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The Evaluation

Work Evaluation or Individual Growth?

By Sarah BlainPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Every six months, my workplace gives each employee work evaluations that are written by the department manager. I recently passed one year in my current workplace. I work in a bakery as a bakery clerk. I do like my job because each day is different, but the work can be mind-numbing at times.

My year evaluation was from a manager that I have only work with since last October. It’s been slow getting to know her. She intimidates me because she has this strong personality and will not take any nonsense from anyone. I respect her, but I feel like I’m walking on eggshells around her at work. This does not mean she is a bad person though.

Customer Services

I’m good with customers. I have my customer service voice and flash my innocent smile at unsuspected people who come in the bakery. They do not know what I’m truly thinking or how easily exhausted I can get after some time.

My work relationship with my coworkers is also positive. It is easy being around my coworkers, which makes me relax when I become anxious. One of the coworkers even likes when I have a new dad joke up my sleeve, ready to make everyone cringe.

My manager has told me this is my strongest skill. I can connect with another person easily when I’m not in my head. Everyone should be shown respect, even if that respect is not reciprocated back. I get at least one rude customer a day, but that does not mean everyone who comes in will be rude. At times, I let that one rude person get to me, but then I remember I should not lash out at the uninvolved people.

Hands-On Learner

If you gave me a simple math problem right now, without pen or paper, I would just stare at you, dying inside. My learning style is hands-on. I need to see it and do the thing before I can get a better grasp of said problem. For example, when I write on cakes, I need to either write the name down or get the name repeated.

In my evaluation, it has been noticed that if I am shown how to do something and I perform said task, I do not need to assist again. That does not go for everything. It took a few shifts to be able to close the bakery at night, but I got it eventually. My job consists of getting new products and new ways of how to bake, package and display the products. I’m always learning something new, but It may take me some time to understand it.

It is okay to ask a question and need assistance at work because it is okay to learn new things. It is sometimes hard to accept that you are wrong and maybe be embarrassing for knowing so little. Change and learning come unexpected, but it is nothing to fear. I struggle with new things all the time, but I believe looking at the bigger picture of the situation can broaden points of view. It is like looking into a kaleidoscope, with its ever-changing colors and shapes. There is never the same outcome in the end.


Let’s talk about the negatives. In the last six months, I have 14 tardiness on my record. I’m not a morning person. The night is when I’m more awake. Right now, it is a little past one a.m. and I’m not tired. This means morning shifts are my downfall. I’ve had two counseling sessions in the year that I have worked because of my tardiness. It is my curse and my manager knows it. I have gotten a lot better recently with being tardy.

Problem-solving Problems

As a flawed human, I can say that I’m easily distracted all the time. My mind can be one task, then I get pulled away from that and I forget what I was doing before. This has been noticed heavily by my manager.

She said during the evaluation reading, that she knows I’m smart, but I leave my work unfinished a lot. It is all because I get distracted by one thing. Then I move on to another thing, then I get distracted again. And on and on it goes. When some else says something like this, my first thought is that I am not surprised about this. In the back of mind, I know I flitter about without really getting anything done.

Her tip for me is to time myself. She says that I should estimate how much time one thing is going to take and double that time. That way if I can get it done before the time I come up with, then I can move on to the next task quickly. It would be like I accomplish something and finish it.


In the words of my manager: “She second-guesses herself when making decisions, but her first instinct is usually correct.”

It is good to know someone is trying to help me be a better person and build a stronger work ethic.

Wish me luck,



About the Creator

Sarah Blain

I am Sarah. I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Journalism. I am a novice voyager in this world called Adultism. I want to expand my writing and make my name in this world. Hopefully, inspire a few people too.

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