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The Character Before The Mantle

Before the Mantle

By ALBERT MUSHIEPublished 6 months ago 4 min read
The Character Before The Mantle
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash


Mantles, the catalysts propelling accomplishments in the Kingdom of God, signify the God kind of life known as Zoe. Without the spirit, living up to divine standards becomes challenging. Elisha, although capable of visions and revelations, maintained humility before his master Elijah. Silent about Elijah's departure, Elisha's commendable character before the mantle serves as an emulation worthy pattern. This article delves into Elisha's character, unveiling the layers of spiritual significance and maturity, offering guidance to mantle seekers (2 Kings 2:1-10).

Defining the Mantle in Acronyms:

Let's define the mantle using the acronym M.A.N.T.L.E:

M: Mastery in the desire of the Anointing

A: Assurance in the giver of grace

N: Nurturing the gift

T: Tenacious in pursuit of the gift

L: Learning through process

E: Endurance in adversity

1. The Man of Vision:

Vision, a force behind great achievements, is crucial in guaranteeing greatness in the Kingdom of God. Elisha, positioned before divine responsibilities, showcases visionary qualities. His journey intertwines with obedience, servanthood, loyalty, commitment, dedication, and surrendering to God's plan.

2. The Man of Determination and Consistency:

Elisha, preparing diligently before his master, exemplifies determination and consistency. His journey reflects biblical patterns applicable in our time, emphasizing that determination and consistency played a vital role in acquiring spiritual power. This emulating character expository shows how Elijah passed his mantle to Elisha, symbolizing the transference of spiritual authority for the persistent soul. This narrative invites readers to reflect on the biblical patterns that rise within the character's journey, which is also obtainable in our days and time. The determination and consistency played a vital role in his acquisition of spiritual power. He left no stone unturned but went all out, with all resoluteness, to take hold of the anointing.

3. The Diligent Man:

Before the mantle, Elisha's life transcends mere character, showcasing spiritual discipline and diligence. A diligent character is a prerequisite, as mantles require hard work, making them conduits for God's transformative work. Elisha's diligence in service, prayer, and study stands as a model. He worked hard on his character, commitment and discipline, never to go ahead of his master like Gehazi who corrupted his way. A mantle without consistent character leads to self destruction and chaos. Before the Mantle fell Elisha was diligent man, it denotes that the mantle does not fall on lazy people. The mantle In essence, a conduit for God's transformative work in the lives of many believers and requires hard work. Anyone desiring the anointing must work hard to obtain it. Diligent in service, prayer, word, holiness, discipleship, training, etcetera. Elisha was not a lazy man, he went all the way from Gilgal to Bethel and from Bethel to Jericho and then from Jericho to Jordan without any sign of weariness or complaining. Mantles are looking for the diligent individuals.

4. Teachable Spirit:

Character before the mantle reveals the chosen vessel's attitude. Elisha's teachable spirit, seen in his commitment to learn from the prophet, emphasizes that mastery is achievable through study, learning, and practice. A teachable spirit is vital for becoming a vessel of honor. In 2Kings 2:8,14; 5:20-27, He was not tired of learning until he obtain mastery through careful study of his master. The teachable spirit is what is required for an individual to become a living testimony and a source of inspiration for others.

5. The Undistracted:

Mantle carriers must lead focused lives. Elisha's undistracted focus reflects the complexities of the Christian walk. A narrow, self denying lifestyle focused on a singular purpose is necessary for mantle seekers. His spiritual journey reflects the uneasy path of the believer. Mantle seeker must remain discipline, focused, resolute, consistent and persist in their approach for the anointing before it can find its expression in their lives.

6. The Man of Sacrifice:

Elisha's sacrifice, giving up his business and livelihood for the anointing, emphasizes that everything worth achieving requires sacrifice. The narrative encourages reflection on the sacrificial nature of discipleship and God's redemptive transformative power.

7. The Man of Desire:

Desire, an essential component for significant achievements, is seen in Elisha's quest for the double portion of the spirit. His request, "Give me the double portion of your spirit," highlights that the desire of the righteous is granted. Desire is the fuel for all passion and drive. Without desire the anointing cannot be obtain.

8. The Man of Divine Secrets:

Mantle seekers must be carriers of divine secrets acquired from the secret place of prayer. Elisha's quietness about prophetic insights, a form of keeping divine secrets, emphasizes the importance of quietness and secrecy for mantle seekers. Elisha had the ability to keep quiet at the face of pressure and treasured every divine secrets till the time appointed.


In the Christian journey, understanding the character before the mantle is vital for those seeking spiritual authority. Elisha's character, serving as a guide, reflects the transformative power of faith, obedience, discipline, persistence, consistency, and divine calling. As readers reflect on these principles, they are encouraged to consider their own journeys and how these character traits can contribute to their spiritual upliftment. The character before the mantle serves as a timeless guide for those earnestly seeking the anointing in their walk with God.


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