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Top tips: Create two articles a month and earn over $2500

How to earn money through article writing

By DGS HEALTHPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Top tips: Create two articles a month and earn over $2500
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Everyone wants an easy, quick, and safe way to earn bucks, am I right? I have seen that writers who join the partner program after gaining 100 or more followers and fulfilling all other requirements begin thinking that it is easy to get money out of the medium. You are probably one of them. You must have heard the success stories of top writers like Tim Denning, Sinem gunnel, and Zulie Rane and think that you can earn money as much as they do.

If you also think that you can do you are right but it needs hard work to read the success stories of those people who did. If you think that just publishing a few engaging stories will make you able to earn big I am sorry you are with the wrong understanding it won’t work.

I have remembered the time when I joined the platform months ago. I was blank; I didn’t know what to write and where to get reads from. I used to cover different niches, some of which were not in my expertise. Still, I experimented a lot and then realized that having a definite audience in mind is very important.

Making $2000 or more a Month

Let me admit that making $2500 or more a month is possible only if you remember two things: consistency and patience. I have published over 400 articles and up to 2k stories are saved as drafts. Do you think I achieved these results overnight? No, it is not, it takes freelance writers and sometimes years to get such results.

Your efforts will appear as your earnings per month, and this is the result of my hard work and dedication to the platform. In this article, I want to teach you about dedication for success or earning big bucks these methods do support any shortcuts for gaining quick success.

What do you need to earn $2500?

I love reading the articles that claim that they are earning thousands of bucks. I also love people sharpening their monthly or daily earnings and starts in the form of screenshots, but only a few tell what a newcomer has to do. I want to take the responsibility of giving a few quick and effective tips. So Let’s get started.

Before starting writing you need to choose a niche or certain key words topic where you are comfortable writing your thought or able to give detailed information and they start targeting your audience with high quality of the article.

Take good care of your tags and don’t get obsessed with stats Frustrated.

Publish, publish, and publish, you want to achieve your dream then don’t stop publishing new fresh stories these efforts will come to light as you build up a big library for relevant content on particular keywords. Your bigger library your story will attract your customer for you and you will get big money as the result of your hard work and efforts but these all will take the time it may be months or years. It depends on your dedication

Don’t worry about duration and big publications. They may or may not benefit you.

Keep continuing with your efforts and finally, you will see that you have achieved your goal and people will say that he is a successful person.


No one doesn’t want to earn more, if you are thinking so it is not bad but thinking that being overnight is only a dream. Big success needs big preparation and you have to follow all the steps which are mentioned above to earn $2000 or more within a month on this platform it needs time and patience. Dedication is the key to success for every field of life and those who know the meaning of dedication fulfill their dreams in life.

Getting rich and earning big money is possible but it depends on your hard work and continues efforts for your success. Thinking that doing or repeating for a certain time is not the guarantee for success it needs dedication like a crane.

In simple words, if you want to learn dedication how work you need to visit some seashore and watch carefully how cranes stare for fish and how they get success, these are a natural example to teach anyone how to achieve success in their life.


About the Creator


Hello friends, I am DGS health's content writer and mostly write woman-related information and stories we need your support for publishing better stories and information, keep connected with us: for more information: visit us at DGS Health

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