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The Next Chapter

Journeys Beyond

By Uttaran NaskarPublished about a year ago 5 min read

The next chapter in my life was about to begin, fast forward to the current day, I found myself having an inevitable return towards the foreground of the paranormal. I never thought I'd do it. Every time I returned, I feared it would take me out of my normal life practices and keep me very isolated. But as times come to pass, we realise how important the basic, "The Missing Basic" , really is. I wondered if it would be awkward for me to tell me about these secret practices I did. It wasn't illegal, it was considered just a bit out of the ordinary. What is the key to achieving success? You guessed it... Doing the "out of ordinary" tasks and breaking beyond perceived limits of the human ecosystem. For I knew, human beings were Unlimited.

It was a very boring start, failures after one another, and me failing to get into the state of mind to perform some spiritual practices. Needless to say, I wasn't prepared for this shift of consciousness. It was radical and extraordinary to say the least. For me, when I read about the authors who did what I was trying to do, was very encouraging. But I also, got jealous. Jealous of the fact that how could they have done it so easily. It was indeed a mystery. Alongside jealousy, came something very serious and dangerous... Curiosity and intrigue. I was fascinated by these types of phenomena and their underlying mechanisms and processes. How could one go into an altered state of mind, at will, at an instant, in a flash! It was derogatory on my health as it frustrated me more than anything. I recall very broadly, I seemed to be lost in trying to gather myself. At times, I felt lonely, and felt like giving up. But could I?

It seemed time had taken a toll on me. "NO!" Giving up wasn't an answer for me. I had to find the "science", if you will, behind these events. I searched on the endless sea of internet videos, sites on the web, and asking my friends for an explanation of what was happening to me and how I could possibly recreate those experiences and possibly reproduce them at will. Factually, all the experiences I had were spontaneous. Every time I tried to produce them at will, I either failed or got close to the point of success, but didn't go past it. These were the times of the hardships one can have that bind one by chains. I was looking for a way out! But was there any?

Shortly after two weeks of troubleshooting almost as if a man was swimming in a sea full of broken debris, I stumbled across a situation. One time, on a hot May day, terrorized by the summer heat, I lay down to have a quick nap. Familiar sensations of vibrations and loud ringing in my ears began. I recognised this sensation, and immediately, set to work. After about five to seven minutes of strolling through the vibrations, I had the urge of rolling out of my physical body. Did so, and landed on the floor. No matter the circumstances, these experiences weren't strange for me, as I had been there before. After landing, saw the room around me. "Looks like a blue camera filter over everything! This is awkward..." The world or the room around me had a bluish filter almost as a sheet of thin translucent paper. I walked around, and proceeded to the stairs by exiting through the doorway. While coming down the flight of stairs, I noticed a man, coughing and suffering through a severe illness, possibly lung disease. How did I know? I did, I just did. I asked "what's wrong young man?" "Nothing just some bad habits."-he replied. "What bad habits? I don't understand!" "Yeah, I used to smoke with my friends every weekend, got a bit too into it."-He replied. "Must have been a great time?- I added. "No, not at all, I knew it was killing me, but I didn't stop. Had an addiction, like humans do." I asked - "Wait... Aren't you human too?" "Nah, not by a long shot! I come from a place very similar to yours, it's just like your physical world, what you call the Earth."- he added. "You mean another planet?" - i was intrigued. "No, just outside the edge of the universe." - he didn't have to move his mouth, the communication was telepathic. I felt shocked, but also this led me to think to myself, maybe there are some "other" planets containing life. We may not be the only ones. After a few minutes of conversation, he told me " I have to go now, must've phased in and out by mistake." I asked him what he meant by "phasing"? -"Oh, it's what you people call Astral projection.""Only difference is, we have an easier time phasing in and out, but you humans, need to learn a lot, some do not, but most do." I was baffled by the ease with which he said these words, almost as if it was second nature for him to move in and out of different states of consciousness. After about fifteen minutes of estimated conversation time, he faded. I too, felt a calling back to my body, as if it was time to get back to reality. Woke up and checked the clock, it was 4 o'clock, I went to take a nap at 3:58 as I wrote it down. "Just 3 minutes? Huh? Isn't that interesting!" Time felt like fifteen to twenty minutes, but looking at the clock made me retract that statement. Perhaps time dilation is a thing.

Following this encounter, I had an urge to learn, about the ways human beings can meditate and move in and out of different states of consciousness. The ease with which my non physical friend, phased in and out, really made me feel inferior. I thought I was crazy, apparently there are crazier stuffs than me. What if human beings could use this process to aid scientific development. It would not be easily accepted into mainstream science, not so easily. But what were the possibilities, the opportunities? I was yet to find out. We have come a long way in terms of human evolution. What we accept as truth is barely the actual truth. What we perceive may just be the outer layer of this vast thing called consciousness. One thing is certain, consciousness exists BEYOND space and time. It is non local. It is not fixed to a single place or time. It exists across all space and time. This begs the question, what is real? And if anything is even real? Or just a layer of deception! I do not know for certain. But as these occult practices get fused into modern mainstream pragmatic approaches, we might get a definite answer which may not be so definite at varying points of time. We are only left with the option of speculation as time progresses. We cannot say for sure. What is reality? I do not know... All I can say, it can be anything from a dead grandmother talking to you on call on a sudden occasion, to your deceased puppy appearing in your backyard. The spectrum of possibilities are endless. For we, have just scratched the surface.

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