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The Law of Attraction-The Immutable Law of Marketing

Let us learn the use law of attraction in marketing

By Dr. Yogesh Kumar Published 3 years ago 4 min read
The Law of Attraction-The Immutable Law of Marketing
Photo by Headway on Unsplash

The law of attraction can be defined as: "The power of letting go of what you don't want." In business this may mean: "Don't worry about the competition, just focus on the prospects you do want to work with." The concept is simple enough, but how do you use the law of attraction in your marketing campaigns? Let's talk about some techniques.

The Law of Focus in Marketing

The first principle of the law of focus is: You create your own target market. The belief you hold to be able to narrow the focus of your product or service to a very specific niche will literally narrow the scope of who you are marketing to. Why are you focusing on your niche? What are the possible demographics who might be interested in what you have to offer?

Power of Forgetting

By using the "power of forgetting" to create a new niche for yourself you are not focusing on everyone, just the people you know and want to work with. If you are an internet marketer and you have a product to sell, say golf, then you know that it will be of interest to some people if you also had some information on golf basics. You wouldn't say, for example, that your brand is for new players. You would focus on the new golfer, the golfer looking for more information about their game, or the golfer who is ready to take their game to the next level.

How to Use Law of Attraction?

This same concept works in email marketing. When you use the power of email to communicate with your list, you are communicating to the people who are most likely to buy your product. If you've been sending sales messages to the auto-responder, chances are good that you have been marketing to people who have an interest in your niche. You might be sending out sales messages about golf basics to another company's list, but that doesn't mean that they are interested in golf. They may just be reading a list to see if they fit your target demographic.

Problems in Email Marketing

The problem with email marketing and email campaigns is that you are trying to reach everyone, but in doing so you are only reaching those people who have picked up your email or at least read one of your emails. The power of a one-word headline is that it can narrow down your list to anyone who has shown an interest in what you have to offer. How do you find someone who is interested in a product like yours? The answer is simple, you send them to your main email.

The Law of Attraction says that people tend to get what they focus on. The same goes for building your list. If you send emails about golf to people who don't care about golf, they probably won't act on the information. But if you send out emails about golf to those who already own a set of clubs and spend a fair amount of time playing, they are more than likely to act on the information. If your single word focus is on learning how to play golf better, then you will find many golfers who will act on your invitation. The power of focusing on a small, specific, single word attraction is to turn prospects into customers.

So how do you turn prospects into customers? The answer is simple: win them over! The Law of Focus states that you want to attract what you are trying to get away from. In other words, if your competitor is saying, "you are wasting money buying products," instead of saying, "I would like to win you over because I believe in the Law of Attraction," your competitor is going to have trouble getting over that fact and trying to win you over.


The power of the Law of Attraction is at its best when you understand that the laws are about matching vibrations. Vibes are like colors on a page. When you use the power of the laws of attraction with this one particular marketing idea, it will help you focus on the single word "win" and bring others to you. This will help you make sales.

For more understanding read The law of attraction


About the Creator

Dr. Yogesh Kumar

As an esteemed pharmaceutical scientist and genetic toxicologist, I am dedicated to pioneering advancements in drug delivery systems and therapeutic solutions, with a deep-rooted passion for innovation in genetic toxicology.

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