disguised.

Yet you and I, we must confide, for none's more real than you and I.

12. The debacle is not with coincidences, but with what they are meant to add up to.

It is certainly the meaning that we give to coincidences that affects our lives even more than the real cause of their appearance. When we are affected by them far before their true influence is revealed, our lives are pulled off onto a clotted path that, after we have hacked away the foliage that has littered it, has left us dead-ended at the end of an accidental indent in the forest floor.

So what exactly is necessary to do to deal with coincidences? Maybe it is to see them as miracles, in their own way, and to do little more than appreciate them in their glory. Maybe we use them as a filter through which to view our past and, in that way, we do seek to course-correct an inconsistency that appears as a result. Maybe we see them as the epitome of art: a jumble of pulp that has arisen of excess and risen to the level of innate significance.

Directive or indirective, they are simply external factors, and should probably be kept as such. It is up to you to decide.

13. There is strength in numbers.

But not in the way that you think. No. In the context I am getting at, I am referring to the influence of an individual work, that is "secretly" one of numerous works held under one banner. If you write ten stories, and set them all in the same Universe, and someone reads the seventh in the series without having read the previous six, won't they be experiencing a tale that has allusions and roots and an ambience they don't even know how to substantiate yet? In essence, each successive installment is both an individual work as well as individual piece, is it not? The difference comes not in the writing, but the feeling that is experienced. Think about it for a moment.


Heart, mind, and soul walk into a room together.

Through the glass, and far beyond, is the change that is sure to come.

The heart takes the seat closest to the door, planting itself half-heartedly beside the table. It's gaze skirts the far horizon line as it lies in wait for mind and soul to claim their places.

The mind runs to the center of the room and begins to dance, spinning around, taking it all in, showing off all it may. The heart begins to stir in its way, but doesn't leave its post.

The soul surveys the scene at hand, seeing through both heart and mind, and the scene within, around, and beyond. As the elder of the group, it has known this room countless times before, and has found its own home on the sidelines. With amusement it dreams for them, as dreams were the steps that had brought it here now.

And somewhere, far beyond....


About the Creator



Hello all! I am an aspiring vocalist, filmmaker + writer. I hope you gain something personal + inspiring from my work here. You are also welcome to subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Ad-Libbing With The Zman.

Thank You!



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