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The Best Side Hustles You Can Begin Without Spending Any Money

Starting a side hustle to help you pay your bills on a monthly basis can be a great idea. It could make life easier for you and your family, as well as help you deal with unexpected expenses.

By AndeutPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Thanks to your side gig, you might be able to afford a great vacation. You might perhaps go to that posh restaurant down the street that you’ve always wanted to try.

It’s never been easier to supplement your income with a side business, and you should take advantage of it! We polled various experts to find out what the ideal side business to start with no money is. Let’s get started!

The Best Side Hustles You Can Begin Without Spending Any Money

#1 Creating show notes for a podcast

A side hustle, especially in the online era, is an excellent way to get experience. Take a sheet of paper and split it into three columns: My Skills, What I Enjoy, and My Network, in that order. Fill in the slots in each column with your answers, and then look for a side gig that includes all three and could earn you money. Continue to test and experiment with your concept before getting started. Use the Lean Startup method to guarantee that your side hustle is on the right track.

For example, I can write, I like to listen to podcasts, and my network is the online blogging community. My side hustle is writing show notes for other bloggers who have podcasts.

#2 Use Pinterest in conjunction with affiliate marketing.

Learn everything you can about Pinterest if you don’t have a budget but want to augment your income. While starting a blog can be costly, starting a Pinterest side business can cost as little as $0. You can create a free business account, utilise Canva to create beautiful images, and schedule Pins with Tailwind. If you join strong affiliate programmes and pin consistently, you can make your first affiliate sale without even having a blog.

#3 If you know how to drive, you can earn money.

My buddy is a takeout delivery guy. He works from 5 p.m. to 12 a.m. three nights per week. He earns £90 per night, plus a free supper, thanks to a combination of a fixed hourly rate, an additional payment per delivery, and tips.

So, for 21 hours of work, that’s an extra £270 each week (with the free meal!).

You can recoup all the tax if you put some or all of it into your pension.

#4 I’m a huge fan of surprise shopping!

I enjoy mystery shopping since it is one of those side hustles that requires no initial commitment. You must choose employment that do not require you to purchase something up front but reimburse you afterwards; nonetheless, there are always plenty of options. In the United Kingdom, selling your smartphone photographs through specific apps is a growing side business. You don’t have to spend any money, and you get to choose which images to sell and hope someone buys them!

#5 It’s a fantastic idea to host international students.

Hosting foreign language students is one of the most cost-effective ways I’ve found to make additional money. You can earn roughly £150 extra per week if you have a spare room with a desk and are willing to share meals with your visitors, depending on where you live. It’s also a true family affair.

My teenage daughter became such good friends with one of our Italian students that they have met up multiple times and text each other on a regular basis after five years. It allows you to meet interesting young people from all around the world and learn about their cultures while they become immersed in yours. If you check online, you’ll find a number of organisations that are looking for host families.

#6 Make a tiny affiliate website to supplement your income.

There are several “offline” ways to generate a side income without spending money, from dog walking to pizza delivery to selling goods people give away for free in classified advertisements. The flexibility and possibilities of earning a side income “online,” on the other hand, cannot be equaled.

Start little surveys for extra money, or hunt for internet jobs such as transcription or ESL tutoring. However, I did it in a slightly different way. In my spare time, I used free online tools like Wealthy Affiliate to build simple websites that cost next to nothing to create, received free traffic from search engines and social media, and were then monetized through ad revenue, affiliate sales, and CPA (cost per action) deals. Even if you take weeks off or make up your own schedule and do what I enjoy doing every day: driving my kids to school, this method takes more time, but the end result is a significantly greater income.

#7 You should take advantage of internet tutoring!

One of my favourite low-cost side hustles is online teaching. If you have a skill that you can contribute, it’s worth checking into.

Several companies are looking for tutors, and you will be contacted by them.

You’ll be given all of the software you’ll need to communicate with your students.

This side hustle appeals to me because it can be easily customised.

It’s something you can do after the kids have gone to bed, during your lunch break, or before going to work.

#8 Pursue your fondest fantasies

Creating a side business is an exciting notion. You’re essentially looking for a way to supplement your income, and if you’re being honest, you’re hoping that your side hustle will grow into something much larger, allowing you to leave your day job and pursue something you enjoy.

Why not try to live out your wildest goals if you’re going to be side hustling on weekends and evenings? What is something you’ve always wanted to accomplish but haven’t had the opportunity to do?

#9 To maximise income, look at several revenue streams.

If you’re considering of starting a blog and making money from sponsored material, don’t stop there.

I also do affiliate marketing and am currently working on a book with a starter course (which I hope to sell as part of the book package) to supplement my passive income. When you diversify your revenue streams, you ensure that even if one of them fails, you will still be able to make a living.

Make as many of your income streams as passive as possible so you can focus on the parts of your business that require your attention — for me, it’s writing articles for parenting magazines. Creating a book and a course in my field allows me to continue to generate revenue while working on other important elements of my company.

#10 Provide a service or a problem-solving solution.

One of my least favourite sayings is, “You have to spend money to make money.” That is not the case at all!

Starting a firm that provides a service or a solution to a problem is great.

Consider cleaning; you can begin by simply offering your services for ironing or weekly housecleaning; chances are, you already have an iron at home, and the people who need their house cleaned already have a hoover and supplies you can use; they just don’t want to do it themselves, and you are the solution!

Many elderly folks, for example, have a lawnmower in their shed but are unable to use it; fix this problem by visiting them and executing the task for them!

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